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International News (601)


The Jakarta Provincial Government, together with the British Embassy, ​​officially launched a Covid-19 health data center in Jakarta. The new project is named, LaporCovid-19, to improve public health data funded by the UK.

Owen Jenkins, British Ambassador to Indonesia and Timor Leste said the LaporCovid-19 program would cover the provinces of Jakarta, West Java, and East Java.

"The support from the British government for LaporCovid19, worth £56,000 or around Rp 987 million to carry out data management in collaboration with the regional government. So far we have collaborated with Jakarta, East Java, and West Java," said Mr. Owen Jenkins in a webinar in Jakarta, on Thursday.

This support is expected to facilitate collaboration and processing of Covid-19 patient data and the impact that may arise from various aspects. So that it can handle the Covid-19 pandemic case quickly and integrated.

Meanwhile, Jakarta Governor Anies Rasyid Baswedan also emphasized the transparency of the ReportCovid-19 program.

LaporCovid-19 is a platform for reporting public data and disseminating health information in handling Covid-19.

As part of a digital access program in collaboration with the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and local government involvement. (RRI)





The economy's return to pre-pandemic levels will take longer than generally anticipated, the chief of Deutsche Bank warned on Wednesday. The economy's return to pre-pandemic levels will take longer than generally anticipated, the chief of Deutsche Bank warned on Wednesday. The grim outlook from one of Germany's top bankers comes as many countries in Europe and beyond see rising coronavirus infection rates and governments grapple with how to respond. Chief Executive Officer Christian Sewing forecast that the economy would not return to normal this year or next year, and that many sectors will be running at 70per cent-90per cent capacity, with "serious consequences"//CNA




None of the UN Security Council member states have introduced a resolution to continue sanctions relief with respect to Iran after the expiration of the deadline to do so, UN Security Council president for the month of September Abdou Abarry told reporters on Tuesday (Sept 1).August 31 was the deadline to put forward a UN Security Council resolution to extend the sanctions relief with respect to Iran - ten days after the formal notification of Iran's significant non-performance with the 2015 nuclear agreement was sent by the United States.On August 20, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sent a letter to the UN Security Council, then the Council’s President Dian Triansyah Djani requesting the invoking of the nuclear agreement’s snapback sanctions mechanism under UN Resolution 2231.Pompeo said the United States, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, will use its veto power to prevent such document from being adopted to extend sanctions relief.However, Djani said last week that he was not able to take further action regarding the United States’ attempt to re-impose all United Nations sanctions against Iran.The majority of the UN Security Council members, including Russia, China, France, Germany, South Africa and the United Kingdom, said they would not support the United States' move to snapback sanctions on Iran, since the United States unilaterally withdrew from the nuclear agreement in 2018//Sputnik





Health authorities in New South Wales, Australia had confirmed 13 new coronavirus infections, while restriction for residents on the New South Wales-Victorian border has been eased. There were 14,815 tests completed during the reporting period and NSW has now recorded 3,874 cases. Prime Minister Gladys Berejiklian announced the easing of restrictions for residents and businesses on the NSW-Victorian border on Tuesday (Sept 1), which will come into force on Friday.

"Pleasingly, having obviously heard the sustained concerns of the community, and seeing the rates of infection in Victoria decline, from this Friday the border region, will be extended to that initial 50 kilometres on either side of the border. Service new south wales and the community has a few days to adjust to that. We want to make sure that unlike the previous changes we gave as much notice as possible so people will started to planning a hit" PM said. 

PM Gladys Berejiklian added that she was hesitant to ever close the border and did not want it closed for a day longer than necessary but there had been some difficulty in getting up-to-date information on transmission and testing rates in Victoria, which prevented the border from opening.

"I was very hesitant in closing the border but we won’t be hesitant, we won’t leave a day longer then we need to. But we have to make sure it’s the right thing to do at the right time and it’s in order to make sure we keep the community save.  What we’ve done in all stages during the pandemic especially in the last 6 or 7 weeks is make sure we didn’t go down the path with victoria. And that’s why we work overtime because now eventhough I know its frustating for the people in this community, think of the alternative which would be had we had to shut down New South Wales none of us will be moving around as freely as we are. Bussines won’t be able to do anything. And so as difficult as it’s been, please know the government decission, my decission was coming from a place of good intention and offcourse as I said we won’t leave the border closed for a day longer then we need to" She said

At present, Victorian border residents with permits to enter NSW must stay within a 2.5km zone but that will now be extended back to the original 50km either side of the border introduced in July. The NSW Government would be closely watching transmission in Victoria over the next fortnight, but could not yet give a timeline on when NSW would open completely to Victoria//ABC AUS



India's economy contracted sharply in the three months to the end of June, official data shows. As stated by Monday (31/8) it shrank by 23.9%, its worst slump since the country started releasing quarterly data in 1996. The coronavirus pandemic and a grinding lockdown caused massive disruptions to economic activity during the quarter. Experts fear that India is staring at a recession - that will happen only if it reports contraction in the next quarter as well, which experts say is likely. A country is considered to be in recession if it reports contraction for two successive quarters. India was last in recession in 1980, its fourth one since independence//BBC



Spain has registered more than 23,000 new COVID-19 cases since Friday, health emergency chief Fernando Simon told a news conference on Monday, suggesting the infection rate had declined slightly from an Aug. 21 peak. As stated by on Monday(31/8), Health ministry data showed 2,489 new cases were diagnosed in the past 24 hours, bringing the total since the onset of the pandemic to 462,858. With the new academic year fast approaching and Spain registering the highest number of cases in western Europe, Simon sought to assuage fears that schools could turn into vectors for mass contagion. He said if the appropriate safety measures are applied, the probability of transmission is negligible//Reuters



The European Commission said it would contribute 400 million euros ($478 million) to an initiative led by the World Health Organization to buy COVID-19 vaccines, but did not clarify whether EU states would acquire shots through the WHO scheme. As stated by Monday (31/8) the COVAX initiative aims to purchase for all countries in the world 2 billion doses of potential COVID-19 shots from several vaccine makers by the end of 2021. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO director-general, and Seth Berkley, head of the GAVI vaccine alliance, welcomed the financial support. Tedros said in a tweet “ Big thanks to the European Commision for their contribution to the COVAX facility and for standing firm on their commitment to multilateralism”. The Commission said on Monday that the EU financial support will be provided through guarantees//Reuters



Japanese  Prime Minister   Shinzo Abe explained his decision to resign in separate calls with US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, while also touching on a number of issues involving the countries that remain unresolved. As stated by the Monday (31/8)  during his 30-minute phone talks with Trump, Abe thanked him for helping to make the Japan-US relationship the strongest it has ever been. It was Abe's first phone call with a foreign leader since he abruptly announced his resignation on Friday, citing a relapse of ulcerative colitis, an intestinal disease that can cause stomach pain and diarrhea. Abe just a week ago achieved the longest uninterrupted stint as prime minister in the country's history//JP



Lebanese Ambassador to Germany, Mustapha Adib is poised to be designated prime minister on Monday after winning the support of major parties to form a new government facing a crippling financial crisis and the aftermath of the Beirut port explosion. He is set to be designated just ahead of a visit by French President, Emmanuel Macron, who is center stage in international efforts to press Lebanese politicians to address a crisis seen as the worst since the 1975-90 civil war.The previous government led by Hassan Diab quit on Aug 10 over the port blast in which a massive amount of unsafely stored chemicals detonated. The post of prime minister must go to a Sunni Muslim in Lebanon's sectarian system. Adib's candidacy won vital political backing on Sunday from former prime ministers including Saad al-Hariri, who heads the biggest Sunni party, the Future Movement//CNA



Head of the US Food and Drug Administration, Stephen Hahn raised the possibility in an interview published on Sunday (30/8) that a future vaccine against the coronavirus might be given emergency approval before the end of trials designed to ensure its safety and effectiveness. A request for such extraordinary approval would have to come from the vaccine developer. Three Western drugs makers are well along with their Phase 3 clinical trials, involving tens of thousands of participants. The three are AstraZeneca, which is partnering with Oxford University in England; Moderna, collaborating with the US National Institutes of Health, and the Pfizer/BioNTech alliance. Half of the participants in such trials receive an experimental vaccine, while the other half are given a placebo//CNA

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