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Tuesday, 02 January 2018 00:00

Today in History Featured

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 RRI VOI with Today's event in History January 2


Manila is  controlled by Japan.
In the Second World War, Japan launched an offensive attack into the Philippines, the US colony on December 8, 1941, just ten hours after their attack on Pearl Harbor. The initial aerial bombardment was followed by a landing of ground troops
 in the  north and south of Manila. The troops of the Philippines and the United States under the command of General Douglas MacArthur tried to hold the ground. However, as their troops lost to the Japanese, the  US and Philippine defense forces retreated to the Bataan Peninsula and to the island of Corregidor in Manila Bay. Manila fell into the hands of Japanese troops on January 2, 1942. On May 6, 1942, all the Philippines fell into the hands of Japanese troops.

1959, USSR Launches Luna-1 Unmanned Airplane to the Moon.

After successfully launching 
its  first spacecraft, Sputnik the Soviet space agency on January 2, 1959 launched the Luna-1 unmanned aircraft aimed at researching the moon. The aircraft carried radio transmitters, telemetry systems and a number of detection systems. According to the plan, after the aircraft completed a series of detection of space during flight, the plane was then directed to hit the surface of the moon. But, there was  failure of the control system so that the plane failed to reach the moon and finally into the orbiting position of the sun, thus making it as the first manmade object that orbited the sun at the position between Earth and Mars.

1962, Mandala Command for the liberation of West Irian was formed.

Mandala Command is a command formed by President Soekarno as commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia on January 2, 1962. The Mandala Command 
was based in Makassar, South Sulawesi with Major-General Suharto as Commander-in-Chief. Mandala's command duties were to plan, prepare, and conduct military operation to return West Papua to Indonesia, which was still controlled by the Dutch.

On January 12, 1962, Mandala Command mission was started. Thanks to the Mandala Command, Ellsworth Bunker, United States representative for the United Nations proposed the  Dutch-Indonesian problem to be brought to the negotiating table. On 15 August 1962, negotiations between Indonesia and the Netherlands were held at United Nations Headquarters in New York. Problems were  solved with West Irian back to Indonesian hands.


Read 2120 times Last modified on Tuesday, 09 January 2018 07:52