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Thursday, 26 April 2018 00:00

Paspampres Women as the Indonesian Women's Symbol of Defense and State Security

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President's guards President's guards

There was something interesting from the activity of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) yesterday. Usually, while attending the event, President Joko Widodo is surrounded by men of the presidential security guard - Paspampres. But when attending the inaugural ceremony event of the export of Mitsubishi Xpander in Tanjung Priok Port, North Jakarta, President Joko Widodo was seen surrounded by female members of the Paspampres. The women troops were alert to escort President Joko Widodo throughout the activity. Previously, at the Kartini Day event held at Monas in Central Jakarta, the female bodyguards were very alert and smart to protect President Joko Widodo.

Of course, there is a special reason why this time, women are assigned to safeguard President Joko Widodo. Deputy for Protocol, Press, and Media Secretariat of the President, Bey Machmudin said that the condition is indeed designed to commemorate ‘Kartini Day’, a day that symbolizes the struggle of equality of women's rights in Indonesia.

The opportunity for Indonesian women to enter in every profession is open enough. The proportion is getting increased. Looking at the Working Cabinet of President Joko Widodo, there are eight women who play a major role in his Cabinet Ministry. Now, Indonesian women have wide opportunities to uphold the sovereignty of the state, to maintain the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, and to protect the nation and the country from the threat and disturbance towards the unity of the nation and the country. The number and proportion of women members of the corps of the National Army and the Indonesian National Police are also increasing.

The presence of women security guards and law enforcement authorities is appreciated by President Joko Widodo. When chairing the joint marching of 10.000 women from Armed Forces -TNI, National Police –Polri and all woman components in commemorating ‘Kartini Day’, President Joko Widodo expressed his gratitude for their contribution in maintaining the defense and security of the country which continues to increase from time to time. He also affirmed that they have played a major and strategic role. Because, the people, the government, and the state need the women’s key role. In addition, Indonesian women play a unique role in providing a sense of security and excellent service to the community.

Actually, the presence of female presidential guards is not something new. They are always present in every state event, especially if First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo always attends an event. They are members of Paspampres Group A who have the duty of carrying out immediate physical security at close range at all times against the President and his family.

Read 2381 times Last modified on Friday, 27 April 2018 08:21