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Thursday, 11 January 2018 00:00

Today in History Featured

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Today in History maz Prie

January 11

1962, Mt.Huascarán in Peru slide.

Mt.Huascaran or Nevado is included of West Andes is the highest mountain in Peru and the fourth in South America. The height reachs 6,768 meter. On January 1962 million tons of snow, stone, mud and debris were slide from Mt.Huascaran. At least 2,000 persons died after the slide happened which immersed all villages on the mountain and some settlements in the Northwest of Peru. Ranrahirca village was totally destroyed. Only around 50 of 500 occupants were safe.  8 cities were collapsed due to the landslide.  


1992, President of Algeria, Chadli Bendjedid resigned.

Chadli Bendjedid from National Liberation Front, has been elected as president of Algeria since 1979. But in the time of his rule, economic situation of Algeria was continuously worsen. The situation made Algeria’s people were not satisfied on Bendjedid’s leadershipIn 1988, after happened various demonstrations aginst his rule, Bendjedid held reformation among other by giving liberation the establisment of the new parties. In 1989, party of Islamic Savior Front established and within short time succeeded to have a lot of members and also gained majority vote in general election 1991. But, military pushed Bendjedid to resign on January 11, 1992.


1995 Indosiar, an Indonesian private television began on air.

Indosiar is one of national private television in Indonesia. The station operates in West Jakarta. Indosiar began its broadcasting in form of trial brodcasting in November 1994. On the trial, Indosiar only performed list of its transmitter’s station. Indosiar was officially on air on January 11, 1995. In its broadcasting, Indosiar stressed on culture.



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