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Kartini Beach is a beach tourism attraction located in Bulu Village, Jepara, Central Java. This beach is located 2.5 km west of the pavilion of the Jepara Regent's Office. This area with an area of 3.5 hectares is a strategic one, because it is also a sea transportation route to the Karimunjawa National Marine Park tourism attraction. According to the local people, the name Kartini comes from the beginning of the Dutch colonization on which at that time, Jepara was led by a regent named Sosrokartono one of his daughters was named Kartini. Kartini is a national hero who fought for the emancipation of Indonesian women.  From this history, the local government then decided to name Kartini beach for this tourism destination.

Kartini Beach has many attractions. Every corner of this tourism destination is very instagramable, making tourists want to capture the beauty on the beach. At the beach, visitors can also just sit in the Gazebo, breathe the fresh air of the sea breeze while enjoying food and drinks. At Kartini Beach, tourists can also enjoy the beauty of the sunrise and sunset. Those who want to spend the night with friends can also set up a tent on the beach.  Kartini Beach also has Kura-kura Ocean Park which is a favorite on this beach.  Tourists can explore and discover  various information about underwater habitats in Indonesia. In addition to the giant turtle statue that is interesting to photograph, Kura-Kura Ocean Park has two floors that can be a means of educating children to get to know the various habitats that exist under the sea.

The location of Jepara Kartini beach can be reached approximately 10 minutes by motor vehicles from the downtown of Jepara. It can be visited every day, even on Fridays for free. The best time to visit Kartini beach is in the morning and afternoon.


Rejang Dance

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Published in Indonesian Wonder

Indonesia is hosting the 10th World Water Forum, the world's largest international water forum to be held on May 18-25, 2024 in Bali. During the 10th WWF event, delegates will visit the Jatiluwih tourist village.

The village will be decorated with manypenjor.Penjorare tall, curved bamboo stalks decorated with specially shaped young coconut leaves. In addition, delegates will also be welcomed with a traditional Balinese dance, the Rejang Dance, accompanied by tumbuk lesung traditional music.

Rejang dance is a traditional dance of the Balinese people. It is thought to have existed since the pre-Hindu era. This dance is performed as a sacred offering to welcome the arrival of the gods who descend to Earth.

Among the Balinese Hindu community, this Rejang Dance is always performed at various traditional and religious ceremonies held at the temple. It is also often performed to welcome guests. As one of the cultural heritages, this dance is also believed to have important values and spiritual meanings, so it is also believed to be a sacred dance and performed with full devotion.

This Rejang dance is usually performed by a number of female dancers in groups or in mass. In general, the movements of this Rejang Dance are very simple, because this dance focuses more on the spiritual value in it.

This Rejang Dance movement is usually dominated by ngembat and ngelikas movements or left and right movements while stepping forward slowly. Every movement in this dance is usually done with a tempo that tends to be slowly adjusted to the musical accompaniment.

This Rejang Dance performance is usually accompanied by Balinese gamelan music. The clothes of Rejang dancers are usually traditional Balinese clothes dominated by yellow and white colors equipped with a yellow shawl and flower crown.


Pacitan in East Java is famous for its caves and beautiful beaches. For beach tourism, Pacitan does have sandy beaches in the south coastal area, such as Klayar Beach, Buyutan, Kasap, and Watu Karung. These beaches are some examples of beautiful beaches in Pacitan.

There is also Soge beach that complements the beauty of Pacitan's south coast. Soge Beach is located in Sidomulyo Village, Ngadirojo District, Pacitan Regency, East Java. The distance from Pacitan City is about 30 kilometers with a driving time of approximately one hour.


Usually white sandy beaches are located a little further in, interestingly Soge Beach is located on the edge of the highway and this is an attraction in itself. Many tourists take pictures on the side of the highway with Soge beach as the background. The natural atmosphere of this beach is still very natural, the blue sea and the natural scenery around it are truly enchanting. The beach is very clean and the waves are quite large.

To enjoy the beauty of Soge beach, you have to pay an entrance ticket of 2,000 rupiah for children and 3,000 rupiah for adults. On weekends and holidays, the entrance ticket price is slightly different, it is 3,000 rupiah for children and 5,000 rupiah for adults. Ticket prices are subject to change at any time.


Traveling to Soge Beach, you can play in the sand, play in the water, swim, or even just sit under the coconut trees. Not only that, you can also go around the small lake using a speed boat rented by local fishermen.

For 15,000 rupiah, you can go around the lake several times. The lake is formed from sea water that does not fully return to the sea when the low tide phenomenon occurs, because there is a high sand dune.

In this place there is also the Soge Beach Blue Bridge. The construction of this bridge is very futuristic, with a curved pipe at the top that resembles a giant dome frame. You can take pictures with the background of this 50-meter-long bridge while enjoying Soge beach from the mouth of the river. There is also a gazebo for resting and several restaurants on the beach.

If you are visiting Pacitan, take your time to see the beauty of Soge Beach.


Almost all traditional snacks or cakes originating from Central Java province have a sweet taste. Apart from that, snacks from Central Java also have a simple shape but a tempting taste. In Jepara district, this sweet taste and simple form can be found in Moto Belong.

In Javanese, Moto Belong means glaring eyes. Indeed, its appearance is unique because it is shaped like an eye. It is made from cassava and other mixtures such as young coconut and banana.

Though Moto Belong means glaring eyes, it has attractive colors such as red, yellow and green which are quite tempting.

The origin of the name Moto Belong is taken from Javanese, namely moto means eyes, while belong means glare. The food is called Moto Belong because the shape of the snack resembles the shape of a bulging eye.

Apart from Moto Belong, this traditional Jepara snack is often pronounced Moto Blong. It is not served with coconut milk sauce like many other traditional snack, but is eaten with grated coconut. The ingredients for making Jepara's typical Moto Belong are cassava, salt, granulated sugar, grated young coconut, banana and vanilla as well as food coloring. Whole bananas that have been peeled are covered with smooth cassava dough that has been colored and then steamed until cooked.

The way to serve Moto Belong is quite simple, when it is cooked, just cut it into thin pieces so that the shape resembles an eye. Pieces or slices of Moto Belong are then mixed with grated coconut and added with a little sugar and salt to add a savory taste.

Moto Belong is one of Jepara's traditional snacks which is widely sold in traditional markets with prices starting from Rp. 5000.


Awur Beach

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Published in Indonesian Wonder

Jepara has a charming and exotic natural  wonder, especially its beaches. One of the beaches in Jepara that has a stunning attraction is Teluk Awur Jepara Beach. It is located not far from the downtown of Jepara, about 4 km to the south. Teluk Awur beach is located in Telukawur village, Tahunan subdistrict, Jepara Regency, Central Java.  The beach is an interesting destination to enjoy its natural beauty.    

Teluk Awur is truly an interesting destination to enjoy its natural beauty. Besides enchanting with its white sand and stunning sea beauty and clear water, this beach also offers a calm and clean atmosphere, and  creates a suitable place to play in the water or bask in the sun. This beach has characteristics that are particularly attractive to visitors. The waves are calm and the depth is quite shallow, allowing tourists to comfortably swim or play in the water.   The presence of mangrove trees along the beach also provides a cool and calming atmosphere. In addition, Teluk Awur beach also provides an area that can be used for various sports activities, such as soccer or beach volleyball.

For visitors who like challenges, can try exciting games, such as banana boat, jet ski and flying fish boat. Moreover, visitors can also enjoy stalls equipped with gazebos and create a comfortable place to relax and enjoy the view. You will also be spoiled with the charm of the most enchanting sunset on this Jepara beach. The mirage effect will make the western sky above the sea of Awur Bay appear orange or reddish yellow. You can also feel  the breeze and calm waves at Teluk Awur beach  which takes approximately 15 minutes to drive from the city center, creating a natural harmony that can calm the mind.

The best time to explore the beauty and interesting spots at Teluk Awur Beach is in the morning and evening. Another thing to remember is to bring a camera to capture the beauty at Teluk Awur Beach. If you want to experience the night atmosphere on Teluk Awur beach, you can spend the night around this beach.

On May 1 to 3, 2024, the people of Margoagung village in Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta Province, gathered to hold the Merti Desa Mbah Bregas tradition. During his lifetime, Mbah Bregas was known as one of the loyal followers of Sunan Kalijaga, who was tasked with spreading the message of Islam in the West Sleman region, especially Margoagung and its surroundings. He is also known for his strong, authoritative, and simple personality. Besides remembering Mbah Bregas, the tradition, which is held after the main harvest season, is also a form of gratitude for the abundant harvest and a prayer that future harvests will not be disturbed by any conditions.
Merti Desa Mbah Bregas tradition has been going on for generations since the Majapahit Kingdom era from the 12th to 15th century. The tradition also only takes place once a year, specifically Friday Kliwon in May. The Merti Desa Mbah Bregas events include a grand religious lecture, wayang dance, jathilan art performance, holy water collection, grave pilgrimage, grand kenduri (Javanese banquet), cultural carnival, and traditional ceremonial processions. The main event is the village clean-up and cultural carnival. The village cleaning procession was carried out in several places, such as a banyan tree known as Ringin Ngino as Mbah Bregas's place of meditation, Sendang Planangan which Mbah Bregas usually used in the past for daily life, Kramat as the meeting location for Mbah Bregas and Sunan Kalijaga, and Mbah Bregas grave.
The Merti Desa Mbah Bregas tradition begins with giving offerings to the banyan tree, Sendang Planangan, and Kramat, in the form of tumpeng or cone-shaped rice and traditional snacks. Taking the holy water from seven klenting (jugs) at Tirto Saptomulya Sendang Planangan, used to water the banyan tree in the ceremony, symbolizes revitalizing and preserving the surrounding nature and living culture. The ceremony continued with a pilgrimage to the grave of Mbah Bregas. Then it continues with performances of the cokekan, karawitan, and macapatan traditions.
At its peak, a carnival was held with the gunungan or mountain-like food structure, then a procession of ngalap berkah or seeking blessings was held by fighting over the mountains that had been carried and prayed for. The ceremony ended with reciting the Islamic holy book Al-Quran and closed with a night-long shadow puppet performance. The shadow puppet performance symbolizes honor for Sunan Kalijaga, by taking Islamic-based plays such as Jimat Kalimasada, Dewaruci, and Petruk Jadi Ratu.
Kalibiru is a tousim village in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. This tourism attraction, which is famous for its green landscape of mountains and the Sermo Reservoir, is located in the Menoreh Hills, which has natural conditions that are still very beautiful and cool. Initially, Kalibiru was a protected forest that used to have a lot of illegal logging, making the forest barren and arid. In 2008, the forest in Kalibiru was officially managed by the community aling with the Community Forest Utilization Permit.

In Kalibiru village, visitors can also see the view from the available viewing post. There are several viewing posts in the form of tree houses and viewing towers that can be used to enjoy high views. In additiin.   tourists can enjoy beautiful views of Kalibiru Tourism Village and it also provides several interesting tourism attractions, such as flying fox, outbound and tracking routes. The beautiful panorama of the Kalibiru Tourism Village is due to its elevation of around 450 meters above sea leve,l so that when the weather is clear, visitors can see views of Mount Merapi, Sermo Reservoir and the South Coast Range. The air is still clean and cool, which is also an option for visitors who want to relax from their busy daily lives.

The Kalibiru Tourism Village is also developing in the culinary and cultural fields, managed by the village community and tourism village management. The management involves residents, community leaders, youth and people who care about the village. To visit the Kalibiru natural tourism location, from  Yogyakarta City heading west about 34.8 kilometers with appoximately one hour. Next, when heading to the location, you can drive in the direction of the Wates-Yogyakarta road, Purworejo-Yogyakarta street.

When traveling to Lumajang, East Java, you must visit the tourist village of Pronojiwo. You can enjoy waterfall and river at the same time. It is located in Pronojiwo village, about 50 kilometers from the city center. Being in the tourist village of Pronojiwo, enjoy the beauty of two waterfalls there. There is Kabut Pelangi Waterfall.

Kabut Pelangi waterfall is sourced from the springs of Mount Semeru. The height of the waterfall is about 75 to 95 meters. It is named Kabut Pelangi, which means Rainbow Mist, because in the morning there is mist that forms a rainbow between two rocks in front of the waterfall. To reach this waterfall, you must first hike 1.4 kilometers. Then there is Kapas Biru Waterfall.  

This waterfall is a collection of streams that are above it. It is named Kapas Biru, which means Blue Cotton, because if you take a photo in this place, the waterfall will look like bluish cotton. The height of this waterfall reaches approximately 100 meters. In front of the waterfall there is a camping area for tourists who want to camp. To reach this waterfall, you also have to hike 1.3 kilometers from the parking lot.

In addition to waterfalls, Pronojiwo village also has the Sumber Telu river attraction. This spot is several springs from the river flowing under the cliff, above Kapas Biru Waterfall. Sumber Telu has clear and refreshing water. One of the beautiful photo spots is around the arrangement of stones that have been arranged, with the background of several springs that come out between the stones.

It is named "Sumber Telu" because there are many sources of water flow in this river. To get here, you have to hike about 300 meters from the parking lot. For those of you who want to stay overnight, in this tourist village there are homestays in the style of hotels or luxury resorts. There is an arrangement of small houses in this homestay area forming a circle with an aesthetic swimming pool in the center of the homestay courtyard. These modern small houses are rooms with complete facilities.


Banyumas Regency, which has the nickname as the regency of a thousand waterfalls,  has many waterfalls of tourism; one of which is Curug Gede located in Purwokerto, Ketenger Village, Baturaden Subdistrict, Banyumas Regency. It is also one of the most exotic natural tourism attractions, and it must be visited when visiting Banyumas Regency. In addition to the beautiful scenery, the cozy atmosphere makes visitors feel at home.

Gede waterfall, which has a height of 50 meters, has its own charm of natural beauty. Its location in the forest area, surrounded by hills and shady trees, such as pine trees and mountains  certainly makes the surrounding air cool and refreshing. The scenery is green, beautiful and very instagramable, especially if by using a camera. Visitors can take pictures while sitting on the rocks and playing in the water or taking pictures under the lush trees. They can also play along the waterfall. The river is quite shallow and the water is very refreshing.

Gede waterfall  tourism can also be an option for those of you who like camping. The area is quite large and supported by a calm atmosphere, of course, it will be very suitable for setting up tents. Here, you can also  enjoy togetherness while lighting a campfire and listening to the gurgling water from Curug Gede. If you like scenery and tranquility, this  Gede waterfall is a perfect place to calm your mind.  The tourism destination is open every day from Monday to Sunday, from 08.00 AM to 17.00 PM western time. The best time to visit this waterfall is in the morning, of course, when the weather is good.


If you travel to Magelang, Central Java,  you will see the magnificent Borobudur temple. However, Borobudur Temple is not the only interesting place to visit in the area. Not far from Borobudur Temple, there is a beautiful tourism village called Candirejo Tourism Village. Candirejo Tourism Village is located in Borobudur subdistrict, Magelang. Having a  panoramic view of Mount Menoreh, the village, which was originally a transit and stay place for tourists when going to Borobudur Temple, is now transformed into a new destination.


Candirejo tourist village is located on the slopes of the mountain. In the southern part of the village, there is a beautiful and green natural landscape called Menoreh Hills. If you want an exciting and different experience, please try hunting for sunrise views around the Menoreh Hills, precisely at a spot called Watu Kendil. In addition to hunting for amazing panoramas, while exploring this hill, you will also be introduced to the traditional farming system typical of the Menoreh community, namely intercropping. The intercropping farming system allows one land to be filled with not just one, but many types of plants. If you like a challenge, try offroad tours. Candirejo Tourism Village offers offroad tours through roads with hilly contours in the Menoreh region, crossing the Progo River, and ending at the Watu Kendil spot. Then for those of you who like fishing, in Candirejo Tourism Village there is a traditional fishing system using a trap called bronjong (net). Interestingly, the fishing location is in the river. You can feel a new and super exciting experience while catching fish using nets.


If you travel to Candirejo, please don't forget to taste its culinary specialties. One of them is mangut. This dish is made from beong fish, which is endemic to the Progo River, and cooked with coconut milk and savory yellow spices. When you return home, don't forget to buy some souvenirs, such as stone carvings. Local people carve andesite stones left over from the eruption of Mount Merapi to make puppetry motifs, stupas and cobek (mortar).

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