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Indonesian Ambassador to Egypt, Lutfi Rauf welcomed the commitment of buyers of coffee commodities from Egypt, Al Amal for Agricultural Crops to boost the volume of imports of robusta coffee beans from Indonesia. When attending the annual meeting of Egyptian coffee buyers in Damanhour City,  Province Beheira on Saturday (6/4), Ambassador Lutfi conveyed that his side appreciates the importer Al Amal for Agricultural Crops which continuously imports Indonesian coffee beans.

As stated by the  Indonesian Embassy in Cairo,  trade cooperation continues to be developed of both countries.  According to Ambassador Lutfi, the need for coffee consumption continues to increase in the Egyptian market, especially for robusta coffee beans that make Egypt a very potential market for Indonesian exporters.

Director of Al Amal for Agricultural Crops, Ragab Shehata pointed out that in 2023, his company imported more than 4,500 tonnes of Indonesian coffee beans, particularly robusta coffee beans which are very popular with Egyptians.

Ragab also revealed that in 2024, his company is committed to importing 5,000 tons of robusta coffee beans with a value of US$21 million or around Rp333.9 billion. He expressed his deepest gratitude  and appreciation to the Indonesian representatives in Cairo,  export players and Indonesian coffee farmers who have worked hard to provide the best coffee to the Egyptian market. Until now, Egypt is the second largest market destination for Indonesian coffee exports to the global market. Referring to the Egyptian Bureau of Statistics report, Indonesian coffee bean exports to the Egyptian market in 2023 were ranked first among all world coffee exporting countries to Egypt with an export value of Rp 1 .46 trillion.

Meanwhile, the Trade Attache of the Indonesian Embassy in Egypt,  M Syahran Bhakti  hopes that Indonesian coffee exporters can meet the demand of Egyptian coffee buyers in 2024 up to more than Rp1.5 trillion.


Every community has unique and different traditions and cultures. These cultural differences create different local wisdom in each community. For people of Lombok, one of the traditions that has become wisdom is lighting theDilah Jojoror often called the Maleman tradition. This tradition is one of the local wisdoms that can be found especially for people of Jabon Tentan Village in Bagu Village, Pringgarata sub-district, Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara.

Dilah Jojor comes from the word 'Dilah' which means lamp, and Jojor is a form of lamp taken from the traditional  language of the Sasak tribe. In the Maleman tradition, people usually use Dilah Jojor which measures 15 cm to 30 cm long. Dilah Jojor is made from Jamplung fruit seeds which are peeled and then dried in the sun until completely dry. Next, the dried Jamplung fruit is roasted until it is charred or black, then pounded and mixed with cotton until it is evenly mixed into a dough. The final stage is to attach the dough to a stick made of bamboo, the length of which can be adjusted to suit your needs. Jamplung fruit was chosen as the basic ingredient because it contains a lot of oil so that it can produce a fire that is good for lighting and the fire can even last for a long time.

Maleman tradition itself is carried out on the last 10 nights of the month of Ramadan on odd nights only, namely the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, 29th. Usually, the people of Jabon Tentan village light Dilah Jojor in every house on the 25th and 27th. This tradition has not faded despite the time continuously developing with increasingly sophisticated technology, especially in terms of the availability of electric power as lighting which is evenly distributed throughout the Lombok community.


Ketupat Lemak

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The celebration of Eid al-Fitr feels incomplete without the presence of ketupat. Actually, this dish is a Southeast Asian typical dish which is made from rice. To make ketupat, we have to first wrap it from woven young coconut leaves. Then, it is  boiled until it is cooked.

Ketupat which exists in various regions in Indonesia has many different types, such as Ketupat Lemak in Pontianak. If Ketupat generally uses rice as its main ingredient, but Ketupat Lemak actually uses sticky rice. The cooking method is a little different. The process of making Ketupat Lemak begins with washing the sticky rice and placing it in woven coconut leaves. The sticky rice inserted must be full. This is certainly different from Ketupat rice which is usually only half filled, because rice will expand, while sticky rice will not. Then, the Ketupat is boiled in coconut milk that has been added with enough salt. Afterwards,  the coconut milk is dry, the Ketupat can be removed and ready to be served.

Ketupat Lemak is usually eaten with other typical Eid side dishes, such as beef rendang, chicken curry, potato chili sauce or pineapple chili sauce. Apart from being eaten with the family at home during Eid, Ketupat Lemak and other typical Eid side dishes are also usually served as food by the people of Pontianak.


BAMBOO Village

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Bamboo Village, better known as Dusun Bambu Lembang, is one of the popular tourism destinations in Bandung Regency, due to its complete facilities. Visitors can find Sundanese restaurants, lodging, rides, lakes, and charming natural scenery.


Located under the foot of Mount Burangrang, Dusun Bambu offers fresh air and green scenery. No wonder Dusun Bambu is visited by a lot of tourists. The entrance ticket price for Dusun Bambu Lembang is IDR 20,000/person during weekdays based on information from its official Instagram account, @dusun_bambu. Meanwhile, on weekends and national holidays, the ticket price is IDR 30,000/person.


Carrying the concept of one stop leisure, Dusun Bambu offers complete facilities to visitors. Dusun Bambu has two types of lodging, namely Cottage Kampung Layung and Sayang Heulang. Guests can feel the sensation of staying with a traditional Sundanese rural atmosphere at Cottage Kampung Layung. This inn is equipped with various five-star resort facilities.


Yeh Sanih swimming pool is located in Sanih Village, Kubucepatan District, which is about 17 kilometers eastpartof Singaraja City, Bali. From the center of the capital city of Denpasar to these bathsittakes around 3 hours.

Yeh Sanih swimming pool has become famous as a tourismattraction for local residents since 1930. Different from other tourismswimming pools in Bali, the Yeh Sanih swimming pool has natural water, which comes from an original spring, called Yeh Kelebutan. The source of the water comes from an underground river flowing from Lake Batur.

There are 2 Yeh Sanih swimming pools. One swimming pool is for adults, because its depth reaches 1.5 meters, and anotheroneis for children.

Yeh Sanih swimming pool is unique, because the water is not salty, even though the location is very close to Lovina Beach. Besides, there is a myth that says, if a young couple bathes in the Yeh Sanih pool, their relationship will be more lasting. This myth is still believeduntiltoday.


When you hunt for culinary delights to break the fast in Indonesia, you will find a dish called kolak in many regions in Indonesia. It is generally made from bananas, sweet potatoes, cooked with coconut milk and palm sugar. Kolak is a favorite dish for Indonesian people. Although it is found in almost every region in Indonesia, each region has different types and tastes of kolak. For example, in Aceh, you will find a variant ofkolakcalled “Bulukat Kuah Tuhe”, a typical Acehnese banana compote which is delicious. Bulukatis what Acehnese call cooked sticky rice. This dish is made from bulukat, banana pieces, jackfruit pieces, white sugar and pandan leaves mixed with coconut milk sauce. The banana used is a special type of banana, namely western klat banana, a type of plantain.

Making Bulukat Kuah Tuhe is almost the same as makingkolakin general. It's just that the sticky rice is cooked separately from the sauce. To make the sauce, coconut milk is cooked with banana pieces, jackfruit pieces, pandan leaves and sugar. The color of the sauce is pale white, because it uses granulated sugar, not palm sugar. When served, bulukatis drizzled with the sauce. When you eat it, you can immediately smell the aroma of pandan leaves. The taste is savory, sticky and sweet.


Bulukat Kuah Tuhe is available not only in the month of Ramadan, but also at the Prophet Muhammad's birthday and various kenduri (a Javanese ritual of blessing or remembrance) events in Aceh. Bulukat kuah Tuhe is never forgotten, because this food can strengthen brotherhood. It is said that this dish is believed to bring blessings and avoid wrath. For those of you who are interested in trying the Bulukat Kuah Tuhe culinary delight, you can enjoy it according to your taste. If you don't really like bulukat or sticky rice, you can just enjoy Kuah Tuhenya gravy or even added with apem. Apem is a traditional food made from rice flour and coconut milk shaped like a bowl.


Layur Mosque

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When visiting a religious tourism destination in Semarang, Central Java, there is a Layur mosque which is worth visiting. The mosque with the green color is one of Semarang’s religious heritages. The Layur Mosque was built in 1802 AD and is located in the area of Melayu Town, precisely on Layur street, Dadapsari Village. The mosque building has a land area of about 270 m². Visiting the Layur mosque, you can pray solemnly in the mosque or relax in the shady courtyard of the mosque.


The Layur Mosque was built by some merchants from Yemen who at that time lived in Semarang city. This mosque is also known as the Mosque of Melayu Town, because it has a very tall tower. Formerly, the tower of this mosque was used as a lighthouse. Its function was to monitor the traffic of ships and large boats which crossed the Semarang River, when the Semarang port was still in the "Kleine Boom", around Sleko-Berok Bridge. Over time, the lighthouse building in Layur Mosque was converted into a tower and mosque by local residents.


Layur Mosque is an ancient mosque with architecture that combines Arabic, Malay and traditional Javanese cultures. The characteristics of Arab-Malay culture can be seen from the tower and the dome-shaped gates. Meanwhile, the traditional Javanese style can be seen from the mosque's roof which is shaped like three roofs supported by teakwood pillars. Interestingly, in this Mosque there is a belief still held by local communities. Only male worshippers can enter and pray at this mosque.


To enjoy the long holidays in Indonesia, many people plan to visit tourism destinations, both natural and cultural. East Java Province offers a lot of tourism spots. One of the cultural tourism destinations that you can visit there is Singosari Temple.


Singosari Temple is located in Candirenggo Village, Singosari District, Malang Regency, East Java Province. The distance between Singosari Temple and Malang City is approximately 9 km. Singosari Temple is also called ‘Cungkup Temple’ or ‘Menara Temple’. From its name, it can be known that this temple was the tallest one of its time, at least when compared to the temples around it. However, currently, only Singosari Temple remains, while the other temples have disappeared. Singosari Temple is a Hindu-Buddhist temple, a historical heritage from the Singasari Kingdom. This temple is situated in a valley between the Tengger mountains and Mount Arjuno at an altitude of 512 meters above sea level. This place offers an interesting and educational historical tourism experience.


According to historical records, Singosari Temple was built as a tribute to the late King Kartanegara around 1292, who was the ancestor of the Majapahit kings. There are two temples in East Java that were built to honor King Kartanegara, namely Jawi Temple and Singasari Temple. Like Jawi Temple, Singosari Temple is a Shiva Temple, as can be seen from several Shiva statues in the temple yard. Visiting the temple, we can learn the meaning of the development goals and admire the work of Indonesian  ancestors. Singosari Temple is open every day from 07.00 am to 5.00 pm local time. The facilities provided at this place are quite complete, such as parking lots, public toilets, prayer room, gazebo and food stalls. There is no charge to enter the Singosari Temple area. The beauty and authenticity of this temple is still well maintained so that it is very good for children to learn about historical heritage.


Recently the Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace or Solo Palace held the Hajad Dalem Malam Selikuran parade. In the parade, abdi dalem or the palace servants distributed 1,000 packs of food.  The parade participants departed at around 8pm from Siti Hinggil, Solo Palace to Sriwedari Park. King of the Solo Palace, Pakubuwana XIII, along with the Empress, Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Pakubuwana and the Crown Prince, Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Harya Purbaya led the Selikuran Night Parade.//


The parade participants walked along Jalan Slamet Riyadi Street. They carried lanterns, lamps and jodang or long wooden boxes filled with food. Right at 9.30 pm the parade participants arrived at Sriwedari Park. Then it continued with a handover procession by Pangageng Parentah of Solo Palace, KGPH Adipati Dipokusumo to the Nahdlatul Ulama Branch Manager in Solo, Mashuri.// After that, the jodang was placed in front of the stage to be prayed for. After that, the palace servants distributed the jodang to the residents.


The Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace in Solo city, Central Java held Malam Selikuran or Twenty-first Night, to welcome the 21st night of Ramdhan or the last 10 days of the month of Ramadhan.// The last ten days of the month of Ramadan are the most important time for Muslims. Among the odd nights in the last 10 days of Ramadan, there is the night of Lailatul Qadar or the night of a thousand months.// On that night, the reward for performing worship is the same as performing worship for a thousand months.//


Sumber Brantas Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City, Malang, East Java, is known as the best potato producer in East Java. Potato production from this village is the second best in Indonesia. Potatoes in Sumber Brantas Village are known as Skyline Potatoes, because this potato field is at the foot of Mount Arjuno and Welirang. The potatoes produced are quite large in size and taste delicious. As the best potato producing village, the lives of the people of Sumber Brantas Village are not far from the activity of planting potatoes. They even have traditional rituals before potatoes are planted. This ritual is known as Ponco Kentang.


Ponco is a Javanese term which means planting. Thus, Ponco Kentang is a ritual, which is carried out just before planting potatoes. The ritual, which is carried out in the middle of the fields, is usually carried out to start the potato planting season. Ponco Kentang is held to offer prayers so that the potato plants would be safe from all plant diseases. During the ritual, farmers provided a number of types of food, complete with wungkul ingkung or whole roasted free-range chicken. As time progressed, some farmers carried out this ritual in their homes. However, some others still maintain old customs, continuing to carry out rituals in the fields.


Before the Potato Ponco ritual began, prayers were chanted in Javanese by the elders of Sumber Brantas Village. After saying a prayer together, Ponco Kentang process began. Elders and the people of the village put 16 potato seeds into the ground. Sixteen potato seeds is not just a number. This number has apparently been determined from the Javanese calendar, where the day for planting potatoes falls on Saturday Pon. In this ritual, people must pay attention to the Javanese calendar. After planting the 16 potato seeds, farmers are free to plant their fields.

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