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Indonesian Wonder

Indonesian Wonder (630)



Jumog Waterfall is often referred to as a hidden paradise in Karanganyar, Central Java. It is said so because of its location behind a hill covered with shrubs. This tourism destination was not initially visited by many tourists, but with the awareness of local residents, the path to this location has been made easier. Therefore, Jumog Waterfall is now one of the mainstay tours that increase residents' income.

In the Jumog Waterfall area, there are green views and tall trees which are a perfect combination. The sound of gurgling water soothes the heart, when you go down 116 steps to get to the waterfall. About a few meters from the waterfall, there is a small bridge. This place is the most appropriate spot to enjoy the surrounding panorama which has a height of 30 meters with a fairly heavy water discharge. The rush of the waterfall makes the wind blow strongly near the waterfall.

Jumog Waterfall is located in Berjo Hamlet, Ngargoyoso District, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java Province. For tourists who want to visit this place, they can drive their motor vehicles towards Grojogan Sewu. After arriving at Karangpandan terminal, please take the route to Ngargoyoso. Then, they can follow the directions to the Jumog Waterfall. The facilities at Jumog Waterfall are quite complete. There are already children's play areas, swimming pools, gazebos, areas for rest and restaurants. Around this tourism destination area, there are also several residents' houses which are usually used as homestays. Homestay rates are quite varied, ranging from Rp50 thousand to Rp250 thousand per night.


Kotagede in Yogyakarta is one of the tourism assets of the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The unique character of local culture, strong customs, and many culinary flavors from Kotagede are some of the characteristics of Yogyakarta tourism. One of the typical foods from Kotagede which is quite famous for having a distinctive taste is Kipo.

For people of Yogyakarta, Kipo is familiar. Because Kipo actually comes from the Javanese language, namely Iki Opo which in Indonesian language means "What is this?". The first name of this food said, in 1964 when he started his business, he did not know what this food was named. At that time, one by one, the buyer came and asked in Javanese, "Iki Opo?" "Iki Opo" then the food was given the name Kipo which is abbreviated from Iki Opo.

this green Kipo is one of the traditional cakes that are usually sold in the traditional markets. The process of making it, is very simple. The first thing that must be prepared is a mixture of glutinous rice flour which is given a green color, and then it is given coconut milk and a little salt. This green color comes from suji leaves. Afterward,  for the contents, grated coconut is mixed with Javanese sugar mixture, which is also called enten-enten. After that, the glutinous rice flour dough is folded, filled with ingredients, and placed on a charcoal-heated clay pan. Before being heated on a frying pan, it is lined with banana leaves, then the kipo-kipo are lined up with 5-8 pieces lengthwise. Kipo-kipo is baked for 2-3 minutes. To produce good and ripe kipo, kipo must be turned over until well-cooked. After that, the Kipo is lifted with the banana leaves and then grouped together with 4-5 Kipo. The aroma of kipo, which comes from the juice of suji leaves, coconut, sugar, and banana leaves, is really distinctive.

For those of you who visit Kotagede, you will definitely regret it if you don't taste Kipo, which has an affordable price. This food is also recommended for tourists who want to bring a Kipo as a souvenir but must remember the time because this Kipo can not last long. That's Indonesian Wonder for today’s edition. We will meet you again tomorrow at the same event. This is the Voice of Indonesia in Jakarta. (VOI)



The gringsing weaving of Bali is used as a souvenir for the delegates who attended the G20 Summit. As many as 120 clothes were ordered from the craftsmen of the Tenganan Pegringsingan Tourism Village, Karangasem Regency, Bali. The delegates attending the G20 Summit will later obtain the clothes. Bendesa Adat Tenganan Village, Putu Suarjana pointed out that the gringsing cloths made had passed through a tight selection regarding quality and had met the requirements requested by the Community Forum for the Protection of Geographical Indications (MPIG) of Gringsing Weaving Bali, with 20 centimeters wide and 180 centimeters long.

the Gringsing weaving has been designated as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2016. The Ministry of Tourism, Economy and Creative continuously strives to promote the gringsing woven fabric as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO, because gringsing woven fabric is one of the ancient cultural heritages of Bali that still survives until now. The typical cuisine of this cloth lies in the technique of making it, namely using the double technique.Gringsing weaving is the only double ikat fabric from 3 double ikat woven fabrics recognized by UNESCO. Moreover, Gringsing Weaving, two other double ikat woven fabrics come from India and Japan. It takes about two months to make a sheet of gringsing woven cloth. While for the double tie motif, it can take longer, around two to five years. The coloring still uses natural ingredients such as wood roots, candlenut oil, and leaves. The three most common colors used for gringsing woven fabrics are tridatu, namely red, yellow, and black.

For Indigenous people, the Tenganan Pegringsingan, Gringsing Weaving symbolizes a balance. The word Gringsing comes from Gring which means plague or illness, and sing means no. When interpreted in its entirety, Gringsing weaving is believed to be a cloth to repel reinforcements, so it is quite often used by Balinese people for events such as wedding ceremonies and religious ceremonies. In addition, Gringsing Weaving represents the traditional rules of the local community, which is very respectful of nature, so that it is not allowed to cut trees without having permission. They believe that by protecting nature, humans will not get sick. This fabric consists of various motifs. One of the motifs of gringsing woven fabric is the lubeng motif, which is characterized by a scorpion and is often used as traditional clothing for religious events. There is also the Sanan Empeg motif which is identical to the red and black poleng box, as well as the Cecempakaan or Cempaka flower motif which is often used as traditional clothing in religious ceremonies. Furthermore, another motif is Cemplong, which is characterized by a large flower among the small flowers around it, as well as other motifs. In traditional events, gringsing woven cloth is generally used as a scarf or (Senteng) by women, while for men it is used as a belt. (VOI)



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If one travels to Kuningan, West Java, he or she may find various interesting tourism objects. There are Linggarjati negotiation building, Sangkanhurip Natural Hot Springs, Putri Waterfall, Cipatri Archaeological Park and some tourism attractions. It’s incomplete to travel to Kuningan, if you haven't enjoyed the delicious culinary specialties. There are several dishes that you should try. One of them is Nasi Kasreng. Nasi Kasreng is a culinary specialty of the Luragung area, Cibingbin. The food menu is simple. Nasi Kasreng consists of rice with the main menu, namely rebon or dried shrimp, cassava leaf salad, bean sprouts and special condiment. The way of wrapping it is also unique by using rice wrapping paper that is folded pointedly upwards like a cone.

Nasi Kasreng tastes so delicious. It's even more delicious when you eat it with french fries; piya-piya or commonly known as bakwan, and dage made from a mixture of fermented coconut pulp, such as oncom. In the past, fresh vegetables used cassava leaves. But now, the vegetables are raw bean sprouts. Nasi kasreng stalls can be found in markets or main streets. They have been open since morning. At Luragung Market, Kuningan, there is a special block where the Nasi Kasreng traders sell. They occupy stalls that have been provided by market managers. At each of these stalls, buyers can eat while witnessing the process of cooking side dishes, which accompany Nasi Kasreng. The price of a pack of Nasi Kasreng ranges from Rp2 thousand to Rp3 thousand.

Nasi Kraseng appeared around the 1970s and it was first introduced by a trader named Kasri. Every 4 o'clock in the morning, he brought a large amount of rice to be sold with the side dishes. His merchandise customers often said "Sarapan heula yu di Makasreng" or in English means "let's have breakfast in Makasreng first". Gradually, Mak Kasri became known as the Nasi Kasreng trader. Because many people like Nasi Kasreng, Kasri also passed down the Nasi Kasreng recipe to his children. Then, it turns out until now; Nasi Kasreng has been adopted by many people and has become Luragung's specialty until now.



Sidatapa Village, Banjar District, is one of the villages rich in local durian production. When the harvest season arrives, there is a unique ritual performed by the local residents. The ritual is carried out with the offering of durian, which is produced through a “Naturang Buah” ceremony. This tradition has been going on from generation to generation, possibly from 735 Saka or around 767 AD. Ngaturan fruit ceremony is usually held for three days. The ritual is held as a form of gratitude and an expression of gratitude to the God who cares for the plants.

The ritual of "Naturang Buah" is performed at Bale Agung Temple. Each resident brings three durians. The women carry durians by placing them in a besek. Meanwhile, the men carry it by using a kisa, or chicken cage, which is made of coconut leaves. The ceremony is continued in the garden at home. On the first day, villagers are required to bring three durians. If anyone has other fruits, they are welcome to collect them at the temple. On the second day, the community is again obliged to bring two durians. Meanwhile, on the third day, only one durian must be brought. The residents do not dare to violate it and they understand very well that if by chance there is no fruit in the garden, they can buy or even ask relatives or neighbors.

The ritual tradition ends with a prayer together. After the prayer, the villagers are invited to return to their respective homes by bringing back the fruit they have offered. Based on their belief, in the past, the Ngaturang Buah tradition was carried out, and residents were not allowed to present the fruit they harvested at home or in the garden. The first offering must be at the Village Temple, as a form of gratitude to Sanghyang Sangkara, the god of plants, and also the ancestors who came from Mount Raung.



The Maluku region is blessed with a row of exotic beaches. The beaches in the Maluku area do offer a beauty that is so enchanting for visitors, to present a different feel from beaches in other areas. One of the beaches that has extraordinary appeal for tourists is Batu Lubang Beach.

This beach is called Batu Lubang or Hole Rock, because on this beach visitors can find a rock with a big hole in it. The ship-shaped hill has a hole measuring approximately 2.5 meters and a width of 3 meters. That is why this beach is named Batu Lubang or Hole Rock or sometimes, Batu Kapal or Ship Rock. This hole is located between coral cliffs that protrude into the beach. Through the hole, sea water enters, so in this area the water is so calm that you can even say without waves. Visitors can play in the water as they please comfortably

There is something that makes Batu Lubang beach different from other beaches. In general, the shoreline is decorated with white sand, but at Batu Lubang beach along the coast you will find natural stone with an oval shape, flat and gray in color. This beach is even more interesting, because the natural stones that fill the shoreline seem to be deliberately arranged like an artificial garden. Interestingly, the rocks are neatly arranged naturally without human intervention. The oval stones are comfortable to step on, so you don't have to worry if you want to walk around the beach without using footwear.

Batu Lubang Beach which is nicknamed Heaven in Ambon Bay does have an incomparable beauty. The sea water is very clear, clean bluish color without thrash, like clear glass. The calm currents make visitors still able to see with naked eyes, a collection of colorful small fish playing above the coral field. You don’t need to dive to the bottom of the sea first to see the underwater scenery.

To visit Batu Lubang Beach, from Pattimura Airport, you only need approximately 10 minutes. The road access is easy and good enough so that it can be passed by various kinds of vehicles. Meanwhile, from Ambon city, it takes about 50 minutes. This beach does not have operating hours, because this is a natural tourist destination. On this beach, besides being able to surround the Perforated Rock cliff, you can also test your adrenaline by jumping from the top of the cliff. The thing to remember, because the size of the cliff is quite high, you have to be careful.



Pemalang regency belongs to Central Java Province. The capital city of Pemalang regency is Pemalang. It has one of the tourism destinations namely Bengkawah waterfall which has become one of the unique tourism destinations until now. It is widely visited because of its instagrammable spot. Bengkawah waterfall has a water source which comes from the Kluweh river. The location of the Bengkawah waterfall is precisely located on Sikasur Simpur road, in Sikasur village, Randudongkal district, Pemalang Regency, Central Java.

The expanse of forest which surrounds the Bengkawah waterfall is a very exotic natural scenery. It makes the location of the Bengkawah waterfall highly recommended to visit, particularly for lovers of natural tourism. When you are here, you will also find a lot of animals, such as monkeys going in and out. The water in the Bengkawah waterfall is famous for its clarity and has never experienced a period of drought; the river water continuously flows through the rocks and flows into a natural pool at the bottom of the Bengkawah waterfall which has depth around 3 meters.

Bengkawah waterfall is also often said as the Twin waterfall, because there are two streams of water separated by rocks. The waterfall is about 20 meters high. Despite the freshness of the water being very tempting, visitors are recommended not to swim at the location since the water flow is quite heavy and dangerous. Therefore, most visitors enjoy the atmosphere by only playing in the water on the edge of the pond and also enjoying the view by taking photos. Even, many visitors may camp around the waterfall.

To visit the tourism location of Bengkawah Waterfall, you can use a private vehicle or public transportation. For you who take public transportation, such as buses and other vehicles, you can stop at Randudongkal District and afterwards, please continue by using a taxi motorbike.  You don't need to worry to have a vacation here because the manager of the waterfall has provided quite complete facilities, such as food courts, rest area and other facilities. 



Tumbak Village is located in Posumaen sub-district, Southeast Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi. To reach Tumbak village, from Manado City, visitors may take about 3 hours by motor vehicles. Tumbak itself is an acronym for Tumbuhan Bakau or in English means mangrove plant which covers an area of 1 hectare and dominates most of the Tumbak village area. From this village, they can continue the journey to Tumbak island by boat. Boat rental services are often found at the Tumbak Village pier. In this traditional village, most of the people work as fishermen and provide boat rental services for visitors. The location of Tumbak Island is not too far from the pier, they only need about 10 minutes by using a fishing motor boat to arrive at Tumbak Island.

Tumbak Island is uninhabited. Although small in size, Tumbak Island offers a variety of marine tourism activities because of its natural beauty. Enriched with many snorkeling spots, Tumbak Island is one of the islands in Indonesia that offers a complete marine tourism package. In addition to snorkeling, on Tumbak island, visitors can also fish and dive. In addition, Tumbak Island also has hills and savanna that have not been touched by humans. Tumbak Island is an appropriate area for those who crave a quiet place in the middle of the island.

If one wants to explore the beauty of Tumbak Island, they must prepare for at least 2 days. In addition to the underwater beauty that offers views of various types of fish, one;s eyes will also be spoiled with beautiful and colorful coral expanses.



Besides being famous for its artistic crafts, Gianyar Regency in Bali is also famous for its natural beauty such as Purnama Beach. It is located close to the main road of Prof Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra By Pass, precisely in Banjar Lupang Telabah, Sukawati Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency. From downtown Gianyar the distance to Purnama Beach is approximately 11 Km, from Ngurah Rai Airport it takes approximately 50 minutes, while from downtown Denpasar it is approximately 35 minutes.

Purnama Beach has black sand that sparkles like gems, especially when exposed to sunlight. Almost all the beaches have ocean currents and big waves. So it is advisable not to bathe in the beach area. However, if you insist on doing it, you have to be extra careful. In fact, you can still enjoy the beauty of this exotic beach without having to bathe in the beach area.

True to its name, during the full moon this beach is very crowded with tourists, Purnama means full moon. Hence the name, Purnama Beach. Usually, people will come in late afternoon, because at that time the beauty of the moon will look perfect. Indeed, it’s so amazingly breath taking that it is very difficult to describe, especially when the moon appears slowly from above sea level. In the morning, you will also be hypnotized by the beauty of the sunrise rising from the sea surface. By the way, in addition to being a tourist attraction, Purnama beach is also often used as a place for religious ceremonies by local residents.

When you’re traveling to Purnama Beach, many activities can be done while enjoying the calm beach atmosphere. Such as sunbathing, playing on the sand because Purnama beach has a large and sandy area. You can also do some surfing because this beach has big enough waves and fishing activities. In addition to sunbathing, visitors can also bury their body while enjoying the warm sand of the beach which is said to cure a number of diseases.

To go to Purnama Beach, visitors can take private vehicles, and also use public transportation. If you use public transportation, you can stop at the Sukawati bus terminal, after that continue by using a motorcycle taxi or private vehicle to the Purnama Beach tourist location.


Marumasa Beach

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South Sulawesi is one of Indonesia’s provinces which has many beautiful beaches. They are so famous. One of the beaches whose natural beauty is very attractive for both domestic and foreign tourists is Marumasa Beach. 

Marumasa Beach is an interesting place to explore, particularly for nature lovers. The beauty of Marumasa Beach is not less wonderful than other beaches that have been already popular. The beach has a white coastline and clear and calm sea water which is unique for this one tourism destination. Besides, there are two exotic cliffs to enjoy the sunrise. Thus, for trekking lovers, you are able to climb the cliffs in the morning by having extra to see the sunrise when you reach the top.

Marumasa Beach has a fantastic spot for tourists who like to look for photos with amazing views. Tourist favorite spots in this place are rocks, swings or viewing posts. Moreover, the manager of the beach also provides a hammock in this beach area for tourists who want to sit or rest for a while and enjoy the cool beach breeze and wonderful views.

Administratively, Marumasa Beach is located in Darubiah, Bonto Bahari, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi. It takes 4.5 hours by motor vehicle from Makassar City. Because the location is quite hidden, tourists should use private vehicles. In addition, the road to the location is quite bad because it has not been paved. Usually, some tourists who visit the beach prefer renting a car plus driver from Bulukumba in order to anticipate if they get lost on the road due to the wrong direction.

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