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Indonesian Wonder

Indonesian Wonder (630)


The Badendang Rotan tradition is one of the New Year traditions in Maluku. This cultural event is a celebration of cultural heritage that takes place regularly every year. The Badendang Rotan tradition is the result of combining two series of events, namely the "Badendang Tradition" and the "Hela Rotan Tradition".


Even though it is held with the characteristics of each region, the Badendang Tradition itself is an annual event held to welcome several major holidays in the country, such as New Year celebrations, Christmas, Cleaning the Country celebration, and many more. The Badendang tradition event is one of the biggest events held by the local community. Therefore, the entire population must participate in the series of events.The Badendang tradition is a traditional Maluku singing and dancing tradition with family and relatives. This tradition is held to welcome the arrival of the New Year and takes place every January 1.

Unlike most New Year traditions which are festive with colorful fireworks, Badendang Rotan is an activity that highlights cooperation between local communities. At the same time strengthening the value of solidarity between citizens. Starting from preparing the event to the team taking part in this activity. As the name suggests, Badendang, at this event, music is one of the dominating elements.Visitors will be treated to typical Maluku singing and dancing. The music produced by the tifa is one of the things that warms the atmosphere. Starting the procession in the afternoon, the procession begins when traditional elders announce to the community that this event will start. After that, everyone from adults to children gathered.

Meanwhile, the Hela Rotan tradition is a competition that is similar to tug of war in general.It's just that this Maluku-style tug-of-war is different from the others.This is because the basic material of the rope is made from woven rattan and also has a length of up to tens of meters.Another difference lies in the rhythm of the tifa musical instrument that accompanies the match. The songs with rhyme lyrics that are sung are not haphazard and have always been heard from generation to generation.


East Java has many coastal areas to be enjoyed; one of which is Kedung Tumpang beach which is located in Pucanglaban village, Pucanglaban subdistrict, Tulungagung, East Java. Kedung Tumpang Beach area is a natural tourism attraction with beautiful coral and cliffs. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is popular among local and foreign tourists. The distance between Kedung Tumpang beach and Tulungagung city center is only around 34 kilometers.


The name Kedung Tumpang beach comes from the words "Kedung" which means pool or hole and "Tumpang" which means level. This describes the condition of this beach which has natural pools formed on terraced rocks. The main attraction of Kedung Tumpang beach is the lagoon or “its natural swimming pool”, which always contains water with beautiful colors on the coral surface. The pool was formed due to corrosion, so it has concave rocks. The green moss in the pool and the clear water provide a unique beauty. On Kedung Tumpang beach there are eight lagoons that can be explored. The depth of this lagoon also varies, some can be used for swimming or just soaking. When viewed from the top of the cliff, the pool water is bluish with yellow gradations which can change color at any time. When splashed by waves, this beach has white foam that looks attractive and unique.

Because the position of the pool is quite low, it is easily hit by waves. Therefore, visitors must remain careful because waves can come and crash at any time. This is because the location of Kedung Tumpang beach is directly facing the southern sea which is famous for having big waves. Tourists visiting Kedung Tumpang can swim in this natural pool if the beach waves are calm. If the waves are very violent, visitors are not allowed to bathe or stay around the pool because it is very dangerous.

When visiting Kedung Tumpang beach, it is best to use a motorbike, because if you go by car, visitors have to park it in the place provided and continue the long journey to reach the top of the hill. After arriving at the top of the hill, visitors have to go down a quite steep and difficult path to get to the beach, and to get to the "Pool", the path taken is quite heavy and steep. Therefore, visitors are advised to wear comfortable and non-slip shoes. After arriving at the beach, your tiredness will immediately disappear when you see the amazing panorama.


River tourism is an anti-mainstream holiday option that is too bad to miss. Not just daydreaming and calming the mind, currently many river tourist destinations in Indonesia offer special interest that is worth trying, such as rafting. This time, we introduce you to several river tourist destinations in Indonesia.

The first destination and a target for tourists is the Mahakam River, in East Kalimantan. Being the second longest river in Indonesia, the Mahakam River offers a pleasant river holiday experience. This 920-kilometer-long river is home to rare animals, such as freshwater dolphins known as "Pesut Mahakam" or "Mahakam Dolphin". Besides that, you can meet king prawns, hornbills, storks, langurs, and otters in the Mahakam River.

Apart from beaches, Bali also has an interesting river tourist destination to explore, namely the Ayung River. The longest river in Bali, located in Ubud, is known as a white water rafting spot with six levels of difficulty. On the Ayung River, you will also be amazed by its clear water, cool air, and stunning views. Because it is so beautiful, the length of white water rafting on the Ayung River, which reaches 10 kilometers, feels very easy and enjoyable.

The next river tourist destination in Indonesia that is also interesting to explore is in Pangandaran Regency, West Java. It is the Cukang Taneuh River, more popularly known as Green Canyon. In the local language, Cukang Taneuh means "Land Bridge". Its name is based on the natural bridge that originates from the ground and crosses the Cijulang River. One of the interesting activities to try on the Cukang Taneuh River is taking a boat while exploring the Cijulang River. Along the journey, you will be amazed by the unspoiled natural beauty, and pass through caves filled with stalactites and stalagmites.


West Java is well known for its fascinating natural panorama and culture with Sundanese ethnic background. There are many tourism destinations offered in West Java. One of them is ‘Baros Tourism Village’ which recently received an award from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. Baros Village, located in Arjasari District, Bandung Regency, West Java, is designated as one of the 75 best tourism villages in Indonesia by the Indonesian Tourism Village Award Team from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf). According to the Assessment Team, Baros Village has the most important strengths, namely people, creativity, mindset, as well as effort and cooperation and collaboration with all parties.


Baros Tourism Village has the potential for its natural beauty, ranging from the flow of the Citalugtug River whose water is very clear, the expance of beautiful rice fields, and the interesting culture and culinary delights. You can feel the peaceful rural atmosphere and enjoy the natural beauty and various entertaining cultural attractions. Not only that, various cultural attractions and traditional activities also make a visit to Baros Tourism Village even more memorable.


Baros Tourism Village is situated not far from the capital of Bandung district, nearly 16 km from Soreang. Its strategic position makes it easily accessible to tourists from various regions. To enjoy all the beauty and attraction of Baros Tourism Village, you only need to pay an entrance ticket of IDR 25,000 to enjoy the natural atmosphere and beauty of the Sundanese countryside. This affordable ticket makes it possible for all people to enjoy the beauty of this village. Baros village is open to visitors from 08.00 until 16.00 West Indonesian time.


Balumpa Dance

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We introduce you to one of the dances from Wakatobi Regency in Southeast Sulawesi, Balumpa Dance. Balumpa dance is performed by a group of female dancers accompanied by happy music. It is a dance performed to welcome distinguished guests. Besides being a dance for welcoming guests, Balumpa dance is performed at performing arts events and cultural festivals.
Balumpa Dance is performed by six female dancers. The dance moves rely on feet and hips stomping, as well as the hand swinging. Because it is a dance to welcome guests, the dancer's facial expression must look happy. Balumpa dance movements consist of four varieties: Potabhea, Poliughi, Poli-loli, and Kaukuruno Siku. In the Potabhea movement, dancers form a line pattern and start the dance with a salute. In the Poliughi movement, dancers stomp their legs and hips, followed by shaking the scarf in pairs. In the Poli-loli movement, dancers are parallel to the back, then move with the right hand swinging upwards and the left hand swinging downwards in the opposite direction while holding the scarf. Then the Kaukuruno Siku movement is like a poliughi, followed by raising both elbows to chest level and then tilting the body to the left.
Balumpa Dance performances are usually accompanied by traditional harp and vocal singers. The songs to accompany the dance are usually regional songs of joy and welcoming theme. Balumpa dancers wear Kombo clothes, which are local traditional clothes. For bottoms, they use striped skirts and scarves as complementary accessories. To adorn dancers, forehead covers, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets typical of Southeast Sulawesi are also added.

Apart from Sumba's very wonderful,  natural and cultural tourism, this beautiful island in the province of East Nusa Tenggara also has several delicious special foods and drinks which are the favorites of visitors who travel there, such as wild horse milk.  The milk has many benefits and Sumba coffee whose taste is undoubtable. Another culinary delight that you must try when visiting West Sumba is Kadapet Watara.


Kadapet Watara is a dry cake made from corn, bananas, sugar and peanuts. First, the corn, bananas and peanuts are mashed and mixed until they become a dough. Once it has become a dough, mix it with powdered sugar to add to the sweet taste of the dough. Then, the dough is shaped into a round shape. Once finished, the dough must be wrapped in dry corn leaves. Apart from being famous for its delicious and sweet taste, Kadapet Watara is also known for its unique way of making it. In fact, many tourists who come to visit try to learn how to make it from the local people.


Before the Sumba area was introduced to tourism, Kadapet Watara cake was only a home culinary dish or was made to liven up a big event, such as a traditional event or celebration. But now, the Kadapet Watara cake has become one of the mandatory souvenirs from Sumba.

When you travel to Brebes, Central Java, you have to visit the Kaligua Tea Garden Agro Tourism in Pandansari village. This tourism attraction is considered legendary, because the Kaligua tea plantation is a legacy of the Dutch colonial period, which was founded in 1832. It is Located about 75 kilometers from the city center of Brebes, Kaligua Agro Tourism. The area is managed by PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX (Persero) Central Java. The attraction is a stretch of tea plantation which covers an area of 620 hectares at an altitude of 1,500 to 2,050 meters above sea level.
By paying a ticket of Rp. 20,000 or 1,26 US dollar per person, you can also enjoy and do some activities at Kaligua Agro Tourism. Even you can walk around the 620-hectare tea plantation while enjoying the beautiful views and fresh air. One of the popular spots in Kaligua Agro Tourism is Puncak Sakub. It is the highest point in the Kaligua Agro Tourism area at an altitude of 2,050 meters above sea level. From this location, you can see the panoramic view of Mount Slamet and Mount Cermai in the morning. In the middle of a stretch of tea plantation, you can also find the Japanese Cave, an artificial cave 800 meters deep which was created during the Japanese colonial period around 1942. This cave used to function as a place to store Japanese foodstuffs and a place to formulate strategies. When exploring the Japanese Cave, you will be accompanied by a guide, because there are a number of entrances that lead to the cliff.
When you are in Kaligua Agro tourism, please don't miss enjoying the freshness of Tuk Bening water. It is a natural spring that is very fresh and clear. The water is believed to have a number of benefits, namely it can cure skin diseases and make you stay young. There is also a cheerful wooden bridge located in the Kaligua tea garden. This location is one of tourists' favorite photo spots because it offers Instagrammable views. Moreover,the wooden bridge has several branches that will take you around the tea plantation area. There are also a number of gazebos between wooden bridges as a resting place for tourists while touring the tea gardens. Being in a tea garden, you will be regretful if you miss the educational tourism activity, namely the process of making tea at a tea factory. Although it is hundreds of years old, this tea factory is still actively operating. As a matter of fact, its tea products have succeeded in penetrating the export market to the Netherlands, China and Australia. To see the tea making process at the factory, you also have to buy a separate ticket for IDR 10,000 per person.

Sego Wiwit

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Before planting rice, farmers in the Klaten area in Central Java province, always make a dish called ‘Sego Wiwit’. The area is approximately 38 kilometers from Solo city. In Javanese traditional language, Sego means rice, while Wiwit means starting. So, it can be interpreted that Sego Wiwit is a dish for farmers who are starting to plant rice.


According to local beliefs, Sego Wiwit was made to honor Dewi Sri, the Goddess of Rice, as well as a sign of gratitude for the good fortune that God has given. Sego Wiwit is made from white rice which is shaped into a cone similar to tumpeng rice. Usually, Sego Wiwit is served with several accompaniments, such as warehouse, ingkung chicken, boiled eggs, salted fish and ground soybeans. Gudangan is made from various vegetables such as spinach, bean sprouts and boiled long beans. Ingkung chicken is chicken cooked with spices such as shallots, garlic and galangal, coriander and salt, then given hot water and cooked until the spices are absorbed. When it is cooked, grill the chicken briefly until there is a charred sensation. It is usually cooked by using charcoal so that the chicken tastes even better. Meanwhile, soybeans are usually fried then pounded with garlic, lime leaves and galangal which are used as a substitute for chili sauce. Sego Wiwit is served by forming a cone first and placing it in the middle of a tray lined with banana leaves. Next, the side dishes are placed on the edge of the rice in a circle.


Nowadays, to taste Sego Wiwit, you don't have to wait for a thanksgiving before rice planting, because many Sego Wiwit sellers sell it. The menu served is still the same as the original version, the only thing that has changed is the size. For a thanksgiving ceremony, a tray of Sego Wiwit can be eaten by a group, while those sold are only for one person, and are priced at around Rp. 20,000 (1,26 US dollar).


Moyo Island

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West Nusa Tenggara province in Indonesia has many interesting and beautiful destinations to visit. Mostly, they are natural attractions, traditional villages and islands. One of the natural tourist destinations in West Nusa Tenggara and often mentioned as a hidden vacation spot for world fame figures is Moyo Island. A number of world celebrities who have vacationed on Moyo Island are Lady Diana, Mick Jagger, David Bowie, and David Beckham.


Moyo Island is very fascinating with its exclusive natural beauty. This island has several leading tourism destinations, including: Mata Jitu Waterfall, Senggalo Waterfall, Tanjung Pasir Beach, and many more. There is an interesting story about Mata Jitu Waterfall on Moyo Island which is famous for its nickname "Queen Waterfall". This name emerged since Lady Diana visited this tourist destination. This waterfall is special because it has many stalactites and stalagmites that decorate the surface of the waterfall.


In fact, Moyo Island is located north of Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara. Administratively, Moyo Island is situated in Labuan Aji Village and Sebotok Village, Labuhan Badas District, Sumbawa Regency. Moyo Island constitutes a 350 km2 area , this island is flanked by an expanse of open sea with views of white sandy beaches and calm waters. Moyo Island is an exclusive destination for the upper class tourists.


Batu Tumpang

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West Java Province, especially Garut, is famous as a cool area with beautiful nature as well as several interesting tourism sites. One of the interesting tourism areas is Batu Tumpang. This is a large rock located on a cliff around Genteng Village, Tanjungjaya Village, Banjarwangi District, Garut Regency. Batu Tumpang is a giant rock that is synonymous with the history of the eruption of a volcano in this area. This assumption seems correct by looking at the surrounding hills. The large rock that is seen "riding" on the cliff has become an iconic stopover for drivers heading both to the city and to Pakidulan (South).

This area used to be a natural dense forest in the Garut area, while specifically the Batu Tumpang area was a type of reserve forest. This forest has deliberately not been planted with tea plantations since the Dutch era because it is an exceptional area for planting. However, due to the interests of developing community settlements, the land was opened for the purposes of planting vegetables and community plantations. So, when you stop at the Batu Tumpang location, you can enjoy the natural beauty and at the same time, see the agricultural activities of the surrounding community.

The Batu Tumpang location is on the main Cikajang route. More specifically on Jalan Cikajang, Garut. From Garut City, the distance is around 36 km and the travel time is 1.5 hours by motor vehicles. This tourism attraction is indeed suitable as a family tourism destination on  weekends. Moreover, there are many tourism attractions that you can enjoy. There are green expanses of tea plantations, vegetable gardens, blowing mist and cool air are a "magnet" not only for visiting drivers, but also for the local community, especially young people, to enjoy the view. Apart from Batu Tumpang, in Tanjungjaya Village, other interesting tourism attractions that can be visited include the DI/TII cave, Ebod cave, Curug Ngebul, rock climbing area, and camping ground. 

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