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An endemic Rafflesia gadutensis flower has completely bloomed at Boven Lais conservation forest in North Bengkulu district, Bengkulu province. Riki Septian, the coordinator of Bengkulu Utara Care for Rare Blooms Community (KPPL) said on Sunday  (7/1) in Bengkulu that the flower is still blossoming perfectly since Saturday (6/1) and the view is breathtaking. After the ranger found the blooming flower, local tourists have packed the conservation zone since Saturday. Most of the tourists were seen taking pictures with the rare Rafflesia gadutensis, which has been dubbed as the largest flower in the world. Septian said, for the tourists who want to see the Rafflesia flower, they have to be assisted by the rangers during the trekking, and viewing activities. The rangers, he explained, need to guide the tourists, because the flower which was found near the Palak Siring Kemumu waterfall is situated within the conservation area. Therefore, the ranger needs to ensure any visits made by the local would cause no harm to the flower and its habitat. He also noted that people are still able to enjoy seeing the rare blooming flower for the next three days// Voi.Ant





Indonesian Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto said the government hopes that 13 industrial zones in the country are expected to attract Rp250.7 trillion worth of investment in 2018. He said on Sunday (7/1) in Jakarta that the government has provided improved investment facilities in the industrial zones, among others, through fiscal and non fiscal incentives and the formation of task forces to make available gas supply, electricity, water, land, spatial plan and others. The 13 industrial zones are the Morowali in Central Sulawesi, the Sei Mangkei in North Sumatra, the Bantaeng in South Sulawesi, the JIIPE Gresik in East Java, the Kendal in Central Java and the Wilmar in Serang, Banten. Minister Hartarto said the government will conduct a roadshow to potential investors so that investors would know Indonesia and its regulations hoping that it would also improve the investment climate. The minister said his ministry had facilitated the development of a number integrated industrial zones to support the investors to develop their businesses in Indonesia//  antara


Indonesia as the ASEAN host country is committed to strengthening the capacity of ASEAN namely the ASEAN Secretariat. This was stated by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno LP Marsudi at the Ground Breaking of the New ASEAN Secretariat Building in Jakarta on Friday. In her remarks, Minister Retno said that the development of the new ASEAN Secretariat Building is expected be completed in 2019. It is also expected to get supports from all ASEAN member states so that the ASEAN Secretariat will be able to work more effectively and efficiently. Minister Retno Marsudi further said that the new building of ASEAN Secretariat will be constructed in 16 stories and two towers and it will also be decorated with Betawi ornament as representative of Jakarta.


“…Indonesia as the host of ASEAN Secretariat remains strongly committed to strengthening the capacity of ASEAN Secretariat, including the infrastructure and facility of the Secretariat. The new building of ASEAN Secretariat will be started very soon and the development itself hopefully takes place less than two years. The iconic platinum level green building is hoped to be completed in 2019 and the building will consist of 16 stories and two towers with the touch of Betawi culture for its interior. The support from all ASEAN member countries is needed for new work of ASEAN Secretariat. Again so that ASEAN Secretariat will be able to adapt, expand, work more effectively, efficiently and innovatively,”   said Minister Retno Marsudi.



The new ASEAN Secretariat building is built on an area of 11,390 square meters. With a building area of approximately 44 thousand square meters, this building takes the theme of Green building platinum level. The ground breaking was conducted by Minister Retno Marsudi and witnessed by the new ASEAN Secretary General, Dato Lim Jock Hoi and Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan. The ground breaking ceremony was also attended by several ambassadors of friendly countries and foreign representatives in Indonesia. (Ndy)



“…We are also in the process of realizing ASEAN Vision 2025. Against this backdrop the role of ASEAN Secretary General and ASEAN Secretariat are vital and crucial in supporting ASEAN to achieve its institutionalization and community building goals. So that, ASEAN can be more responsive and relevant by providing support and advice as requested to ensure that the act in complementarity and also monitoring the progress of our commitment,”  said Retno Marsudi.          


Furthermore, Minster Retno views that ASEAN is currently entering the second phase of its 50-year term. The term which is challenging faces various spheres starting from the regional disputes to terrorism act.


In addition to providing benefit towards people and playing significant role in maintaining peace and stability in the region, Minister Retno Marsudi reasons that ASEAN must contribute more to the global development. She emphasized that ASEAN needs unity to strengthen its role in the global community and strengthen ASEAN centrality. (Ndy)