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Editorial (928)


The Asia-Pacific region is increasingly a concern for the United States to expand its arms marketing network. Similar attention is also made by West European countries that produce weapons, including Italy. For that purpose, Washington seems to apply two approaches, namely diplomacy and trade. Efforts to expand the US arms market are visible from the US arms manufacturers’ plan to participate in an international arms exhibition to be be held in Singapore. The reason Washington is expanding the marketing of weapons production in Asia Pacific, especially in Asia, can be seen from at least two points. First, there is an interest of some Asian countries in equipping themselves with more  weaponry, and the second point is the  expansion of China's influence in the Asia Pacific region. Various security issues at home and in the region, at least, become the reason for some Asian countries to strengthen their defense, such as from the armaments side.Singapore and the Philippines, for example, seem to increasingly feel the need to improve weaponry in connection with the continued strengthening of terrorism issues in Southeast Asia. In another perspective, Japan also feels an interest in strengthening its defense. This is related to the US plan to reduce its role in the Japanese defense. Japan itself feels quite concerned about North Korean maneuvers, which repeatedly conducted missile tests and sometimes, the missile seems to be  heading toward Japan.  Vietnam is also one of the countries in Asia that feels the need to improve security and defense, especially in the maritime area. The frequent occurrence of Chinese maneuvers in the disputed South China Sea makes Vietnam feel the need to strengthen its arsenal in the region. In terms of defense approaches, the United States also needs to keep pacing with China's strategic and assertive measures. Meanwhile, Italy as one of the arms manufacturers in West Europe also sees the same opportunities as the United States. Although the reason may be about more business than politics. In such a perspective, it can be seen that both the United States and West Europe feel the need to take strategic steps and approaches to expand their arms trade in the Asia Pacific region.


The implementation of the 18th Asian Games is few months ahead. The Asian Games will be held from August 18 to September 2, 2018. Various preparations continue to be done by the government of Indonesia, whether by the central government, as well as the two regional governments to host the implementation, Jakarta and Palembang.


The preparation of all infrastructures and facilities has at least satisfied the Asian Olympic Council. This was expressed by the Chief Organizer of the 2018 Asian Games 2018 –INASGOC, Erick Thohir after attending the 8th Committee Coordination Meeting in Jakarta on last Sunday (14/1). The Asian Olympic Council has seen significant progress made by INASGOC, the central government and the government of South Sumatra.


The success of Indonesia as the host for the second time is certainly expected. In 1962, Indonesia had successfully hosted the 4th Asian Games and grabbed second place in the achievement of medals after Japan. This could at least be an inspiration to achieve success in this event. In addition, because this activity is international scale, the eyes of the world at least Asia, will be on Indonesia. It is no exaggeration for Indonesia to expect a positive impact from the 18th Asian Games in various fields, including social, political and economic spheres.


The spirit to make the 2018 Asian Games successful must be echoed by not only Indonesian government, event organizers and athletes, but also all stakeholders, especially Jakarta and Palembang. The spirit of promoting the activities that will be themed "The Energy of Asia" should continue to be intensified.


Some ornaments of the 2018 Asian Games have been already installed in Jakarta and Palembang. Office Buildings of the government and recreation areas have been colored by the distinctive ornaments and attributes of the Asian Games. The spirit of hosting the Asian Games has also been felt, not only in the Gelora Bung Karno sports complex, but in other places of the sport implementation.


The involvement of all stakeholders to resound the implementation of the 2018 Asian Games should continue to be strengthened. The utilization of all promotional media, including social media, should be further improved. So, the 2018 Asian Games fever can be widespread in Indonesia in particular and Asia in general.


Of the total peat-land in the world reaching 400 million hectares per February 2016, the area of ​​tropical peat-land is only eight percent. Of that amount, as much as 60 percent are in Southeast Asia. Tropical peat-land is the one which has the richest type of peat in carbon stocks. The benefit of the peat-land, that is only 3% of the total land area in the world, is capable of storing 75% carbon in the atmosphere. Indonesia is known to have the largest tropical peat-land which covers around 11.5 million hectares, while Malaysia has only 7 million hectares.


As the country with the largest tropical swamp peat-land ecosystem in the world, it is natural that Indonesia offers itself to be the world's tropical peat-land center. Indonesia’s experience for year in dealing with forest and land fires and restoring and providing peat protection should be a mainstay. Central Kalimantan and Sumatra are among those nominated as tropical peat-land candidate because they have done a lot of research, utilization and all related things to peat-land management programs.


The international response that appreciates Indonesia's performance in the protection, management and restoration of the burnt peat-lands is one of the reasons why Indonesia deserves to be the world's tropical peat-land center. Head of Research, Development and Innovation Agency of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Agus Justianto said that the concept is being discussed.


The management of the tropical peat-land center is planned to be under the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and in collaboration with the Peat-land Restoration Agency (BRG). Currently, the BRG is working on restoration on 2 million hectares of land in 7 provinces until 2019.

BRG itself was set up to deal with peat-land matters and strengthen peat-land regulation through government regulations and ministerial regulations, following the case of forest fires by 2015. According to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the effort contributed significantly to the reduction of hotspots. In 2015 – 2017, the number of hotspots dropped dramatically from nearly 22,000 spots to fewer than 2000 spots. This became a successful story of Indonesia in a bid to become a tropical peat-land center.


Head of the Peat-land Restoration Agency, Nazir Foead said that Indonesia will build a center of tropical peat-land ecosystem in Bogor, West Java. This centre will be a place for information sharing. While the peat-land laboratory is located in Riau, Jambi and Kalimantan. The center of this tropical peat-land ecosystem will be a place of learning for other countries that want to know about tropical peat-land and how to restore and care for tropical peat-land. Nazir also remarked that Indonesia has a lot of research on peat-land, and the research should be featured in the center of the tropical peat-land ecosystem. Indonesia also opens up the economic potential of the swamp peat-land whose moisture and humidity are kept. The potentials include genuine timbers of swamp peat-land as a substitute for acacia, peat-land coffee, forest honey, rubber and pineapple.


The efforts made by Indonesia are certainly not meaningful if not supported by similar activities by other countries. However, Indonesia is only a small part of this vast earth. All countries in the world must have the same responsibility to care for the earth.



Facing cyber threat

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President Joko Widodo established ‘Siber and State Encryption –BSSN’. This body was formed through Presidential Regulation No. 53/2017 which was then revised to be Presidential Decree -Perpres No. 133/2017. In the regulation, Head of the BSSN and his deputy are directly responsible to the President. The threat in cyberspace is an infinite threat. A serious threat to cyber-terrorism is the threat of terrorism and warfare via cyberspace.

In regard to the establishment, President Joko Widodo said that the existence of the BSSN is very important and in the future, it is needed by the state, especially in anticipating the rapid development of cyber-crime in the world. In addition, the threats are increasingly diverse from the development of cyber abroad. So, Indonesia must immediately respond the challenge.

Previously, Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto in presenting his vision and mission before Commission I of the House of Representatives –DPR said  that terrorism, the threat of war, and conflict are global challenges that need anticipating. Among the possible threats, Hybrid war is the one that combines conventional, irregular, and cyber wars. Marshal Hadi also said that on one hand, the rapid development of information technology is also increasingly supporting the movement of individuals or groups of terrorism to realize their interests. On the other hand, cyber warfare must also be a major consideration in the implementation of national defense and security functions.

Meanwhile, during the discussion of Policy Paper of Indonesian Cyber  Diplomacy: Now and Later, November 2017, in Yogyakarta, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared that cyber diplomacy is absolutely necessary to respond to the challenges and problems arising from the development of cyber technology that cannot be separated from millennial communities nowadays. In this regard, Head of the Center for Policy Review and Development of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Fikry Cassidi said that nationally the cyber-technology challenge is well responded by the government. He views that the policy paper is prepared to support national policy in the field of cyber by contributing ideas on defining the position and strategy of Indonesian cyber diplomacy.

The technology of the virtual world is growing rapidly without a clear boundary. Indeed, the government of Indonesia should respond and be pro-active in facing cyber governance through multilateral and regional forums. Without the regulation and legal basis for addressing cyberspace, Indonesia will be powerless in its efforts. At present, almost all aspects use cyber technology in the activity. Moreover, the growth of the Internet and information technology has increased more than eight times since 2000 with more than 3 billion users. Based on the growth and development, colonization and crime can now happen not only in the real world, but also through the virtual world. Therefore, without clear legal basis, the handling of cyber threats and other devices will threaten the existence of the state, not only in terms of security, economy but also socio-culture.


Indonesia is a country that lives in diversity, having more than 1,100 regional languages, 714 tribes and six official religions, namely Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism. This diversity and difference, of course, requires a sense of mutual understanding. Otherwise, it will lead to friction that sometimes triggers disunity.

Islam becomes the majority religion, with the number of believers in Indonesia reaching 88 percent. However, this does not mean that Islam controls all aspects of socio-political life, nation and state. Muslims in Indonesia are very concerned about harmony among religious followers and they have a high tolerance of other faiths.

So far, Islamic scholars or ulamas are considered very instrumental in maintaining harmony and diversity in Indonesia. Throughout the history of the founding of Indonesia, they have been able to maintain the unity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia -NKRI. Their contribution in maintaining unity is also unquestionable. It is not surprising that President Joko Widodo in his speech at Haul Majemuk Masyayikh at Pesantren (Ponpes) Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Sukorejo, Situbondo, East Java on Saturday (03 Feb), said that the preservation of Indonesia's diversity is due to the major role of the ulamas.

The role of the ulamas became a decisive factor in several heroic events prior to and after the proclamation of Indonesian independence. Ahead of the proclamation of independence, the involvement of KH Abdul Wahid Hasyim, the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesia's largest Islamic organization, in the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) has an important meaning in maintaining cultural, ethnic and even religious diversity. The tough debate about the Jakarta Charter at that time could be solved well, because of its broad Islamic views, without having to be trapped in the formalization of religious teachings.

In addition, after the proclamation, when there were many separatists in various regions in Indonesia, who want to separate themselves from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Islamic scholars have played a major role in maintaining, and upholding Indonesia’s unity.

Indonesia is a country with belief in one God, humanity, and a sense of unity and it always tries to solve problems through deliberation, and social justice. It is the duty of the Indonesian nation to keep the state based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitutions ass mandated by the founders of the nation who have struggled to fight for the sovereignty of the nation and the state in the sense of ‘Bhinneka Tunggal Ika’ or Unity in Diversity’.


Diplomatic Corner

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The first information is that the United States of America - Indonesia explore cooperation on Halal certificate.

The United States of America‘s Trade Department wants to explore cooperation with the Ministry of Religious Affairs n in Halal Certificate. This was stated by Deputy Assistant of the US Trade Department for Asia, Diane Farrell when visiting the Ministry of Religious Affairs recently.

Diane Farrel was received by Head of the Halal Product Security Guarantee Board, Sukoso and also his staffs. Diane wanted to make sure that the US products have been suitable with standard, in accordance with existing law when the process of halal certification has been officially conducted by the Board.   

Responding to the case, Head of the Board, Sukoso said that the Halal Product Security Guarantee Board will officially operate on October 17, 2019. He also explained that his office is preparing the steps of halal certification and technological information system which supports halal certification. Sukoso also said that his office is intensively introducing the Board to the stakeholders and arrange the plan of memorandum of Understanding -MoU with the countries which market their products in Indonesia.

The MoU with other countries is much needed, because the system and standard of halal products in certain country is different from the system and standard of halal which is used in Indonesia. Sukoso further said, that in addition to the labeling of halal, non-halal product is also required to attach non-halal label. This is aimed to protect the consumers. He views that if non-halal label is not listed on product’s package, it will make consumers confused because not all consumers understand the terms which are listed on product’s composition.

The next information is that Gadjah Mada University Vocation and Jeonju Volunteer Center of South Korea  strengthen cooperation in culture.

The Vocational School of Gadjah Mada University and Jeonju Volunteer Center of South Korea have strengthened cooperation in social and cultural field recently. The strengthening was implemented through the signature of MoU. The signing was conducted by Dean of the University, Wikan Sakarinto and Director of the Center, Park Jeong Seok at the Vocational School of Gadjah Mada University. The cooperation was initiated by Diploma-3 program of Korean language of the University which was addressed to increase volunteer’s culture.

Previously, the social organization focused on children throughout the world and the Gadjah Mada University had run cooperation in similar field. Last year, there was social action  at Patuk II Elementary School, Gunungkidul regency. For two weeks, students of Jeonju Volunteer Center’s volunteers renovated school infrastructure and taught Korean culture and language to students. Wikan Sakarinto appreciated the cooperation which was conducted by Vocational School of Gadjah Mada University and Jeonju Volunteer Center of South Korea. Wikan also hoped that the next cooperation which has been agreed by both sides, can be developed.

We end Diplomatic Corner with the news on the Indonesian embassy in Seoul holds writing competition.

The writing competition is oriented for more Indonesian students in Indonesia and South Korea. Beginning early February, the competition will be closed at the end of February. Meanwhile, the prize will be distributed in March. The Indonesian Ambassador to Korea, Umar Hadi said that based on the regulation, the winner of the competition, who lives in South Korea, will be given tour package to Bali. Meanwhile, the winner, who lives in Indonesia, is provided a visit package to South Korea.

The theme of the competition is "To Interpret special strategic partnership in Indonesian and South Korean relations".  As it is known, at the visit of South Korean president to Jakarta at the end of last year, the relations of the two countries was improved through 'Strategic Partnership' which was initiated in 2006 to become 'Special Strategic Partnership'. The competition is conducted in the frame of President Joko Widodo’s visit to South Korea which is scheduled this year.



Indonesia is a country that lives in diversity, having more than 1,100 regional languages, 714 tribes and six official religions, namely Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism. This diversity and difference, of course, requires a sense of mutual understanding. Otherwise, it will lead to friction that sometimes triggers disunity.

Islam becomes the majority religion, with the number of believers in Indonesia reaching 88 percent. However, this does not mean that Islam controls all aspects of socio-political life, nation and state. Muslims in Indonesia are very concerned about harmony among religious followers and they have a high tolerance of other faiths.


So far, Islamic scholars or ulamas are considered very instrumental in maintaining harmony and diversity in Indonesia. Throughout the history of the founding of Indonesia, they have been able to maintain the unity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia -NKRI. Their contribution in maintaining unity is also unquestionable. It is not surprising that President Joko Widodo in his speech at Haul Majemuk Masyayikh at Pesantren (Ponpes) Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Sukorejo, Situbondo, East Java on Saturday (03 Feb), said that the preservation of Indonesia's diversity is due to the major role of the ulamas.

The role of the ulamas became a decisive factor in several heroic events prior to and after the proclamation of Indonesian independence. Ahead of the proclamation of independence, the involvement of KH Abdul Wahid Hasyim, the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesia's largest Islamic organization, in the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) has an important meaning in maintaining cultural, ethnic and even religious diversity. The tough debate about the Jakarta Charter at that time could be solved well, because of its broad Islamic views, without having to be trapped in the formalization of religious teachings.

In addition, after the proclamation, when there were many separatists in various regions in Indonesia, who want to separate themselves from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Islamic scholars have played a major role in maintaining, and upholding Indonesia’s unity.

Indonesia is a country with belief in one God, humanity, and a sense of unity and it always tries to solve problems through deliberation, and social justice. It is the duty of the Indonesian nation to keep the state based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitutions ass mandated by the founders of the nation who have struggled to fight for the sovereignty of the nation and the state in the sense of ‘Bhinneka Tunggal Ika’ or Unity in Diversity’.


The conflict in Yemen

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Yemeni government has not managed to solve the Houthi rebel issue, which controls some of the territory in the north of Yemen. Now, a new conflict occurs on which previously, a group  also fought the Houthi. The group calls itself as the Southern Transitional Council -STC and supports the paramilitary group of the Southern Rebel Troop -SRF occupying the capital Aden.  Yemen's interim government led by Abdoul Rabbo Mansyour Hadi is based in Aden, after the capital of San'a occupied by the Houthi rebels. Fighting between paramilitaries and government forces lasted for 3 days and they even managed to surround the Presidential House in Aden on 30 January 2018. Earlier on Sunday, STC had issued an ultimatum to stage a coup if President Mansour Hadi had not reshuffled his cabinet, which was considered corrupt.  Those who are in in the list are required to step down, such as Prime Minister, Ahmed bin Dagher and his cabinet members. But President Mansour Hadi persisted and did not change the composition of his cabinet. In fact, the leader of the rebel, Aidarous al-Zubaidi was previously a partner of President Abdoul Hadi. Zubaidi helped Hadi fight Houthi in the Aden region and was later appointed to be the city's governor. The verbal clash and mutual accusations are inevitable, after Hadi considers al-Zubaidi to receive financial and armed support from the United Arab Emirates. Zubaidi countered the charge by saying that the Hadi government was corrupt and tried to eliminate the STC. The relationship of these two allies was immediately away and opposite. Thus, the Yemeni government faces two fronts at once: in the North facing Houthi rebels and in the south facing the STC rebellion. Yemen's situation is apprehensive, because instead of getting better but even becoming uncertain. Under these conditions, Indonesia as a friendly country of Yemen should encourage the parties and states involved to establish dialogue. Everyone knows that the victims of the conflict must be civilians. Consequently, both sides become victims.



Indonesia is now pursuing its economic growth target. Therefore, several efforts are made by the government by issuing various policies and regulations such as facilitating investment permits for foreign workers to be able to carry out their activities in Indonesia.

Regarding the pursuit of Indonesia's economic growth target, in a limited meeting on investment and exports that was held on Wednesday, January 31, President Joko Widodo instructed all cabinet ministers to simplify the procedures of investment, exports, and entry of foreign workers as experts to Indonesia. Thus, he instructed ministries to support the performance of trade investments in order the permit work of foreign workers -TKA is not complicated and this must be simplified.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Darmin Nasution said that the government does need foreign workers to boost Indonesia’s economic growth. However, the foreign workerswho are in need are those whomaster a specific sector, such as in the field of technology, especially e-commerce. Minister Darmin Nasution views that so far, many foreign workers have complained about the difficulty of obtaining a residence permit. By giving the ease, the foreign workers can be attracted to encourage the digital economy.

Meanwhile, Minister of Industry, Airlangga Hartarto admitted that Indonesia needs additional foreign workers on which Indonesia becomes one of the main countries of investment destination in Southeast Asia (ASEAN). He affirmed that some foreign investors are asking the government to allow their workforce intoIndonesia to develop business and capital.

To support the acceleration of economic development, in fact the government needs qualified experts in their respective fields so that there is no problem in the handling. Facilitating the permit of foreign workers' stay in order to support the economic acceleration program is rightful to be done by the current stakeholders in a bid to realize prosperous Indonesia and fulfill the campaign promises. However, the question is whether about 250 Indonesian people  are unable to occupy the position of experts in their respective fields(?) What if the government is open to invite Indonesian experts who live abroad to come back home in a bid to build their homeland and work according to their respective fields. In addition, it should be affirmed that the foreign workers who are allowed to work are skilled ones with high managerial capacitydirectors, commissioners and advisors. They are also oriented to transfer knowledge instead of technical workers in the field. This is aimed at  protecting a large number of potential young workforces from the threat of unemployment.



President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has shown his sincerity with high confidence by making a state visit to Afghanistan. Ending his trip to five countries in South Asia a few days ago, President Jokowi under the tight guard of the Government of Afghanistan, has shown sympathy for the country which is being  hit by  ongoing conflicts.

As President of a predominantly Muslim country, President Jokowi has shown his sincerity in enhancing cooperation between both nations and  States. On the other hand, it also shows a great desire for peace in Afghanistan that has been plagued  by  violence and war for decades. President Joko Widodo is the second President of Indonesia visited  Kabul. Previously 57 years ago, Indonesia’s first  President, Soekarno, had  visited Afghanistan, but under different circumstances, of course.

By  visiting   Kabul, President Jokowi also showed a very high confidence amid  the violence that often occurs in the capital city of Afghanistan. A few hours before the President arrived in Kabul a bomb exploded in one of the military installations. The suicide bomb killed hundreds of people, both in Kabul and elsewhere. Although the Afghan government is much assisted by US troops, attacks are still often carried out by militants in different parts of the country. Indonesia is certainly concerned about the condition and fate of the people of Afghanistan. They actually live in a country that holds great potential of natural wealth. However, civil wars that continue to rage, has caused a very alarming condition among the people in that country.

On the commitment of President Joko Widodo to visit his country, Afghan President Sahraf Ghani, expressed his high appreciation. This was shown by presenting the Medal of Ghazi Aminullah award to the Indonesian Head of State  during a luncheon at the Presidential Palace in Kabul, Monday, January 29, 2018

The medal is a form of respect of  Afghanistan towards Joko Widodo who is considered firm and courageous in advancing bilateral relations between Indonesia and Afghanistan, especially in peace building in the country. Meanwhile, Indonesia is also grateful to the Afghan government for welcoming the Indonesian President with a very tight security, so that the state visit went well.

Whether after the visit of Joko Widodo, the conditions in Afghanistan will change for the better, all of course depends on the Afghan government and the people themselves to solve their problems. However, the President Joko Wododo's visit has at least inspired the need for a peaceful effort by the Afghans to resolve the problems within their country.( kbl )