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Editorial (942)


April 9 has always become an important day for the Indonesian Air Force -TNI AU. That is the day when the first President Soekarno in 1946 declared the establishment of the Air Force. The date is also celebrated as National Aviation Day. The establishment of the Air Force cannot be separated from the establishment of the People's Security Service -BKR on August 23rd, 1945. Later, on October 5, 1945, BKR changed into the People's Security Army -TKR. The then air force was named TKR Flight Bureau under Air Commodore, Soerjadi Soerjadarma as the first Air Force Chief of Staff. On January 23, 1946, TKR was upgraded again to the Army of the Republic of Indonesia -TRI, as a continuation of the development of the Air Force. So on April 9, 1946, TRI Bureau of Flight was removed, and it was then replaced with the name of the Air Force of the Republic of Indonesia. Since then, April 9 has been celebrated as the birthday of the Indonesian Air Force -TNI AU. In addition to the short birth process of TNI AU about seven months since the independence of Indonesia, the main equipment of the weaponry system Alutsista) owned by the Air Force at that time was only used aircraft obtained from the loot of Japanese soldiers, such as Chureng, Nishikoreng, Guntei and Hayabusha. The number of aviators and technicians was very limited. With the limited defense equipment owned at that time, the Air Force was able to inscribe gold ink in the history of Indonesian struggle. For the first time, a plane with a Red-and-White identity was flown by Air Commodore, Agustinus Adisutjipto on October 27, 1945. The Air Force is now 72 years old. Although the condition of the main equipment of the weaponry system -Alutsista of the Air Force has not been in accordance with the need to support its operations, this does not de-motivate the spirit to guard and maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with the motto “Swa Bhuwana Paksa” or "The Wing of My Homeland". May the Indonesian Air Force always be the protector of the entire territory of Indonesian sovereignty and can elevate the dignity of the nation and build a glorious Indonesia in the air. Long live the Air Force!


Bangladesh plans to move  around 100,000 Rohingyas to  a remote island starting on June 2018. The plan was presented by the Bangladeshi  Secretary of Disaster Management to the UN in Dacca on Wednesday (April 4, 2018). It  is an  effort of Bangladesh to relocate the Rohingyas who are currently  crowding the Cox Bazaar area. The place has become a temporary shelter for refugees who fled from Myanmar, after the conflict in 2017.Bangladesh doubts Myanmar's promise that it will take back the Rohingya ethnic, as the country only verifies about 300 of the thousands of refugees’ files. Myanmar argues that in the files, there are 3 people related to terrorism.With the placement, Bangladesh has to accommodate 700  thousand refugees around the border. The relocation plan is considered to have not solved the problem. Currently, the Rohingyas are living  in a very unfit environment in refugee camps. Meanwhile, the Bangladeshi Navy have planned to  build around 1.400 shelters ready to be lived in by the end of May.The relocation itself is carried out on a voluntary basis. In Cox Bazaar, their life  is difficult because of disease prone, especially facing the rainy season next June. But their placement on the island is also not without problems. The place  to  be inhabited is known to be  prone to tropical cyclone disaster.Earlier, in February, Myanmar agreed to take back  6,000 Rakhine refugees, in the no-man's area of Tombru. Bangladesh argues that those in the region have not been considered refugees and Myanmar agrees to repatriate  them. But it  remains agreement; there is no guarantee of security, and the Rohingyas are still afraid of returning.The Rohingya ethnic shouldn’t be displaced  and live for long in such  an uninhabitable place like now. It is also  not fitting to let their fate in an uncertain situation.Indonesia has been very concerned about their fate and has provided humanitarian assistance. President Joko Widodo also had a direct view of their condition when making a visit to Bangladesh some time ago. Now, all that needs to be done is to keep the refugee repatriation process going on. Myanmar should also be willing to open up and provide security for the returning Rohingya ethnic, as well as giving them  the rights as citizens.


Great Hope for New Governor of Bank IndonesiaThe House of Representatives -DPR has officially appointed Perry Warjiyo as Governor of Bank Indonesia –BI for the period 2018 - 2023 in a plenary session taking place last Tuesday (3rd of April). Perry Warjiyo's appointment process was quite smooth, because after undergoing a fit and proper test by Commission XI at the DPR, 10 factions were actively approving the single candidate proposed by President Joko Widodo. This means that all factions in the House were fully confident of Perry Warjiyo's capacity to become the new governor of Bank Indonesia for the next 5 years.

Indeed, Perry Warjiyo, who was a farmer and born 59 years ago in Sukoharjo, Central Java, will only serve his governorship of Bank Indonesia on next May 23rd, 2018, after the current position of Governor of Bank Indonesia, Agus Martowardoyo officially ends. However, a lot of homework and expectations are waiting for the man who has started his career at Bank Indonesia since 1984. Moreover, the performance of Bank Indonesia over the last 5 years under the leadership of Agus Martowardoyo is considered successful enough to maintain the national economic stability of the global economic turmoil. Perry Warjiyo will continue Bank Indonesia’s leadership which over the last five years has received a good "label" both domestically and globally. Even last year, Governor Agus Martowardoyo was awarded as the best central bank governor in Asia Pacific based on an international institution.

Thus, Warjiyo must be able to prove that President Joko Widodo's choice of him is not wrong. Perry must prove the trust of the DPR and must be able to prove that he can work better than the performance of the previous governor of BI. Certainly, we do hope that for a few decades of experience as an internal man of Bank Indonesia, and having held the position of one of IMF International Monetary Fund Executive Directors, Perry Warjiyo will be able to answer the expectations of many stakeholders. Maintaining the monetary conditions in the country becomes one of the heavy tasks faced by Perry. Macro-economic stability, inflation control and rupiah exchange rate will be the wishes of all stakeholders to be maintained. At the same time, another severe task is how Bank Indonesia can support policies that encourage Indonesian economic growth.

Maintaining the influence of the global economic turmoil is also a serious challenge to be faced by Perry Warjiyo when later he officially serves as governor of Bank Indonesia. Trade war that has occurred between the United States and China more recently may bring about impact on the domestic and regional economy. Perhaps, the closest challenges to be faced Perry Warjiyo as the new chief of Bank Indonesia are the simultaneous elections and the stages ahead of the legislative and presidential elections. In these political years -2018 and 2019, the stability of the rupiah, the stability of the economy and the enormous amount of money in circulation must be maintained in order not to influence the implementation of the democratic festivity. May the great hope of the new governor of Bank Indonesia be realized for monetary stability and positive economic growth! Congratulations to Mr. Perry Warjiyo! (danang prabowo)


South Africa is in mourning. Monday April 2, 2018, Winnie Mandela, the country’s  human rights advocate,  passed away. Though her admirers already knew that she  had long been ill, her departure at the age of 81, still made South African people sad. Mandela family spokesman, Victor Diamini, Monday afternoon local time reported that Winnie Mandela had died at the age of 81 years. At the last moment of her life the mother of two were surrounded  by her family, who sent  her to God in peace. Without being told to, South African people  including  political figures and officials flooded the residence of the late Winni, in the town of Soweto, once a base of her struggle with her husband, Nelson Mandela.

For South Africa, in particular, Winnie Mandela ne Madikiezela who was born  in 1936, is a symbol of the struggle against tyranny. In addition, the wife of the late Nelson Mandela, is a woman who was very loyal and committed to her husband’s fight  against injustice in South Africa. When her husband was in jail for about 3 decades, Winnie kept  the family survived while continuing  the struggle. Together with her husband,  she fought  against the apartheid regime at the time. When Nelson Mandela was in prison, Winnie continued the spirit of resistance against the pro-apartheid  South African regime. Not only her husband  Nelson  who was imprisoned by the ruling government. Winnie was also put behind  bars and had to struggle hard   against intimidation.

The outstanding woman was destined to live the life of her youth as a fighter. Since adolescent Winnie had been  trained as a social worker and cared about the environment and the suffering of others.

In a televised statement, South African President Cyrril Ramaphosa praised the late Winnie Mandela and called her  the voice of the oppressed. In times of oppression and exploitation, Nelson Mandela's wife  was a champion in the struggle for justice and equality.

Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Bishop Desmond Tutu declared Winnie Mandela a true symbol of the struggle against apartheid.

Winnie Mandela's journey of life, struggle and tenacity inspired activists and movements against tyranny and injustice.


The Constitutional Court held its chief election on Monday April 02. The election was to replace Arief Hidayat who terminates his term of office of the Constitutional Court during the period 2015-2018. The Constitutional Court is the frontline of law enforcement in the field of law. Its task is to overcome problems related to legislation and mediate disputes on General Election and Election of Regional Head -Pilkada. The presence of the Constitutional Court which was formed after the fall of the new order has given new horizons in the matter of law and constitution in Indonesia. The Chief of the Constitutional Court is an important position to oversee the Constitution in Indonesia, which is free from the influence of the Executive and Legislative.

The election of the Constitutional Court chief for the period 2018-2020 was conducted by voting at the plenary session of the judges. All judges of the Constitutional Court: Anwar Usman, Maria Farida, Wahiduddin Adams, Aswanto, I Gede Pasek Palguna, Suhartoyo, Manahan Sitompul, and Saldi Isra have the rights to vote and to be voted, except Arief Hidayat who only could cast his vote. Because, he has been elected twice namely in 2015 and 2017.

In regard to the election of the new chief of the Constitutional Court, former chief of the Constitutional Court, Mahfud MD hopes there is a new breakthrough in the election process. This was viewed necessary to restore the authority of the Constitutional Court which had been dropped when its former chief involved in an unlawful case. The presence of the Constitutional Court for the next 3 years is very decisive, as it will certainly play a major role in handling possible disputes of election of regional heads in 2018, legislative election and president elections in 2019. Therefore, this major court needs high concentration, neutrality and impartiality from organizations, institutions, political parties to executive and legislative bodies. The Constitutional Court must be independent, fair and honest in issuing its verdict. At the plenary session on Monday, April 2nd at 3 P.M. by voting, the nine judges of the Constitution elected Anwar Usman as new chief of the Constitutional Court from 2018-2020.


Indonesian Supreme Court (MA) deserves being appreciated since it has issued a ban on fugitives listed on the People Search List (DPO) to file a pre-trial lawsuit. Supreme Court’s Circular No. 1/2018 dated on March 23, 2018 closes the fugitives’ opportunity to file a pre-trial. The letter also confirms that if a pre-trial petition is still filed by the lawyer of fugitive suspect, the judge does not accept it. The suspect also cannot file a legal action regarding the verdict. So far, people have often got very angry because many fugitives, especially corruptors escape abroad. They file a pre-trial through their lawyer or family. As a result, some of them win the pre-trial. One of them is Sudjiono Timan convicted of corruption case of Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) that made the state money worth Rp 1.2 trillion lose. He fled a few days before being convicted by the Supreme Court (MA) on a higher court with the sentence 15 years in prison. In his escape, Timan's wife filed a Judicial Review (PK) and the Supreme Court accepted the judicial review on July 31, 2013, and Timan was free without attending the court. The judicial review (PK) is a legal effort which can be taken by a convicted person in a legal case against a court’s verdict that has permanent legal force within the judicial system in Indonesia. The court ruling which has the permanent legal force is the verdict of the District Court that has not been filed an appeal, the verdict of the Supreme Court which is not appealed at higher court or the higher verdict of the Supreme Court. The circular of the Supreme Court No. 1/2018 that bans the fugitives to file a pre-trial lawsuit should be appreciated by all circles. This is an appropriate step for law enforcers to legally process the fugitives without being in absentia. A fugitive in exile could file a pretrial and then he or she wins. Of course, this cannot be tolerated because it will make the concerned do anything. If this is allowed to occur, there will be inequality and even injustice because such persons are still given access to leeway.



Indonesia Supreme Court (MA) deserves being appreciated since it has issued a ban on fugitives listed on the People Search List (DPO) to file a pre-trial lawsuit. Supreme Court’s Circular No. 1/2018 dated on March 23, 2018 closes the fugitives’ opportunity to file a pre-trial. The letter also confirms that if a pretrial petition is still filed by the lawyer of fugitive suspect, the judge does not accept it. The suspect also cannot file a legal action regarding the verdict.

So far, people have often got very angry because many fugitives, especially corruptors escape abroad. They file a pretrial through their lawyer or family. As a result, some of them win the pretrial. One of them is Sudjiono Timan convicted of corruption case of Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) that made the state money worth Rp 1.2 trillion lose. He fled a few days before being convicted by the Supreme Court (MA) on a higher court with the sentence 15 years in prison. In his escape, Timan's wife filed a Judicial Review (PK) and the Supreme Court accepted the judicial review on July 31, 2013, and Timan was free without attending the court.

The judicial review (PK) is a legal effort which can be taken by a convicted person in a legal case against a court’s verdict that has permanent legal force within the judicial system in Indonesia. The court ruling which has the permanent legal force is the verdict of the District Court that has not been filed an appeal, the verdict of the Supreme Court which is not appealed at higher court or the higher verdict of the Supreme Court.

The circular of the Supreme Court No. 1/2018 that bans the fugitives to file a pre-trial lawsuit should be appreciated by all circles. This is an appropriate step for law enforcers to legally process the fugitives without being in absentia. A fugitive in exile could file a pretrial and then he or she wins. Of course, this cannot be tolerated because it will make the concerned do anything. If this is allowed to occur, there will be inequality and even injustice because such persons are still given access to leeway.


As the current global economic growth is less encouraging, Indonesia tries to improve the economy by cutting barriers that make domestic economic growth rise. One of the government’s efforts is by streamlining regulations that tend to hinder domestic and foreign investment at both the central and regional levels. The effort is aimed at developing and improving economic growth in the country.

In the work meeting of the government on ’Acceleration in Implementing Business in some Regions at JIExpo Kemayoran in Jakarta on Wednesday, attended by Vice President Jusuf Kalla, cabinet ministers and Regents/Mayors and Chairmen of DPRDs throughout Indonesia, President Joko Widodo asked each minister to streamline at least 100 regulations in a bid to improve climate of domestic investment. In addition, the President also asked the regional heads for each month to have the courage to make major reforms in order to facilitate the business climate, investment climate with online system methods and to avoid many obstacles that impose or burden the business world, and the people.

Earlier, Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Darmin Nasution said that the government found it difficult to remove or streamline various regulations due to the many different standards in each ministry or related institutions. In addition, he views that the removal requirements should also refer to the existing regulations in the region to avoid overlapping and instead of becoming a burden in the country, especially for import export policy. Therefore, each of the central and regional stakeholders in the implementation of the streamlined policy should communicate and coordinate well.

President Joko Widodo said that currently, Indonesia still has 42,000 regulations that might hamper the business world and make the government unable to move quickly. All of these must be addressed immediately. The regulations are at the central and regional levels. Seeing a great number of regulations that tend to hinder investment, logically, if President Joko Widodo is worried about Indonesia's economic growth that has been pegged 5% cannot be achieved. In addition, the mindset and the way of doing business must also change. In the modern and fast era, online process is now a major and appropriate choice. The importance of streamlining unnecessary regulations



Indonesian Ambassador to New Zealand, Tantowi Yahya on Monday (March 26, 2018) responded to the writing of Audrey Young, the political redactor of the NZ Herald. The response was issued towards Audrey Young's writing entitled "Visiting leaders show disrespect by failing to share the platform with Jacinda Ardern" published in the NZ Herald Daily on 25 March. Ambassador Tantowi Yahya stated that he had loudly protested to the redactor and urged him to make a clarification because what he wrote did not match the true reality.

Rapid steps from Ambassador Tantowi Yahya should be appreciated. Because, this could pose a misperception about President Joko Widodo. Ambassador Tantowi Yahya underlined Audrey Young's writing about the President Joko Widodo’s refusal to meet the press and to give explanation   after a bilateral meeting with New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern at Parliament House on March 19, 2018. This attitude was later translated by Audrey Young as the president’s disrespect.

Ambassador Tantowi Yahya denied the allegations, and gave an explanation of the decision not to make the press statement. This is a proposal from the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, which was then adopted into a joint decision. For public consumption, the results of the meeting will be summarized in a joint statement which will be posted on the official website of both countries. He added that Indonesia appreciates the position taken by the host, and fully supports it because there is nothing wrong with that attitude.

Indonesia through the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Wellington has issued the joint statements. Both President Widodo and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern noted the importance of the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and New Zealand. This is something that has to be built on a strong foundation of relationships between nations and has developed into the most valuable relationship for both countries. President Widodo's visit to New Zealand also marked an increase in bilateral relations with the comprehensive partnership.

Firm stance should indeed be taken to anyone who might pose a wrong opinion about Indonesia. Moreover, if the opinion is published in the media, this may lead to different perceptions.


World Wildlife Fund of Nature -WWF, an international non-governmental organization that deals with issues of conservation, research and environmental restoration reports that the earth is in crisis. The damage to the earth has gone so fast. Based on the report of the WWF-UK -Living Planet Report, 80 percent of the water species are destroyed, while more than 50 percent of the land animal population has went extinct. 40 per cent of forests have been transformed into agricultural land and 15 million trees as raw materials get lost each year. In addition, climate change makes one of the six species in the world under threat of extinction. To save the earth, WWF does an activity called ‘Earth Hour’. Actually, what is Earth Hour and what is the purpose of the activity? Earth Hour, which means in Indonesian language ‘Jam Bumi’, is a global event organized by the WWF at last Saturday of March each year. This activity is in the form of blackouts in homes and offices for one hour to raise awareness of the need for serious action against climate change. The WWF initiative was first held in 2007. At that time, 2.2 million Sydney residents participated in by extinguishing all unnecessary lights. After Sydney, several cities around the world participated in the Earth Hour 2008. This year, Earth Hour is held in 180 countries, including in Indonesia. As in previous years, several cities in Indonesia participated in the Earth Hour activities. On Saturday night (24/3/2018) from 20:30 to 21:30 local time, the commemoration of the Earth Hour Indonesia 2018 is held simultaneously in Indonesia. This year, there are 60 cities to participate in the Earth Hour Indonesia 2018, including Jakarta, Banjarmasin in South Kalimantan, Yogyakarta and Pontianak in West Kalimantan. Quoted from the official website of the WWF, turning off the lights for 60 minutes becomes a symbol that shows solidarity for the earth planet. Although it is only done for 1 hour and once every year, the Earth Hour activity is proven to have a very huge impact, especially in saving energy. For the area of ​​Jakarta, blackouts are conducted at Bung Karno Main Stadium, Town Hall Building, National Monument -Monas, Welcoming Monument, and Simpang Susun Semanggi. As a result, Jakarta provincial government is estimated to save 170 megawatts of electricity. In addition to saving in terms of cost and power, power outages by the city government also have a major impact on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. What about in the world? In addition to saving energy, for about 10 years of action, the Earth Hour has helped create 3.4 million hectares of Argentina's marine protected area, 2,700-hectare forest in Uganda and new laws for marine and forest protection in Russia. Seeing the great benefits of the Earth Hour, in the future, not only government offices and buildings, but also other places belonging to individuals or private companies will participate in this Earth Hour activity. Energy savings should be done not only once a year for an hour, but also every single day for an hour continuously. The Earth Hour is just one of the few efforts that can be done to save the earth. Let's do something, so the Earth becomes a comfortable place to live on.