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Editorial (922)


The implementation of the 18th Asian Games is a few months to come. The opening of every four years of this Asian Games will be held on August 18, 2018 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The implementation will be held in Jakarta and Palembang, South Sumatra. The preparation for the event, including Infrastructure and facilities has reached more than 90 percent. Serious efforts which are currently being prepared by the Asian Games 2018 Organizing Committee -INASGOC are both the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2018 Asian Games. Around 5,500 performers and 141 musicians are involved, including top Indonesian singers and musicians who take part in the 18th Asian Games to succeed. What is the message to be conveyed through artwork by artists for the Asian Games? Director of the Recording Industry Association of Indonesia – ASIRI, Jusak Irwan Sutiono expressed his true involvement because he feels that the Asian Games is for all and should be supported. This feels like in Official Theme Song Asian Games 2018, "Bright as Sun"

Raise the flag of your nation

Located on the highest pole

Make your young soul

Carve history

The spirit of competition is felt in the lyrics of this song. Because every athlete will certainly do his or her best effort to record history for Indonesia. The message is also a driving force for Indonesian athletes to present the best for the nation and country. The best contributions are also being prepared by other artists. Over 250 dancers from 18 high schools in Jakarta have joined intensive training to perform Indonesian modern packaged culture. While 2000 professional dancers, high school students and art college students are also engaged to be part of the spectacular opening and closing performances of the Asian Games. The involvement of artists in the 18th Asian Games means a lot. Because frequently, the success of a sporting event is measured from the opening and closing ceremonies. Moreover, the ceremony will be broadcast to 45 countries in Asia and some other continents, such as American continent. Great expectations are concentrated on the hard work of Indonesian artists or art workers who refer to the creative groups and the committees who have more than one year to prepare the opening and closing of the 2018 Asian Games. Moreover, there are Olympic standards that the Asian Games must be fulfilled. For Indonesia, the Asian Games not only organizes sports competitions, but also becomes one of the media to promote Indonesia's strength and potential. The opening and closing ceremonies of the 2018 Asian Games become golden moment to perform the work of Indonesian artists who are parallel with the world’s artistic creation.


In Indonesia, there have been repeated acts of terrorism that killed not only the perpetrators, but also other people around the scene. The acts make the community angry, and why these deadly actions continue to happen and finally pose conflict.

The suicide bombing was carried out by a family of six in Surabaya and Sidoarjo, East Java on May 13, 2018 with the target of operating three churches. It’s a pity to witness kids being involved in the suicide bombing.

At a limited meeting of terrorism prevention and countermeasures in Jakarta on May 22, 2018, President Joko Widodo insisted that the eradication of terrorism is not enough just by enforcing the law and dismantling terrorist networks to the roots. The eradication of terrorism must be balanced with soft power approach.

President Joko Widodo views that the de-radicalization program must be optimized, not only to clean the ex-terrorists, but also to clean up educational institutions at all levels and the general stages of the misleading understanding of terrorism.

Consciously or not, terrorists are everywhere. There are a lot of suspected terrorists who have been arrested by security apparatus. However, is it possible that legal action against terrorists can finish them to the root?

Although many terrorists have been caught and sentenced, their acts take place again and again with new perpetrators. So in fact, what should be done so that terrorism really does not exist anymore in this country?

It’s terrifying to know that radicalism has entered the world of education, from an early age to college. Based on the survey results of Indonesian Institute of Sciences -LIPI in 2016, 25% of students and 21% of teachers claimed that Pancasila, which is known as the ideology of the Indonesian nation that is plural, is no longer relevant. Meanwhile, the survey of the National Agency for Counter-Terrorism in 2017 also shows that 39% of students in 15 provinces in Indonesia indicated to be interested in radical understanding.

Rector of Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Dwia Tina Palubuhu in a limited meeting with President Joko Widodo, said that the de-radicalization program can be carried out by encouraging students to be proud as a peaceful and tolerant Indonesian people. They should be proud to have Pancasila with humanity values. In the forum, Head of National Agency for Counter-Terrorism, Suhardi Alius proposed to restore nationalism through the school curriculum. Minister of Education and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy requires all teachers to teach the real strengthening of character education, not just theory.

Most importantly, Indonesian people must always be watchful not to be influenced by misleading and unreasonable teachings. They must be fortified with a correct understanding of their religion that loves peace, because there is no religion teaching its followers to pose conflict, let alone to kill humans' lives.


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A series of recent terrorist attacks in several cities in Indonesia highlight the discourse of reviving the Joint Special Operations Command of Indonesian Armed Forces –TNI (Koopssusgab). The goal is to help police counter terrorist attacks.

Koopssusgab was actually inaugurated on June 9, 2015, when the Chief of Staff Office of the President, Moeldoko was the then Commander of the TNI. The command comprises of a special force of troops consisting of three TNI dimensions, namely the Sat-81 Gultor Army Special Forces Command, the Naval Detachment of the Navy, and the Satbravo 90 Air Forces Typical Forces Corps. The main concept is to form troops that can be deployed immediately when there is a hazardous situation concerning terrorism. The tasks of the Koopssusgab handled at that time were limited to extraordinary operations. However, some time later, the Operation Command was frozen.

This year, terrorists launch their acts and kill many lives, including police personnel. Various parties have started proposing re-involvement of Koopssusgab fight against terrorism across Indonesia. However, this discourse raises controversy. On one hand, there are those who support the plan as long as the rules are strict, On the other hand, some do not agree and ask the government to complete the first process of revision of the law against terrorism.

Meanwhile, Chief of Staff Office of President, Moeldoko told reporters on Wednesday (16/5) that President Joko Widodo has approved the reactivation of Koopsusgab belonging to the TNI. The revision of Law No. 15/2003 on Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism has not been legalized by Parliament today. In fact, law enforcers need a certain legal umbrella to take preventive action.

Whatever the decision will be, the involvement of all security forces to fight against terrorism must have a strong legal basis and respect for human rights. Military assistance is required only if the situation is not able to be addressed by the police. In addition, it should be clearly determined when the Joint Special Operations Command –Koopssusgab starts and ends. The Indonesian experience shows that prolonged repressive measures are ineffective, and may pose new problems later on. The government should also be able to convince the general public that the Joint Special Operations Command -Koopssusgab of the TNI along with the police will ensure the security of the citizens, lest the people even feel that there is a new terror.


The Islamic State Group of Iraq and Syria, ISIS have left the Syrian capital. As reported, the Syrian Military have forced  the radical rebel group out of Damascus, after the Military completely controlled  the city. The expulsion of ISIS from Damascus has made the citizens of Damascus feel more relaxed and able to observe  their holy month Ramadan in peace. But not long after the ISIS left   Damascus, at least 26 Syrian troops and their allies were reportedly attacked and  killed by the ISIS group in the Badya region.

A human rights monitoring organization in Syria reported, ISIS attacked one of  military headquarters at dawn, targeting the government forces in Badiya desert area on the Iraqi and Syrian border. The expulsion of the ISIS group from Damascus and the following ceasefire, did not immediately stop the acts of violence by the ISIS. Attempts to eliminate the group  can not  be done by the Syrian government alone. The location of the radical group movements in the Iraqi and Syrian border should be jointly carried out by both countries.

The problem is, their concentration is not just to combat ISIS which   had entered the territory of Syria and controlled parts of Damascus,  from  2015 until they were forced out just recently. The civil war crisis in Syria then, became one of ISIS's opportunities to enter the country. Until now, Syria is still struggling  with the civil war that began raging in 2011 and has costed    thousands of lives and devastated parts of the region.

The same thing also happened to  Iraq. Therefore ISIS can still move by utilizing the chaos in both countries. Not only that, efforts to anticipate the development of ISIS also should be the attention of other countries. The impact of ISIS on a number of countries, including Indonesia, has caused them  to make serious efforts to anticipate the effects of this movement. ISIS has now become an international threat. The cohesiveness in  stopping the group should be a common concern.


National awakening is a moment of arousing the sense and spirit of unity, nationalism and awareness to fight for the independence of a country. In Indonesia, the National Awakening is commemorated every May 20th. 110 years ago, precisely in 1908, Dr. Soetomo and several students of STOVIA, the School of Doctor Education in the Dutch colonial era, founded a youth organization called ‘Boedi Oetomo’.Forty years later or in 1948, President Sukarno set May 20th as the insurgence day of nationalism.

Boedi Oetomo is a social, economic and cultural organization instead of political one. The establishment of Budi Utomo became the beginning of a movement aimed at achieving Indonesian independence. Boedi Oetomo became a marker that the Indonesian people for the first time realized the importance of unity. Being united is a key word when Indonesians want to achieve noble ideals. Boedi Oetomo has provided an example of how to assemble and organize without seeing the matters related to tribes, religions and groups. At the end, all of these could encourage the growing spirit of nationalism that became the main engine of achieving independence.

What would happen if awareness of being united did not nurture among the Indonesian people at the time?  Now, a hundred and ten years later, the Indonesian nation has grown into a great and developing nation, parallel to some countries. The people of Indonesia have enjoyed the results of their heroes’ struggle in the form of improved economy, health, and education. Boedi Oetomo was established by several people who were aware of the importance of being united. From those people, the occurrence of unity spread to become a capital for the Indonesian nation and finally, this achieved independence. If 110 years ago, the Indonesian people who did not have anything but the spirit, could be united to achieve the common goal, namely independence.

Thus now, the spirit of being united must keep being enlivened. More importantly, Indonesia is going to carry out political years: Regional Head Election (Pilkada) in 2018 and Presidential Election in 2019 that are vulnerable to pose conflicts due to differences of choice among Indonesian people.


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Prior to the month of Ramadan, the prices of staple food in some regions in Indonesia have skyrocketed. For the majority of the Muslim population of Indonesia, the month of Ramadan is the holy month when they are obliged to fast every day for one month. After Ramadan, there is Idul Fitri or Lebaran Day which is the biggest feast in Indonesia. The problem is that during the month of Ramadan, food consumption tends to increase. Most of Indonesian people, especially Muslims think that during Ramadan they need to improve nutrition and quality of food to balance the obligations of fasting. On Idul Fitri day like great days in other countries, people usually provide the best dishes for families and friends. So, the increase in food prices is not a new thing for Indonesian people. This is like a "tradition". Despite the availability of stock and smooth distribution of food such rice or meat, the prices are already "automatically" rising, as if the prices of basic necessities both prior to Ramadan, during Ramadan and post-Idul Fitri should rise.

Director General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health at the Ministry of Agriculture, I Ketut Diarmita said that chicken meat is sufficient before the fasting month and Idul Fitri 2018 and even, the chicken eggs are surplus. Meanwhile, Director General of Horticulture of the Ministry of Agriculture Suwandi said that the supply of chili from the harvest in South Sumatera, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, and other regions could become sources ahead of Ramadan.

Based on these calculations, Diarmita pointed out that there should be no price increase because there is sufficient stock. But the reality is quite different. The government's claim on the availability of basic commodities does not seem to undermine traders' intentions, especially retailers in traditional markets to raise the prices.

The price of one chicken in Kramat Jati Market, Jakarta slowly has moved up since last week and is expected to continue to increase until Idul Fitri. In Pasar Baru of Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi, the basic commodity prices have even gone up over the last two weeks. The prices of some commodities in Inpres and Lhokseumawe markets also increase.

Generally, the cause of the price increase is that there is an increasing demand. However, sometimes the reasons for Indonesian traders to raise prices seem absurd. For example, prior to Lebaran Day, government employees and companies and workers usually receive a holiday allowance or bonus. So, this is considered fair if the traders take advantage of additional benefits as well.

The government needs to conduct market operations to ensure sufficient stock and the prices cannot be manipulated by the merchants, let alone make it as tradition.


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Today Thursday, May 17, 2018, all Muslims in Indonesia and other parts of the world begin to perform fasting. The first day of fasting takes place shortly after a series of terrorist attacks in Surabaya, and Sidoarjo, East Java Province, which killed a total of 14 people. Regardless of whether or not there is a direct connection between the act of the terrorists and the month of Ramadan, the actions to terrorize the public may be said to "fail". This can be seen from the crowds of people who shop for the needs in the early Ramadan in crowded places, such as shopping malls or traditional markets and entertainment venues. Similar crowds are also seen in mosques or Mushallas filled with people performing the first Tarawih prayers.

Ramadan is a glorious month and a blessing for Muslims. During this Ramadan, all Muslims are obliged to fulfill fasting in a broad sense. They must be able to retrain from not only hunger, thirst but also anger and passion not to consume excessive food. Those who are fasting are strictly forbidden to commit sin, let alone killing someone.

The Indonesian Ulema Council -MUI appeals for Indonesian Muslims to make the holy month of Ramadan a moment of self-improvement. MUI also asked for the public to do a lot of social activities.

Ramadan is an excellent momentum to develop an attitude of tolerance in the practice of religion, not to be trapped in conflict and dispute because of differences in religions, especially after the recent occurrence of a series of terror acts in Surabaya, East Java.

Ramadan is the perfect time for Muslims to enlighten other followers of religions about the true meaning of 'Islam'. Islam never teaches to do something evil.

At the National Halaqah Hubul Wathon and the Declaration of the National Movement of Muballigh Bela Negara at Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory in East Jakarta, Monday (14/5), President Joko Widodo emphasized that Islam never teaches violence, not to mention teaching terror among people. He views that Islam actually teaches its people to be gentle, polite, and respectful to others. Therefore, it is proper that Ramadan can be used as a momentum to create peace and tranquility in the community.


The opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem, that caused  dozens of Palestinians dead, has sparked an international reaction. The European Union, for example, has urged all parties to exercise restraint. In the Gaza Strip more than 50 Palestinians in protests were killed, fired by Israeli soldiers, and over 2000  were wounded. EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini has urged Israel to respect the right to peaceful protests by Palestinians. The decision of US President Donald Trump to open the Embassy in Jerusalem, has certainly caused a new conflict. But Donald Trump wouldn’t change it   because this is one of his campaign promises when running for president. Israel, which feels it gets a real support of the United States, is using  weapons to tackle the demos of Palestinians in Gaza near the border of the Palestinian territory and Israel. The European Union has clearly called on Israel to end the violence  and the shooting of Palestinian protesters. The EU has asked  for immediate diplomatic steps in the wake of talks between Palestinians and Israelis. In a statement when he decided to move US  embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, President Donald Trump stated that his policy was to pave the way for new negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. The problem is, Palestine and some other countries have declared not recognizing the United States as mediator of Israel and Palestine. The question then, which country will soon take the initiative to replace the United States? Whatever the attitude and decision of the United States is, it has made Israel feel the upper hand. This can be seen from the brutal action of  shooting  the protesters in the Gaza Strip. Only  world solidarity  towards Palestine that can actually repress Israel to immediately stop its brutal action.


Why It Happened?

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The people of Indonesia, especially the people of Surabaya, East Java are shocked with the action of suicide bombing. Three suicide bombings took place in the churches of the Immaculate Santa Marian, Central Pentecostal Church, and GKI Church. At least, 11 people died, and more than 40 people were injured and needed special treatment. Criticism and curse were directed to suicide bombers. Even, President Joko Widodo called this act of terror as a barbaric act, beyond the limits of humanity. What makes people more furious at the perpetrators is the involvement of children in this suicide bombing act. The target of this terror is the houses of worship. As a result, some people condemn this action on the name of a religion. The unity of Indonesia is re-tested.

The hope is that this act of terror does not make religious people accuse each other. The religious followers must not make verbal war in social media to blame one another. Of course, this tragedy is hoped to strengthen the brotherhood among religious people in Indonesia, to jointly to face acts of terrorism. President Joko Widodo, Chief of Indonesian National Police (Polri) –Tito Karnavian, Chief of Indonesian Military –TNI, Hadi Tjahjanto and a number of ministers came to check out the location.

On the occasion, President Joko Widodo emphasized that terrorism has nothing to do with any religion. The Indonesian government has a tough task to address the roots of terrorism in Indonesia. The government must be able to carry out thorough investigation relating to acts of terrorism such as the recruitment and the source of funds for each of the terrorists’ acts. It’s expected that there are no longer new recruitment and brain-washing of prospective terrorists who voluntarily conduct acts of terror, despite committing suicide by oneself or her/his family. Indonesia's alertness to all acts of terror should be further enhanced. Moreover this year, there is regional election in several provinces, cities and regencies. There  are Asian Games that will be attended by more than 40 countries, the annual meeting of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. It is the task of all stakeholders of the Indonesian nation to create and maintain security across Indonesia. May the terror act in Surabaya, East Java be the last one!


The history of Malaysia is no longer the same. After 60 years in power, Barisan Nasional, which is a 13-party coalition with UMNO as one of the strongest parties in Malaysia, has to relinquish its power to the opposition. In the general election held on Wednesday (May 9, 2018), Barisan Nasional had to compete  against Pakatan Harapan, which consists of 4 parties. As a result,  the people of Malaysia gave their  support to Pakatan Harapan which obtained  113 seats. With the addition of  the coalition of parties in Borneo, the total is 121 seats. While Barisan Nasional could only manage  79 seats. Former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak who led the Barisan Nasional admitted this defeat. However, in the matter of leadership, the problem is not yet fully completed. If calculated per party, no party controls an absolute majority without a coalition. The opposition parties incorporated in Pakatan Harapan, obviously will not share its power  with  Barisan Nasional. The defeat of Barisan Nasional can not be separated from the Malaysian people  lack of trust  to Najib Tun Razak figure, who is perceived not to run the mandate properly. Like in the case of  an  alleged  major corruption scandal that affects one of Malaysia's state-owned enterprises, 1 MDB. Reportedly Najib Razak received huge amounts of money from it, although this was denied by him. However, Mahathir Mohammad, who was once the Prime Minister of Malaysia and now the  coalition leader, did not automatically  become Prime Minister after the Election. After the vote count, Malaysia is still not fully out of the leadership crisis, since  no party has  absolute majority.  Razak submitted the matter to Yang Ditertuan Agung, Sultan Muhamad V, as the Head of State of Malaysia. Finally, Mahatir Mohammad took the oath as the 7th Prime Minister of Malaysia, at the State Palace at around 10 pm on Thursday. Although  there were  rumors that  the Palace was less pleased with Mahatir because he often criticized the kingdom. Earlier coalition leaders met Yang Dipertuan Agung to ensure that  Mahatir can  be sworn in to lead Malaysia. The voice of Malaysians who give trust to the Pakatan Hope Coalition to lead the country should be supported. Leadership of Malaysia under the 92-year-old Mahatir Mohammad, in this period, should be able to bring positive hope to Malaysia. Because any political crisis that hit the country, will certainly affect the regional conditions in the ASEAN region and Indonesia.