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Editorial (922)



Nowadays, the use of gadget in the society has been so close in their dayly life. It happens not only in adults but also in children. Even, it has been introduced to toddlers since early age. This phenomena in adults and children is worrying enough because it can cause the children’s growth and development to be disturbed. Their social interaction can be hampered. Anna Surti Ariani, a child and family psychologist says that the parents’ indecision in limiting the time for the children to play gadget mainly the online game is one of the factors why the children are addicted to the gadget. Another factor is that the parents’ literacy is less in technology. There are a lot of parents who are not smart in technology and they do not know which particular application or content that should be avoided by the children. Protecting the children from the bad impact of the internet can be done in many ways; one of them is by providing the safe and suitable web page for the children.

For Indonesia, the digital literacy understanding has been too urgent, remembering that the number of population migrating to cyber world has been so huge. The fast advancement of technology needs to be balanced by the intelligence in using modern techlonogy devices.Thus, the sophisticated technology advancement must be useful for the society’s life comprehensively, particularly in the social interaction. All of them have to start from early age of the children in recognizing digital devices.

According to Chairman of National Digital Literacy Movement, Dedy Permadi, it is important for the parents to make sure that their children gain the maximal advantage from the internet. The movement’s activity always gives training “to digital literacy” in 140 cities in Indonesia and there are about 90 thousands of people who have joined the training. The hope is that they are competentin digital literacy in accessing the internet  technically and in filtering various information and entertainment on the internet.

Multi-dimensional approach is needed in learning process of society so that they are educated digitally, smart in technology literacy and intelligent, creative and cultured. Amidst information distribution in digital media, digital literacy ability becomes the strategic thing. By the massive and extensive  socialization of the importance of digital literacy understanding, cooperation between thegovernment and society in providing the safe internet access for children and adults, certainly can realize the advantage of using positive internet. The true digital literacy pushes the digital netizens to be wiser in using the technology intrument.



Minister of Trade, Enggartiasto Lukita is in the United States to meet with US Trade Minister -Wilbur Ross, the United States Trade Representative (USTR), and the US Chamber of Commerce. During his visit, Minister Enggartiasto is accompanied by representatives from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), the Indonesian Exporter Companies Association (GPEI), the Indonesian Importers Association (GINSI), the Indonesian Palm Oil Entrepreneurs Association (Gapki), Indonesian Association of Biofuel Producers (Aprobi), Indonesian Textile Association (API), and producers of automobile tires, palm oil, marine catering, steel, aluminum and beverage food.

The visit of the Indonesian Trade Minister's entourage from 23 to 27 July is closely linked with the US government's plan to review the Generalized System of Preferences -GSP facilities, which Indonesia has received so far. The GSP is a tariff exemption program on imports of certain goods from developing countries. This policy has been in operation since 1976, but was suspended in 2013 before being reinstated in June 2015. Last year, Indonesia's export products to the US receiving GSP benefits were worth $1.95 billion dollars. Based on data from Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics –BPS, the value of exports to the USA reached $17.79 billion dollars and imports $8.12 billion dollars. Indonesia surplus to US was worth $9.67 billion dollars. Indonesia's main exports to the US include shrimp, natural rubber, footwear, vehicle tires, and garments. While Indonesia's main imports from the US include soybeans, cotton, wheat flour, cornstarch, and animal feed.

This visit is aimed at negotiating and explaining the position of Indonesia. So, Indonesia is not excluded from the GSP facilities. The Indonesian government's move is much better than retaliation to the United States, for example raising tariffs on the entry of US goods to Indonesia. Because in fact, the USA and Indonesia are not currently at trade war as happens to the USA and China nowadays.

Actually, the grant of GSP benefits the US businesspeople, because business practices in Indonesia are conducted under the Free On-Board (FOB) scheme. Through the scheme, Indonesian businesspeople are not responsible for any duties or taxes imposed on goods exported through ports. This practice is also done when Indonesian businesspeople import goods from the USA. So, all tariffs imposed by the US government on Indonesian exports are paid by buyers and importers from the USA.

The essence is that the US consumers and employers are the main beneficiaries of the GSP scheme. The amount is estimated to reach $1.95 billion dollars. This reflects the amount of money that the US businesspeople have to spend in the future when the scheme is revoked. This can be viewed that the nature of trade relations between the United States and Indonesia has been complementary so far and they need each other. The USA will certainly not be hurried up to stop the GSP facility for Indonesia if this will ultimately make the USA be disadvantageous.



Today, July 30, 2018 is commemorated as the Day of Trafficking in Persons. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) says that every year, millions of children, women and men are victims of human trafficking. They are entranced by false promises and deceit. Human trafficking has become a global business with multi-billion dollar, affecting almost every country in the world. Over the last five years, human trafficking has brought about a negative impact in many countries, including in Indonesia. It is a question of not only criminality, but also the most basic violations of human rights, such as the rights to freedom, the rights to gain a decent life and prosperity, the right of human beings as dignified humans. Trafficking in human beings is a very serious and severe form of human rights violations, and usually occurs in conjunction with other forms of human rights violations, such as slavery, smuggling, and human exploitation. Data from UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2014 states that human trafficking crimes occur almost in every country around the world. There are 152 countries that experience it, regardless of the socio-economic status, history, and structure of the country. The perpetrators of this crime have created an international market for trading human beings. This crime is done because it brings huge profits. In addition, the high demand for commercial and labor sex with low prices makes the business of human trafficking more and more growing.  While data from CARITAS Indonesia, globally, between 2005 and 2014, there were 2.5 million victims of human trafficking. 1.4 million or 56% of whom were in the Asian region. Most victims are aged between 18-24 years. Each year, approximately 1.2 million children become victims of trafficking in different regions of the world. Many causes trigger the rise of human trafficking cases. Most are due to economic demands. For the interest of money, many people are willing to violate the norm or against a state law. In addition, the number of employment that is not comparable with the human population sometimes triggers the occurrence of this case. Human trafficking should be a common concern of all aspects of society, not only national but also regional and global. To suppress these crimes, international world must jointly cooperate to cope with human trafficking cases in a bid to especially break the chain of human trafficking among the countries.


Peace in Afghanistan

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The political and security situation in Afghanistan is expected to be better after a meeting of negotiators from both Taliban and the United States this week in Doha Qatar and other places in the Middle East. The meeting is a good move to end the pro-longed conflict in Afghanistan, a country in central Asia bordering on Tajikistan, Turkmenistas, Uzbekistan, Pakistan and Iran. With its mountainous and multi-ethnic geographic region, it has made the country a conflict-prone and difficult field to reconcile. To end the conflict, US officials met with former Taliban members amid intense efforts to end America's longest war. As quoted by AFP, Senior Officer of the Department of Home Affairs Bureau for Southern and Central Asian Affairs, Alice Wells has met with representatives of Taliban this week in a bid to find a way toward ending the 17-year-old Afghan conflict. The US State Department did not directly confirm the report, but noted that Alice Wella had been in Doha this week where he met with Qatari officials. Meanwhile, according to Taliban sources, talks with US officials have taken place in Afghanistan, Qatar, United Arab Emirates. Peace in Afghanistan, as it came to light, refers to a 3-day truce echoed by Afghan President Ashraf Ghani in June during Eid al-Fitr. The ceasefire has spawned a phenomenon that never happened when Taliban fighters and Afghanistan soldiers hugged each other and shook hands on Idul Fitri Day in the area where war always happened. Therefore, President Ghani wants the Eid al-Fitr truce could be a path to a more lasting peace, and calls on Taliban side to advance to the negotiating table. Since the fall of Taliban in 2001 after the US-led Coalition, the situation in Afghanistan has not been good. Violence often occurs despite the efforts of developing Afghan security forces and nearly 70,000 international troops, serving under NATO or as part of the US-led Operation of Endless Freedom. But peace in Afghanistan does not only involve the United States because it must also involve the state of Pakistan and Iran because of historical and geopolitical linkages. In addition, strong figures are needed to be able to unite the nation of Afghanistan among the people. The reinforcement of Loya Jirga, the high council of the people will continue to be strengthened so that the trust of the parties concerned in the conflict can be represented in the institution.


Elections in Pakistan

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The heat in Pakistan today is not only because of the weather, but also due to the rising political temperatures ahead of the General Election, which is planned to be held today. Several incidents of bomb attacks and even legal cases seem to be the way to compete in this general election.Ahead of the election there was a bomb attack that killed 149 people. Another attack even killed a candidate who was going to join the elections, albeit at a local level. Another point of interest is the court's verdict to a strong candidate from the Pakistani Muslim League Party (PML-N), which is the party of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. The verdict is suspected to be under pressure from certain parties in Pakistan. Sharif and his daughter are currently facing sentences, each 10 and 7 years in prison, due to some corruption cases. In addition, a Pakistani court ruling, also imposed on Sharif a lifetime political ban.In Pakistan, the military has a strong influence. Half of the country's 71-year history was  ruled or controlled by the military. This time  some parties also  suspect the military of  pressing the media and politicians. Of course the military denied it and declared that it does not have a direct role in the election.This election was a battle between PML-N and the Tehreek-e-Insaf opposition party (PTI) led by Imran Khan. Another party is the People's Party of Pakistan led by Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. Bilawal is the son of the late Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto who was killed in an attack. In order to occupy the Prime Minister's seat, the People's Party inevitably had to compete with other parties that become competitors in this election.It is hoped that the general election in Pakistan run  peacefully  and is able to come out with    a figure who is  really elected by the people to become the leader of the country. The parties who have been facing each other  in the election should prioritize the common interests rather than the interests of their respective groups and parties. Peace in Pakistan is a key in order to mitigate the situation in the restive neighboring countries, Afghanistan, and South Asia. That was commentary.



Today, July 23rd is the special day for Indonesian children. Because, the day is commemorated as the National Children Day. The commemoration of the National Children Day is based on Presidential Decree No. 44/1984. Since, Indonesian people annually ccommemorate the National Children Day  in many kinds of events. The theme of the National Children Day 2018 is “Indonesian Children, The GENIUS Children”. The GENIUS in the theme is the abbreviation of Gesit (nimble), Empati (empathic), Berani (brave), Unggul (excellent), and Sehat (healthy). Certainly, we hope that the Indonesian children are actually the smart ones or those who are amazingly capable and talented in thinking and creating. The nimble, empathetic, brave, excellent, and healthy children certainly become the hope of all the Indonesian family. Nowadays, there are some things that parents and educators are afraid of in Indonesia. With the technology advancement, many Indonesian children  pay more attention to their gadgets. Possessing the gadget certainly has good side, as long as it is used to the good things. But there are some of the children who are too busy with their gadgets, and these make them interact less with surroundings, even with their family. The efforts of creating the nimble, empathetic, brave, excellent, and healthy children must be done by all stakeholders. Moreover at this time, 84 million children will be the agents of Indonesia development in the future. They are the assets for Indonesian advancement. Another anxiety of what some parties are afraid of is early age. The National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) specially invites the children to pledge “stop the early marriage”. We hope that the awareness will make both Indonesian people and the government be committed to protecting the children’s rights in a bid to prepare good family planning. Preparing strong physics and mentality for Indonesian children must be done continuously. Because, they will be part of the Indonesia’s demographic bonus in 2030. The productive employees in great quantities at that time become a golden opportunity for Indonesia to push the economic wheels. The Indonesia’s success in achieving the goal of Sustainable Development is also determined by the quality of the children. Thus, to assure the children to be able to grow freely of poorness, to be  healthy, educated, happy, and safe, is the basic of creating the mature humans who can contribute to economy and society with high social cohesion. To achieve the goal of the Sustainable Development, Indonesian children must become the most important investment. The investment will make them to be the agents of change for the Sustainable Development. May the Indonesian children will actually become the genius children who are nimble, empathic, brave, excellent, and healthy. Happy National Children Day 2018!


Indonesia is one of the major emitters of greenhouse gases. This phenomenon is caused by high rates of deforestation and increased industry utilizing fossil fuels. The contribution of the energy sector to greenhouse gas emissions in Indonesia is at second rank in land use, land use change, and forestry. The lack of forest protection incentives, sustainable management of forests, renewable energy and energy efficiency measures increases Indonesia's contribution to accelerating global greenhouse gas emissions.

On April 22, 2016 at United Nations Headquarters in New York, USA, Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya, as Indonesia's representative, signed the Paris Treaty on Climate Change. Indonesia becomes one of the first countries to directly deposit instruments of ratification. The Paris Agreement is a global one to deal with climate change. The commitments of states are expressed through Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for the period 2020-2030, plus pre-2020 action. Under the agreement, Indonesia chose to reduce its 29% emissions by 2030 independently and 41% with international assistance. The Paris treaty will apply if ratified by at least 55 countries contributing at least 55% of greenhouse gas emissions.

According to the Ministry of Environment and Forests, forestry and land use are the most significant sectors in climate change control, as forest areas that account for 65% of the country's territory are also a place rich in biodiversity.

On May 17, 2018, in the framework of efforts to reduce emissions and improve forest governance, WWF-Indonesia signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Province of East Kalimantan to support government efforts in a bid to reduce carbon emissions as per commitment of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) emissions by 29% by self-effort by 2030. Through the World Bank-managed Carbon Partnership Facilities-Carbon Fund program, East Kalimantan Province has the opportunity to reduce emissions from deforestation and performance-based forest degradation.

On July 17, 2018 in Jakarta, Director of Greenhouse Gas Inventory, Monitoring of Reporting and Verification at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry -KLKH, Joko Prihatno said that based on the data, the total emission reduction is only funded and done by the government. In fact, the private sector has also been required to do mitigation action to reduce emissions. So far, many private sectors have taken action on climate change mitigation, generally done in corporate social responsibility (CSR) program. Joko hopes, starting this year, complete data have to be entered from various sectors for reporting and sooner submitted to the president and immediately brought to the climate change conference.

Until 2016, Indonesia has achieved emission reduction of 8.7%. The figure is derived from declines in the forestry, agriculture, energy, waste management sectors, and industrial production sectors. Forestry contributed the largest emission reductions, reaching 4.7% of total decline.

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is not just the homework of Indonesia. However, with the commitment of Indonesia in the Paris Agreement to do so as much as 29% until 2030, the cooperation of various related stakeholders, both government and private sectors, is necessary. Data collection also needs to be done for national and international interests. It is expected that at the agreed time, Indonesia can fulfill its commitment.

That’s Commentary!



Tuesday 17 July 2018 is the deadline for registration of candidates for legislative members. Indonesian General Election Commission -KPU has set the stage of registration up to the determination of Legislative Candidates for 2019 Election. The announcement of the candidate list was publicized on 1-3 July, and the stages of the submission of candidate list are on July 4-17.

A number of political parties began to register their prospective candidates for the members of the House of Representatives -DPR which in the 2019 General Election to the KPU on Monday (16/7/2018). Based on the official schedule of the KPU, there are at least seven political parties to register their candidates. The seven parties are the NasDem Party, the Indonesian Solidarity Party, the National Awakening Party -PKB, the Working Party, the Golkar Party, the Perindo Party and the Justice and Unity Party of Indonesia (PKPI). This means that eight political parties have not registered their candidates. So, they only have time until Tuesday (17/7) They are the National Mandate Party -PAN, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle -PDI-P, the Democrat Party, the Gerindra Party, the Garuda Movement Party, the Hanura Party, the Prosperous Justice Party -PKS, the United Development Party -PPP.

Commissioner of KPU, Ilham Saputra hopes that political parties should ensure to register the names of legislative candidates who have no administrative problems so that there is no need to be restored or repaired by the political parties. He also reminded that in the registration of candidate files, there is no candidate who is an ex-convict of corruption. Therefore, the KPU during the verification process of the candidate will certainly not pass the legislative candidate who was a convict of corruption. In addition, the KPU will not extend the registration period because it is feared that it will affect the election day.

The question is why political parties choose to register their candidates only 2 or even one day from the registration deadline. Why are they taking risk? In fact, they should have known that it would be risky for the prospective candidates. If a candidate has been verified and he or she is not eligible,  they may fail to become legislative candidates. This will certainly disadvantage the legislative candidates and political parties. Or will the KPU be generous to provide additional time for those who will complete the shortcomings or improve the requirements as a candidate? But it should not happen. The KPU should show a good example or educate the legislative candidates as well as the political parties about the meaning of being disciplinary. Being disciplinary is necessary and educative so that if the legislative candidates are elected later, they must be responsible and disciplinary to attend the parliamentary meetings.

That’s Commentary!



The historic meeting between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin was just held earlier this week. Previously, Trump also had  held a meeting, which also became one of the historical records, with Kim Jong Un, North Korea's highest leader.

The meeting with Vladimir Putin has been  expected to resolve some issues, such as armed conflict in Syria, the occupation of the Crimean peninsula and also the issue of Russia's involvement in the US presidential election of 2016.

While with Kim Jong-un, Trump also had a one-on-one meeting. Although not all the issues have been cleared, there are at least good intentions to resolve the North Korean nuclear test.

The world is now waiting for the Trump meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. The hope is, of course, that both leaders can resolve Iran's nuclear issue and the lifting of the embargo against Iran. From the information revealed by  Iranian Presidential Chief of Staff Mahmoud Vaezi on Wednesday, July 18, 2018, President Trump had proposed 8 meetings in September last year. It was during President Rouhani's visit to New York to attend the UN General Assembly session.

At that time the Iranian delegation did not react, as Trump announced he would not extend the Iranian Nuclear deal of  2015. The statement was later even realized by the US withdrawal from the deal in May 2018. Although Trump still opens a chance for a new deal, Iran is not yet willing to renegotiate with the US. Iran is still working with its Asian and European counterparts to look for solutions related to US sanctions that will take effect in a few months. Iran even filed a lawsuit to the ICJ (International Court of Justice) against the US government, which is  considered to impose illegal sanctions,  after the withdrawal from   the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan.

Now the world is hoping that Trump will still meet President Rouhani and Iran is willing to open up to the United States. It’s true Trump is sometimes not very consistent with his remarks. But if the US President is committed to solving problems with Iran, then the world can hope, some big issues in the Middle East can be solved. Such as armed conflicts in Syria and some Arab countries,  as well as Iran's nuclear issue. The question is, when will Trump meet Rouhani?


Indonesia is one of the major emitters of greenhouse gases. This phenomenon is caused by high rates of deforestation and increased industry utilizing fossil fuels. The contribution of the energy sector to greenhouse gas emissions in Indonesia is at second rank in land use, land use change, and forestry. The lack of forest protection incentives, sustainable management of forests, renewable energy and energy efficiency measures increases Indonesia's contribution to accelerating global greenhouse gas emissions.


On April 22, 2016 at United Nations Headquarters in New York, USA, Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya, as Indonesia's representative, signed the Paris Treaty on Climate Change. Indonesia becomes one of the first countries to directly deposit instruments of ratification. The Paris Agreement is a global one to deal with climate change. The commitments of states are expressed through Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for the period 2020-2030, plus pre-2020 action. Under the agreement, Indonesia chose to reduce its 29% emissions by 2030 independently and 41% with international assistance. The Paris treaty will apply if ratified by at least 55 countries contributing at least 55% of greenhouse gas emissions.


According to the Ministry of Environment and Forests, forestry and land use are the most significant sectors in climate change control, as forest areas that account for 65% of the country's territory are also a place rich in biodiversity.

On May 17, 2018, in the framework of efforts to reduce emissions and improve forest governance, WWF-Indonesia signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Province of East Kalimantan to support government efforts in a bid to reduce carbon emissions as per commitment of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) emissions by 29% by self-effort by 2030. Through the World Bank-managed Carbon Partnership Facilities-Carbon Fund program, East Kalimantan Province has the opportunity to reduce emissions from deforestation and performance-based forest degradation.


On July 17, 2018 in Jakarta, Director of Greenhouse Gas Inventory, Monitoring of Reporting and Verification at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry -KLKH, Joko Prihatno said that based on the data, the total emission reduction is only funded and done by the government. In fact, the private sector has also been required to do mitigation action to reduce emissions. So far, many private sectors have taken action on climate change mitigation, generally done in corporate social responsibility (CSR) program. Joko hopes, starting this year, complete data have to be entered from various sectors for reporting and sooner submitted to the president and immediately brought to the climate change conference.


Until 2016, Indonesia has achieved emission reduction of 8.7%. The figure is derived from declines in the forestry, agriculture, energy, waste management sectors, and industrial production sectors. Forestry contributed the largest emission reductions, reaching 4.7% of total decline.


Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is not just the homework of Indonesia. However, with the commitment of Indonesia in the Paris Agreement to do so as much as 29% until 2030, the cooperation of various related stakeholders, both government and private sectors, is necessary. Data collection also needs to be done for national and international interests. It is expected that at the agreed time, Indonesia can fulfill its commitment.