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The Indonesian government held a "roadshow" of tourism exhibitions in several Central European countries to attract the attention of foreign tourists from the region. Press release from the Embassy of Indonesia in Budapest said on Saturday the Indonesian Government has begun to increase tourism promotion in Central European countries such as Hungary, Czech and Slovak although these countries have a relatively small number of population. This is done because people in those countries are fond of travelling to foreign countries, both in Europe and exotic countries of the world, such as Indonesia. Seeing the potentials, the Indonesian Government, in this case the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with local governments and travel operators in Indonesia are to carry out an integrated road show of Indonesian tourism exhibition in the three countries. Official of the European Directorate II of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taufiq Lamsuhur said the road show of tourism began with the Utazas tourism exhibition 2018 in Budapest on March 1-4, 2018, business meetings in Bratislava and Prague on March 5, 2018 are regarded as an appropriate first step to encourage increased visits from foreign tourists from the Central European region to Indonesia. (Release /trans Alika)


World Wildlife Day is an opportunity to examine the many important efforts that have been made to protect endangered species due to threats such as wildlife trade, human-wildlife conflict, and habitat loss. The United States (US) and Indonesia showcased joint efforts to strengthen wildlife protection and improve forest management and conservation areas through a series of events and exhibitions held in Jakarta, Saturday, March 3. The event was held as a partnership between the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forests and various environmental organizations. USAID Environment Director Matthew Burton in his speech stated that the US government is committed to continue partnerships with various parties in Indonesia on environmental issues.

“The US government is committed to the US-Indonesia partnership to protect wildlife and combat illegal wildlife trade. Through USAID the US government is working with the Indonesian government as well as various stakeholders to improve forest management and conservation areas and take steps to protect the currently threatened wildlife,” Matthew Burton said.

Matthew Burton added, Indonesia is home to many important species including Sumatran tigers, Sumatran rhinoceros, and hornbills that support ecosystem health. Hunting and deforestation has led to a sharp decline in the population of the extraordinary species that is typical of Indonesia. The International Union for the Conversation of Nature notes that there are only 400-500 Sumatran tigers and fewer than 100 Sumatran rhinos still living in the wild today. (VOI / Rezha;transbyAlika)


President Joko Widodo believed that local sneakers' products are of the highest quality so they can compete in the global market. Deputy on Protocol, Press and Media of Presidential Secretariat Bey Machmudin in a written statement in Jakarta on Saturday stated that President Joko Widodo Saturday afternoon visiting sneaker exhibition organized at one of the malls at Senayan area, Jakarta. In addition to spending the weekend with the family, the Head of State used the opportunity to see the development of the market and footwear industry, especially sneakers in the country. Although still dominated by products from overseas, President Joko Widodo believes Indonesia's sneaker products are superior to compete in the international market. Besides superior quality, the price offered is also more competitive. According to President Joko Widodo, this will further increase the sale value of Indonesia’s sneaker products. President Joko Widodo also invited people to participate together with the government to support and appreciate the products of the nation. (Release.4.3'18.mar /trans alika)


A Prototype of electric bus produced by PT Mobil Anak Bangsa in the exhibition of commercial vehicles of Indonesian Automotive Industry Association-Gaikindo Indonesia Commercial Vehicle Expo (GIICOMVEX) 2018 in Jakarta, became the attention of transportation entrepreneurs who visited the exhibition. Technical Director of the company, Bambang Tri Soepandji, on the sidelines of the exhibition, said some entrepreneurs from abroad were interested in their products, and asked about the potential for the development of the electric bus.

“It is amazing that they are interested in the design. It’s because the bus has international design, so it can be accepted by the tastes of Europeans, Australians, and other countries. Many are interested, they asked about the price. One of the countries in Eastern Europe is also interested, asking for potential cooperation” Technical Director of the company, Bambang Tri Soepandji, on the sidelines of the exhibition, said.

Bambang Tri Soepandji added that the electric buses, that are capable of running up to 300 kilometers per battery charging, are ready for mass production and marketed in 2018. Previously, the founder of PT MAB, General TNI (ret.) Moeldoko stated, PT MAB is ready to cooperate with investors from abroad for the production of electric bus batteries. The plan, investors from several countries invested in Indonesia in order to establish a battery factory. (VOI / Rezha;transbyAlika)