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Zona Integritas

One of the bus or car assembly manufacturers headquartered in Ungaran, Central Java, namely Laksana, continues its efforts to expand its market abroad. After successfully exporting hundreds of buses to the Fijian Islands since 2009, in 2018 the manufacturer that has already been established for four decades plans to export its bus products to Bangladesh. On the sidelines of the exhibition of commercial vehicles of Indonesian Automotive Industry Association-Gaikindo Indonesia Commercial Vehicle Expo 2018 in Jakarta, Friday (2/3), Laksana's Export Manager, Werry Yulianto said so far it has signed a contract with a bus company in Bangladesh for booking a large bus that uses Swedish chassis.

From Laksana itself we have a contract agreement with them. Only our position is now still waiting for the arrival of the chassis. We plan to use chassis from Scania of Sweden. So we immediately re-export it. So we put the body in Indonesia then we send them there,” Werry Yulianto said.

Werry Yulianto added that besides Bangladesh and other South Asian countries, Karoseri Laksana also seeks to expand its market to Africa. This is, in his opinion, in line with the Indonesian Government's efforts to intensify the export of domestically produced goods to the country - Non-traditional country. Karoseri Laksana is one of the main players in the bus assembly industry in Indonesia supported by a 70,000 square meter wide factory with a production capacity of 1000 buses per month. In addition to producing buses for export needs, Karoseri Laksana also manufactures buses for transportation needs, both intra-city and inter-city buses in Indonesia. (VOI / Rezha;transbyAlika)


President Joko Widodo officially inaugurated the new Chief of National Anti-Narcotics Agency Inspector General, Heru Winarko at the State Palace in Jakarta on Thursday (1/3). The inauguration was attended by high-ranking officials, such as Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Zulkifli Hasan, Chairman of the House of Representatives (DPR) Bambang Soesatyo, and Chairman of the Regional Representative Council (DPRD) Oesman Sapta Odang, some ministers in the Working Cabinet, as well as Indonesian Military (TNI) and Indonesian Police Chief (Polri) high-ranking officers. After the inauguration, President Joko Widodo affirmed that with the background as Deputy Action at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Heru is expected to carry out good governance standards as applied in the KPK to the National Anti-Narcotics Agency (BNN). The President also hopes that in the future, BNN can reduce the number of drug users and drug trafficking across Indonesia.

“We want BNN to have good standards that Heru has applied in KPK. There are standards brought from KPK to BNN. There are standards of governance, and standards of organizational governance. Most importantly, it’s the integrity side, because of the circulation of drugs; it is very huge money. The turnover is a lot. It's easy to tempt people to do something bad,” President Joko Widodo said.

Meanwhile, the new Chief of BNN, Heru Winarko said that the handling between drugs and corruption is almost the same. In the future, BNN will continue to cooperate across sectors to minimize drug trafficking and reduce the number of drug users in Indonesia as far as possible. On the other hand, former Head of BNN Police Commissioner General Budi Waseso said that taking drugs cases is not easy. However, Budi Waseso is sure that with integrity and strong commitment, Heru Winarko can continue his hard work to combat drugs well. (KBRN/transbyAlika)


President Joko Widodo hopes that the Supreme Court can guide potential judges and young judges to improve the transparency and quality of the judiciary in Indonesia. This was stated by President Joko Widodo at Special Plenary Session of Annual Report of the Supreme Court 2017 at Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan in Jakarta on Friday. In his speech, President Joko Widodo appreciated the performance of the Supreme Court throughout 2017. He views that the judicial selection process has to be transparent and accountable. He also stated that a good judge is a credible one who can realize what the justice seekers need. Thus, the prospective judge must also have a conscience in mind that the verdicts to be issued are really fair in a bid to enhance public confidence in the judicial institution.

“I also look forward to the noble leaders of the Supreme Court and judges to guide the would-be judges and young judges within the Supreme Court to be professional, honest, integrated and dignified judges. A righteous judge that is always considering law is a gentle judge that has consideration of conscience and sense of justice. A judge who gets people's trust is trusted by justice seekers and international world,” the President said.

Throughout the year 2017, the Supreme Court received 1,577 prospective judges who have been the latest recruitment in the last seven years. Meanwhile, Chief Justice, Hatta Ali also agreed the importance of the integrity of judges and judicial authorities in the presence of President Joko Widodo. Hatta said that integrity is a fundamental thing that judges and judicial authorities must have. According to him, law enforcement efforts can only be achieved if the judges and judicial apparatus are competent and having integrity. (KBRN/Rini/Trans by Alika)


An annual agenda of Bogor Street Fest  Cap Go Meh (CGM) 2018 cultural festival was held On Friday (02/03), along Suryakencana road, Bogor, West Java. The festival was enlivened by arts performances from various regions in Indonesia and involved about 6,000 artists and culturists and it was also attended by about 100,000 visitors to watch the festival. This year, Bogor Street Fest 2018 brings the motto ‘Cultural event unifying the nation’, as this activity is no longer an activity of ethnic and religion, but this is an activity of all society in Indonesia.

“This cultural agenda is no longer an activity of a particular entity or religion, but it is also a cultural chain run by elements with different backgrounds, whether ethnic, or religious followers in Indonesia. Thus, Bogor Street Fest Cap Go Meh 2018 brings the motto ‘Cultural event unifying the nation”, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Bogor Street Fest Cap Go Meh 2018, Arifin Himawan said in his welcome speech.

In addition, Arifin Himawan further said the representatives of friendly countries such as the Palestinian Embassy, ​​the Embassy of the Netherlands, the Embassy of Singapore and the Embassy of Japan were present to witness the diversity and value of the unity of the nation displayed in Bogor City. (VOI/Egi/Trans by Rhm)