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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Garulina (0)



Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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Diplomatic Corner

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Mystical figure of Nyi Roro Kidul who was presented in dance drama entitled ‘Nyi Roro Kidul’: Forgiveness, Revenge at Its Best, was carried out by Indonesian students at Kyungsung University in Busan, South Korea. The performance succeeded to attract around 400 audiences who flocked Concert Hall, Kyungsung University. Information of Cultural and Social Affairs of the Indonesian Embassy in Seoul, Purno Widodo said on Sunday that the dance drama was adapted from folk legend story of Dewi Kandita, a princess of Sundanese Pajajaran kingdom. The performance was described well through traditional dances and music from various regions in Indonesia. The dance drama was part of “Knock Knock Indonesia” program, an annual program which was held by Indonesian students in Kyungsung University to introduce Indonesia. Annually "Knock knock Indonesia" always succeeds to amaze Korean people or foreign citizens in Busan, even it becomes one of annual programs, which is waited by Busan people and surrounding areas. Dean of External Affairs Kyungsung University, Dr. Taioun Kim expressed gratitude on support from various sides, including the Indonesian embassy in Seoul, Indonesian Trade and Promotion Center (ITPC) Busan, and Busan Foundation for International Cooperation so that Knock Knock Indonesia 2018 could be implemented smoothly.

Ten startups from Indonesia explained their ideas before Singaporean investors through ‘Indonesia Startup Insight 2018’ in Singapore. The event, which was held by Kinerja Bisa and PSB Academy, was attended by more than 400 digital entrepreneurs and investors from Singapore. Those start-ups conducted short presentation to introduce their business ideas before the investors. Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Ngurah Swajaya hoped that strong synergy among the government, start-ups and investors can create good ecosystem and incubation for startup development in Indonesia. Indonesia Startup Insight is an annual event which gets positive response from Singaporean investors and entrepreneurs.

In welcoming Hero Day, Netflix streaming  service showed biopic film "Guru Bangsa Tjokroaminoto" internationally. Nayaka Untara as producer of MSH Films said on Sunday (11/11) that by showing the film through Netflix service, it’s hoped that the world community could understand Indonesian history and culture as well as figure and spirit of HOS Tjokroaminoto. Raden Hadji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto or well known as HOS Tjokroaminoto is a figure who led Sarekat Islam organization until becoming the first largest organization with member as many as 2 million people from various social classes. He was also a teacher of leaders of national movement, such as Sukarno, Semaoen, Alimin and Moesso. The film with biopic drama genre has historical background which is strong with Javanese culture. It was played by Indonesian famous actors and actresses.


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Edelweiss Tourism Village, which is under the auspices of the Central Office of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (BB-TNBTS) for farmer groups, was inaugurated on Saturday (10/11) through a series of Land of Edelweiss festival. Director of Conservation of Forest Service Environment at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Dody Wahyu Karyanto said that the festival had the theme “The Harmony of Conservation and Culture of the Tengger Community”. He said that the inauguration of the Edelweiss Tourism Village is expected to provide benefits for residents of Wonokitri Village, Pasuruan Regency and Ngadisari Village, Probolinggo Regency and to attract a lot of domestic and foreign tourists. Dody also stated in Wonokitri Village, Tosari Subdistrict, Pasuruan Regency on Saturday that with the presence of  Edelweiss Tourism Village, the problem of Edelweiss flower scarcity could be directly overcome through conservation. At the same time, this also makes the village community become tourist actors, and can provide education to tourists who visit.

Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini inaugurated the National Hero Wage Rudolf Museum (WR) Soepratman. The museum is located on Jalan Mangga, Tambaksari, Surabaya, East Java. At the inauguration of WR Soepratman on Saturday (10/11), she said that the aim of building the Wage Rudolf Soepratman Museum is to understand the struggle of heroes in the past. In addition, the construction of the museum is a form of respect from the Surabaya City Government in a bid to appreciate its services to the Indonesian nation. Mayor Risma also said that most of the Indonesian people know WR Soepratman as the person who created the “Indonesia Raya”, the national anthem. Up to now, the song remains eternal for Indonesian people. The more museums in Surabaya are, the better for the future of children is.

A total of 25 letters from the nation's founders were exhibited at the National Museum, Jakarta from November 10-22 in an exhibition entitled "Founding Letter of the Nation." An Exhibition Curator, Bonnie Triyana at the opening of the exhibition on Saturday said that the letters on display included Soekarno, Mohammad Hatta, Sutan Sjahrir, Tan Malaka, Kartini, Agus Salim, John Lie, and Ki Hajar Dewantara. He explained that the founding figure was chosen. Of course, the letters were still there, and could describe the author as well as the situation at the time. Bonnie said that the exhibition "The Founding Letter of the Nation" is expected to stimulate young people to see history or information from their main sources. The letters were obtained from a collection of various agencies and private collections, including the National Archives of Indonesia (ANRI), Tamansiswa Museum, Chinese Peranakan Museum, National Archives of Dutch, and International Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis. While the private collection was from Mohammad Hatta's family owned by Gemala Hatta, Sutan Sjahrir's letter from the collection of Dutch literature and civilization professors at Sorbone University, Paris, Kees Snoek, and Tan Malaka's letter from historian Harry Poeze. Meanwhile, Director of History at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Triana Wulandari said that the exhibition was a collaboration between the Ministry of Education and Culture and The exhibition wanted to provide access to boutiques about archives that had not been directly seen. The letters presented are mostly original letters, and some of them have been duplicated. She also said that almost all letters were written in Dutch. Triana added that now, the letters have been translated into Indonesian and given a contextual explanation.


Gadjah Mada University –UGM students won “Greenpreneur Competition 2018” organized by Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) in Seoul, South Korea from October 29-November 2, 2018. The five students managed to get a funding prize worth US$ 5,000 dollars after presenting their eco-friendly business design to GGGI officials. Besides the Indonesian team, other teams that won were from Uganda, Cambodia and Morocco. Afterwards, the team representatives were invited to Korea to present their business ideas before GGGI officials. Yohanes Susanto, one of the team members said that of the total participants registering, 10 finalists were selected, and 4 of them were invited to do business presentations in Seoul.In this competition, the UGM team designed the business of producing organic pesticides. The business plan was prepared by Yohanes along with Jonathan Kent Sorensen, Muhammad Hafish Mahdi, Albertus Alphero Tangkilisan, Natali Gupita Abhirama, and supervisor Wiratni Budhijanto. They brougth a business plan about the production of organic pesticides that are more rain-resistant than ordinary pesticides. The raw material for pestisidan is taken from distillates which are no longer used. Besides obtaining a small amount of business capital, in this competition the participants were also given the opportunity to learn various strategies to develop their business through mentoring activities from experts who had been selected by GGGI.This Eco-Friendly Business Design Competition is a bit different because there is 10 weeks of mentoring. This GGGI mentoring provides knowledge on how to market and start a business. Every week, there are also assignments that must be collected. These assignments are in the form of market surveys, financial planning, and analysis of social and economic impacts. Prepared with the knowledge and capital of this competition, the students will then prepare various steps to start and develop their business that can provide economic benefits while providing a positive impact on environmental sustainability.


Diplomatic Corner

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Six Indonesian young designers from Islamic Fashion Institute -IFI Bandung amazed fashion lovers at Adelaide Fashion Festival (AFF) in Adelaide, Australia (19/10). The festival collaborated with TAFE South Australia. The 6 students are Anita Yuni Kholillah, Annisa Nur Afrisari, Irma Intan, Aninda Nazmi, Runi Siliwati Legan and Reyna Hanifa. Every designer presented 2 designs of modest wear. They were welcomed by audiences. Deputy of Indonesia Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) Sydney, Siti Aisyah, Manager of Islamic Fashion Institute Bandung, Hanni Haerani and Board of Supervisors of the Institute, Euis Saedah also attended the event. International Engagement TAFESA, Aaron Rigano expressed his appreciation on the participation of Islamic Fashion Institute Bandung and hoped to collaborate again with Adelaide Fashion Festival as an annual event.

Memorandum of Understanding of tsunami film project was signed by CEO Shinework Pictures (China), Jonathan Shen and CEO Goshen Media (Indonesia), Allen Jordan. The signing was also witnessed by Head of Creative Economic Agency, Triawan Munaf on last Monday (27/11). The tsunami film is the first project of film production between Indonesia and China, which involves bilateral cooperation of the two countries. Jonathan revealed that he is inspired by Chinese President’s speech, Xi Jinping in 2013 related to humanitarian action of Chinese savior team on natural disaster tragedy of tsunami in Aceh. Some big names have been targeted to be involved in the film. Head of the agency, Triawan Munaf ensured that the cooperation can increase Indonesian film industry which is growing. He also hoped that the tsunami film project can strengthen cooperation of the two countries commercially; viewing that there is large potential of Indonesian and Chinese audiences.

Foreign Affairs Ministry through Indonesian embassy in Brussels, Belgium has visited Banyuwangi to discuss efforts of tourism market. Trade attaché of the Indonesian embassy in Brussels, Meri Astrid Indriasari after meeting with Regent of Banyuwangi, Abdullah Azwar Anas said in Banyuwangi on Friday (2/11) that her side viewed that many festivals in Banyuwangi have potential to be offered to Europe, especially to Belgium. Tourists from Europe love art-culture and beautiful nature. Banyuwangi presents all of them, including agro-tourism. This was stated by Agriculture Attaché of the Indonesian embassy in Brussels, Wahidah Maghriby. At least, there are two things which are targeted by the Indonesian embassy in Brussels: Gandrung dance and Ijen crater to be marketed in Europe. Wahidah also said the Indonesian embassy in Brussels established strong synergy with Pairi Daiza management, a superior destination in Belgium, which is visited by at least one million people every year. Besides, d'Indonesia Festival is held routinely in Belgium. Banyuwangi is promoted over there. 


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The Yogyakarta City Cultural Office continues to assess and study a number of cultural heritage buildings. So, it is estimated that the number of buildings included in the list of cultural heritage in Yogyakarta will increase. Previously, 33 buildings were enlisted on the heritage list and this year, the number has been set to 44 buildings. Head of the Yogyakarta City Culture Service, Eko Suryo Maharso said in Yogyakarta on Saturday (3/11) that it is possible until the end of 2019 to be increased to around 200 buildings. Determination of 44 buildings is included in the list of cultural heritage through Decree of the Yogyakarta Mayor No. 435/2018. Some of them are Ndalem Notonegaran, Yogyakarta Education Office building, SD Negeri Sosrowijayan building, Rumah Kalang in Kotagede, and a number of houses standing up to the building that are now being used as hotels. According to Eko, there are still many people who are afraid if their homes or residences are specified in the list of regional cultural heritage. Therefore, Eko said, the Yogyakarta City Cultural Service will intensify socialization related to various rules for the preservation of buildings that are included in the cultural heritage list. He also said that one of the things that we want to do is to form a community or at least a group through a conversation application in a bid to accommodate people who are currently occupying or taking care of heritage buildings. They can communicate with each other and obtain information more easily.

A total of 30 local creators in Bali had the opportunity to showcase and present their unique ideas to the public through the "Maker Fest 2018" event at Renon Square, Denpasar City, Bali for two days until Sunday (4/11). Chairman of the "Maker Fest 2018", William Tanuwijaya said in Denpasar on Saturday that the activity was aimed at encouraging micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), as local creators grow and move up to higher class. Maker Fest is present as an online and offline stage for Indonesian creators to realize and develop their creative business ideas. He hopes that this event can contribute to the creation of a more conducive business ecosystem so that more small businesses can grow into industry.

Ministry of Tourism claims that Indonesia's westernmost outermost island is very suitable to host the free diving or Sabang Free-diving International Championship (SFIC 2018) event from November 3-8. Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism's Maritime Tourism Acceleration Team, Ratna Suranti said in Sabang on Saturday (2/11) that the location of Sabang Free-diving International Championship (SFIC) is centered in Teluk Balohan, Sabang and its depth is more than 140 meters above sea level. She said that with the depth, it does not flow as seen above sea level. She also pointed out that the international free-diving competed three types of attractions: constant weight / CWT (November 3-4), free immersion / FIM (November 5-6) and constant weight no fins / CNF (November 7-8). Registration for SIFC 2018 was opened online for 22 minutes and in a very short period; the number of participants registering was 40 people from 22 countries in Asia, Europe and Africa. There were also participants of "SIFC 2018" from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Australia, Hong Kong, China, Macau and South Korea. In addition, there were also from the Netherlands, the Philippines, Switzerland, Germany, Russia, Hungary, Taiwan, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and America and South Africa. He hopes that the participants of Free-diving will promote Sabang marine tourism potential to their respective countries. Marine tourism is a superior object in the National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN) and domestic and international tourists can easily see a variety of types of coral reefs or rare ornamental fish in the most western sea of Indonesia.



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Here are the headlines of several newspapers published today, Thursday November the 1st 2018.

I’ll begin from Kompas which wrote “Search of the Plane finds its Bright Spot”

The Baruna Jaya I, a research vessel owned by the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) along with the joint search and rescue teams on Wednesday (31/10) found a signal that was believed to befrom the Lion Air’s black box with the registration number PK-LQP which crashed in TanjungKarawang Sea, West Java, on Monday (29/10). Deputy Chairman for Natural Resource Technology Development of the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology, HammamRiza, said that the signal from the black box was detected by a transponder device named USBL KR Baruna Jaya I owned by BPPT at 12.25. The location of the plane’s debris and black box is 15 kilometers from the Karawangsea, Karawang Regency. The black box is an important device because it stores the flight data and the communication between the pilot and the air traffic controller officer before the plane crashed. After the black box has been found, the black box’s data will be downloaded, verified, and analyzed. The result can reveal the mystery regarding the cause of the plane’s crash. Head of the National Transportation Safety Commission (KNKT), SoerjantoTjahjono said the analytical process can take 3-5 months depending on the data’s complexity.

Moving on to Media Indonesia which wrote “Investigate Lion Air’s Management”

The dismissal of Lion Air’s Technical Director, Muhammad Asif is not enough to investigate Lion Air JT610 PK-IQP route Jakarta to Pangkal Pinang in Tanjung Pakis, Karawang, West Java on Monday (29/10). Member of Commission V at the Indonesian House of Representatives from National Democratic Faction, SahatSilaban said the government should not only stop the investigation by dismissing Muhammad Asif. He affirmed that all parties in Lion Air must be investigated thoroughly because similar problem has occurred previously. He said that the government must take part and analyze the human error in the tragedy of Boeing 737 Max8 carrying 189 passengers.

We end the Headlines from Republika which wrote “NU and Muhammadiyah Maintain Unity”

A number of executive leaders of PBNU (Executive Management of the NahdlatulUlama) visited the Muhamadiyah Executive Leaders at the Muhamadiyah Central Dakwah Office in Menteng, Central Jakarta on Wednesday (31/10). The meeting produced several agreements regarding cooperation and the importance of maintaining peace in this political year. A number of PBNU officers arrived at Central Management Muhamadiyah in Menteng around 19.10 pm. The entourage was led by Chairman of the PBNU, KH. Said AgilSirajand was accompanied by Secretary General of PBNU, HelmyFaishal. In addition, Deputy Chairman of PBNU KH. MaksumMachfoedz , Chairman of PBNU Robikin , and Deputy Chairman of GP AnsorYaqutCholilQoumas attended the event.

That was the Headlines



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This is RRI World Service, Voice of Indonesia with Diplomatic Corner, a segment which presents information about activities and progress of Indonesian diplomacy in the international world.

The first information is from Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia. One of businesspeople of the Mercosur, a South American trade bloc, Rodolfo Kramer said that 26 businesspeople and prospective buyers are fascinated by the implementation of the biggest trade expo in Indonesia -the 2018 TEI. Indonesian Ambassador to Argentine, Niniek Kun Naryatie remarked during the implementation of the 2018 TEI in BSD Tangerang, Banten on Saturday (27/10) that the Indonesian Embassy in Buenos Aires is able to convince not only the Argentinian Businesspeople but also members of the Mercosur namely Uruguay, Paraguay, and Brazil in a bid to attend the expo. According to Ambassador Niniek Kun Nuryatie, Mercosur’s businesspeople have great interest to expand their market in Indonesia. There were various delegates attending the expo, such as those who looked for Indonesian furniture, canned-fishery products, and palm oils. Even an Argentinian football club also visited the expo. A businesswoman from San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentine involving in PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) and glass material production for industry, Maria Sonia said that Indonesia has good-quality furniture products with affordable prices. Her side plans to import furniture products which can be utilized in a number of projects in the future.

The second information is from Nusa Dua, Bali. The harmful impact of plastic waste pollution that causes concern and threatens environmental conservation for future generations is the main reason to strengthen regional and global cooperation in a bid to solve sea and plastic waste pollutions. The call was remarked by Director of Cooperation of the ASEAN, Jose Tavares during the Our Ocean Conference 2018 in Nusa Dua, Bali. The meeting was an additional event held during the Our Ocean Conference that was participated in by 140 countries and leaders of the countries, ministries, senior officials, from 29th -30th of October 2018. Jose Tavares affirmed in the meeting that awareness must be intensified so that people can start realizing the importance of solving plastic waste pollution issue, particularly the one caused by plastics. He warned that there should be concrete actions to immediately alleviate sea pollution. Jose Tavares also said that as the biggest archipelagic state in the world located between two oceans, Indonesia is the meeting point of ocean’s wave carrying sea pollutants from various countries.

The last information is from Lima, Peru. The Indonesian Ambassador in Lima held a talk-show event by inviting the author of The Naked Traveler book, Trinity as the speaker on Monday (29/10). The event was held in a bid to introduce Indonesia and the Indonesian talented author to Peruvian society as well as provide them opportunity to learn from the Indonesian author. During the talk-show, Trinity gave tips and suggestions on how to become an author. In addition, participants from Peru who were university students and employees asked about the tips to have solo-travelling, the way to overcome language barriers, and the worst experiences faced by the author. In the talk-show, there was also a plan of visit Indonesia in 2019. Trinity is currently joining an Author Residency Program conducted by the National Book Committee of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in Peru. The event was also participated in by Indonesian and Peruvian people, as well as participants of the Indonesian language course.

That was Diplomatic Corner



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This is RRI World Service, Voice of Indonesia with Mosaic of the Archipelago. Today, I’ll present you some information. First, OSIS (Official School Organization) of Kartini Batam 1 School develops students’ mental. Second, a number of the 2018 Youth Leadership Summit’s participants take part in coral reef planting. Lastly, West Java Government will provide an anti-corruption bus.

Principal of the Kartika Batam I Junior High School’s Students Organization, Syafruddin said that the presence of Official Students Organization (OSIS) not only develops students’ mental in managing the organization, but also fosters their mental to be leaders. It was stated by Principal Syafruddin after the inauguration of the board of OSIS in the period of 2018/2019 in Batam. He further said that in an organization, deliberation in a bid to achieve concession is the main key to be able to implement programs successfully. Deliberation among members of OSIS is required before making decision. He views that during election of the OSIS’ leader held some time ago, his side has taught students to utilize the momentum democratically. In the debate session, candidates conveyed their vision and mission in English and the election process took place similarly like the regional elections. Moreover, the inauguration was held sacredly. Before the inauguration, members of OSIS firstly demonstrated their skill in drill commands. Syafruddin hopes the new board of OSIS can work well and achieve the vision and mission which they have campaigned for in the election.  

Program Manager for Coastal Ecosystem and Small Islands at the Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation, Basuki Rahmat said that a number of youths from various countries joining the 2018 Youth Leadership Summit took part in planting coral reefs at Samuh Beach, Nusa Dua, Badung Regency, Bali. The Youth Leadership Summit was one of the events held during ‘2018 Our Ocean Conference’ in Nusa Dua, Bali on Wednesday (31/10). Basuki Rahmat said in Bali that there are 65 countries sending their delegates in the meeting. On the occasion, The Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation through their partner, Divers Clean Action, participated in the event by calling for delegates of the youth summit to plant coral reefs. He also explained that previously, his side has collaborated with youth organization to participate in the coastal and small islands’ preservation program, such as the coral reefs planting held in the Thousands Islands. In the event, coral reefs were planted by using Mars Accelerated Coral Reefs Rehabilitation System. The method uses an iron structure called spider-web as the place to plant the reefs. The iron structure is used to fill the space between the natural reefs and provide substrate for the recovery of habitat as well as the increasing of natural reefs biodiversity. By using the method, fish can return to the rehabilitated area. In addition, it also gives other benefits, such as restoring ecosystem balance, controlling algae, building sustainability of fish for the future, and establishing well-preserved eco-tourism.

The West Java Government is going to provide an anti-corruption bus just like the one belongs to the Corruption Eradication Commission -KPK of the Republic of Indonesia. The bus will be used for educational purpose and prevention of Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism in West Java. It was remarked by Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil after attending the Roadshow of KPK’s Anti-corruption buses in Bandung on Tuesday (30/10). According to Governor Ridwan Kamil, the anti-corruption bus is innovative and rich in interesting contents. Next year, his side will provide the similar bus for educational purpose and prevention of corruption for the residents of West Java. West Java has 50 million people, 27 regions, and more than 600 sub-districts. Meanwhile, Vice Chairman of KPKL, Saut Situmorang welcomed Ridwan Kamil’s plan positively. He views the bus as a mini KPK that will move to various regions in Indonesia in providing education and preventing corruption. Various applications, books regarding building integrity and making reports, anti-corruption games, and information on detecting and avoiding gratification are provided in the bus. Bandung will be the last destination from 11 regencies/cities in West and Central Javas to be visited by the anti-corruption bus.

That was Mosaic of the Archipelago


InMed Application

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This is RRI World Service, Voice of Indonesia with Miscellany. In today's edition, we will present you information about InMed Application.

The latest innovation in medical world is created by one of Indonesian young generations from Malang, East Java. He is dr. Gamal Albinsaid who invents an android-based medical application called ‘InMed’ or Indonesian Medika. The application is invented in a bid to facilitate people to get healthcare services as well as change the conventional medical procedure. The InMed application offers five features, such as Med Visit (Service on medical visit), Med Fund (Service on funding), Med Blood (Service on Blood transfusion), Med Talk (Service on medical consultation), and Med Food (Service on nutrition for health).

Among the 5 features provided in the application, two of them have been ready to use namely the "MedVisit" and the "MedTalk" features. The MedTalk feature helps patients contact their doctors and psychologists whom they would like to consult their health problems with. Patients can consult with medical experts in real time. Meanwhile, the MedVisit feature enables patients to contact medical experts, such as doctors, nurses, midwives, physiotherapists, nutritionists, and psychologists to come to the patients' locations so that the patients do not need to come to the hospitals as it will be inefficient. However, the MedVisit feature cannot be used in emergency state. In emergency state, the patients must be taken to the emergency department.

The InMed Application can be downloaded for free on Google Play Store. However, the application can still only be used in Malang. The application is intended not only for middle to high class society but also for patients from lower economic class. Through the application, a funding resource called ‘Crowdfunding’ is provided to help disadvantaged patients. The funding resource helps them pay for the healthcare services. Meanwhile, Head of the Malang Health Office, Asih Tri Rahmi Nuswantari told that the application could be a solution for people who need immediate healthcare services.

That was today's Miscellany about the InMed Application. See you on our next edition with more interesting topics.



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This is RRI World -Service Voice of Indonesia with Mosaic of the Archipelago. Today, I’ll bring some information. First, “Merah Putih Sastra” Event Decorates Youth Pledge in Bali. Second,Pradi Opens 2018 Indonesian Machete Art Tournament. Thirdly, two ministers lead the beach cleaning in Kuta.

Music of Bali                                  : ……………………

The “Merah Putih Sastra” or “Red and White Literature” event decorated the 90th Youth Pledge Day celebration in Bali.This activity was held on the open stage of Ardha Candra, Taman Budaya Art Center, Denpasar, Bali on Sunday night (28/10).Governor of Bali, Wayan Koster said that the Youth Pledge was a historic moment, a milestone in the struggle of the Indonesian youth movement to gain independence from the hands of the invaders.On that historic day, Indonesian youths vowed in the importance of unity. This is the spirit of the Indonesian struggle for independence. Governor Koster also said that the future generation of the nation's struggle should remember and practice the noble values mandated in the Youth Pledge to participate in the development. The younger generation needs to place unity in every step. “Merah Putih Sastra” presents collaboration among artists across generations. More than 800 artists performed dance, song, motion, poetry, fashion, music and theater. He also urged the young generation of Bali to become environmental reformers and to be positive.


Deputy Mayor of Depok, West Java, Pradi Supriatna opened the 2018 Indonesian Machete Art Tournament (SGI) which was attended by various martial arts universities in Indonesia which took place in Depok on Sunday (28/10).He said that this tournament is quite interesting and rare, a combination of martial arts, arts and culture.He hoped the tournament can continue so that it can also preserve and empower machetes known to foreign countries.SGI Chairperson, Aunur Rofiq Lil Firdaus explained that the tournament was held in a bid to preserve national culture, the Machete Art. The tournament participants came from various regions in Indonesia by emphasizing the peculiarities of their respective regions.He also said that the tournament is expected to become a periodic agenda every year to compete with four numbers: Team Machete, Single Machete, Single Bare Hand, and Team Bare Hand. He will also fight for UNESCO so that machetes can become world cultural heritage.


Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Susi Pudjiastuti and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno LP Marsudi led the beach cleaning activity in Kuta Beach, Bali on last Saturday in the sidelines of ‘Our Ocean Conference’ -OOC. Before starting the action, Minister Susi Pudjiastuti said that the sea is protected from the Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated (IUU) Fishing side. She also asserted that Indonesia should not be inferior to the small countries in Africa that have not used plastic.So from now on, there are no more plastic bottles in the office, use gallons, and each brings a tumbler.

Meanwhile, Minister Retno LP Marsudi said that the clean beach activity is only a small contribution but could inspire people to clean the beach from plastic rubbish. Sea is not a garbage can. She said the spirit of Youth Pledge Day whose warning means unity and cooperation will be brought to the 5th OOC which will be held on 29-30 October 2018 in Bali.Previously, the two ministers along with several ambassadors of friendly countries also led the release 1,000 hatchlings activity at Kuta Beach.

That was Mosaic of the Archipelago.