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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Garulina (0)



Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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Mosaic of Indonesia

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The Bangka Belitung Island Provincial Government will launch a “Berkah Mart” or "Blessing Mart" in 60 villages to optimize the economic development of the people in the area. This Blessing Mart will be launched on November 20 this year. Governor of Bangka Belitung Island, Erzaldi Rosman Djohan said in Pangkalpinang on last Thursday (25/10) that the existence of the Berkah Mart outlet is very important in realizing an independent, good-quality, and competitive village in enhancing agriculture, plantation, livestock, fisheries, and other regional products. He also remarked that the use of technology will guarantee the openness of the market economy. Marketing of processed products and agricultural products as well as farmer plantations is certainly broader which in turn it increases the business of the village community. He added the construction of the Blessing Mart is also an effort to strengthen the role and quality of the Village Commercial Banks -BUMDes in improving the business of the village community.

Investors from Sydney, Australia are interested in investing in corn crops in North Barito Regency, South Kalimantan. This was stated by Regent of North Barito, Nadalsyah in Muara Teweh on last Friday (26/10). He said that with the plan, the market opportunity will become wider so that the entry of investors in this area to develop farming is highly expected. In the future, he hopes that the corn farmers can be more prosperous. The presence of investors in North Barito Regency can be ascertained in real terms by providing employment opportunities and providing increased regional income in this area. The arrival of the group with the Berkah Central Kalimantan Development Acceleration Team (PPKB) and the corn investors who invest in North Barito Regency are positive. One representative of the investor, Jason was accompanied by Chairman of Admiral PPKB (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Marsetio, who is eager to invest in developing the potential of corn crops in the Rimba Sari Village around 53 kilometers in Central Teweh District, while also addressing the problem of marketing these agricultural products, both within and outside the region. Corn crop is one of the leading commodities of North Barito Regency and is one of the biggest corn supply districts for animal feed factories in Bati-Bati District, Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan.

Bantul Regency Government, Yogyakarta Special Region will draft a regent regulation regarding the prohibition of hunting or shooting owls that the government has released in the Sedayu region. Head of Bantul Agriculture, Food, Marine and Fisheries Office, Pulung Haryadi said in Bantul on  last Saturday (27/10) that the regulation has been prepared to keep the bird population and pest control in Sedayu still effective. Since a few years ago, according to him, his institution released Tyto Alba owls in Sedayu District, as a control of rat pests that continued to attack and damage agricultural land in the area. He said, the government along with local farmer groups built rubuha-rubuha (owl house) as a place for owls to live in strategic points around the rice fields so that the population of the species increases. He further said, the control of rat pests with owls is quite effective, because one owl could eat five to 10 rats. He added that in the future, the regional government along with related stakeholders will continue to release owls, especially in Sedayu.



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This is RRI World Service -Voice of Indonesia with Diplomatic Corner, a program which presents information about activities and progress of Indonesian diplomacy in the international world. 

The first information is from Hong Kong. Indonesian consulate general in Hong Kong assists victims of illegal money loaning practice.

To follow up problem of hundreds of Indonesian citizens/Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong who become victims of illegal money loaning, Indonesian Consulate General in Hong Kong until now has kept carrying out assistance and facilitation to publish immigration document for them. Until the news was published (21/10), more than 500 Indonesian Migrant Workers, victims of moneylenders have reported their problems to the Indonesian Consulate General in Hong Kong. They asked the assistance of the publishing of new passports because their passports were seized by Hong Kong police as evidence. This was stated by Indonesian Consul General in Hong Kong, Tri Tharyat in the meeting with representatives of the Indonesian Migrant Workers who become victims of illegal money loaning with passport’s pawnshop at the office of Indonesian Consulate General in Hong Kong on Sunday (21/10). Consul General, Tri Tharyat said that the Indonesian Consulate General is committed to providing assistance needed by the Indonesian Migrant Workers that become moneylenders’ victims in accordance with valid regulations. Until now, Consul General, Tri Tharyat added that the Indonesian Consulate General has verified the Indonesian Migrant Workers’ report and has issued more than 350 new immigration documents or new passports for them. Furthermore, Consul General, Tri Tharyat stated that the handling of the problem is also conducted through cooperation with Consulate General of the Philippines, because many migrant workers from the Philippines also become moneylenders’ victims. The Indonesian Consulate General and  Hong Kong Police also communicate intensively to follow the progress of the on-going law process.  

The next information is from Osaka, Japan.

Indonesian Consulate General in Osaka, Japan received the visit of 31 students of 9th grade of Cikeas Natural School, who are running Project Based Learning (PBL) program to Japan. During the program, they are scheduled to visit some facilities, including garbage burning center, recycle plastic bottle factory, local school and public transportation management. The Indonesian Consulate General hoped that the students apply the lessons which are obtained in Japan and also share the lessons to their friends and families after going back to Indonesia.

We end Diplomatic Corner with the information from Fiji. Honor for the World of Civil Aviation is granted to Anthonius Gunawan Agung.

At the opening of the 55th Conference of Directors General of Civil Aviation for Asia and Pacific region which was held at Sheraton Fiji Resort, on October 22, 2018, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) gave plaque as honor to Anthonius Gunawan Agung. He was an air traffic controller who had secured hundreds of passengers that were boarding in Batik Air 6321 when taking off from airport at the same time earthquake occurred in Palu on September 28, 2018. Antonius Gunawan Agung prioritized to secure hundred people at Mutiara SIS Al-Jufrie airport by guiding Batik Air 6321 which would fly from Palu to Makassar and chose to stay at ATC tower until his work finished. The Batik Air which was guided by Antonius Gunawan flew safely. But, because of the earthquake, ATC tower collapsed. The honorable plaque was handed over by General Secretary of ICAO, Liu Fang to Indonesian representative from planning and controlling of Aviation Navigation Service Division. Anthonius Gunawan Agung has shown his total commitment for flight safety.

That was Diplomatic Corner.



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Today's Mosaic of the Archipelago presents information: first, minimum wage of West Java increases becoming Rp 1.6 million. The second information is that Lampung volunteers are placed in Sigi regency. The last information of Mosaic of the Archipelago is that 253 Sinjai fishermen receive assistance of fuel conversion to liquefied petroleum gas.

Ministry of Manpower has decided the increase of the 2019 minimum wage of the province worth 8.03 percent so that the 2019 minimum wage of West Java will increase 8.03 percent from around Rp1.5 million in 2018 to become around Rp 1.6 million. The decision of the increase of the minimum wage will be announced on November 1st, 2018. This was stated by Head of Manpower and Transmigration Office of West Java, Ferry Sofwan Ari in Bandung, West Java on Tuesday. His side will discuss together with wage council related to the increase of the minimum wage. So this week, the wage council of the province will discuss the minimum wage. Ferry Sofwan also said that the increase of the minimum wage worth 8.03 percent is the result of the national calculation in the central level by Statistic Central Agency -BPS. From the calculation, Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration issued circular letter in order the decision can be followed-up by regional governments. Furthermore, Ferry added that the minimum wage of regency and city will be announced on November 21, 2018. Today, his side still waits the proposal of each regency and city related to the minimum wage.

Volunteer team of Taruna Siaga Bencana (Tagana) of Lampung province is placed in Sigi regency, Central Sulawesi to assist earthquake’s victims in the region. The team which consists of 15 personnel arrived in Palu on Tuesday morning by commercial plane. This was stated by Coordinator of the volunteer team of Lampung, Ferius Gunadi in a press release received by Antara News Agency in Bandarlampung on Tuesday (23/10). Ferius Gunadi said that Tagana of Lampung along with Tagana of Bengkulu with 18 personnel and Tagana of Riau Islands with 10 personnel were directly received by Director of Handling Disaster Victims ofIndonesian Social Ministry, Iyan Kusmadiana and Head of Social Office of Central Sulawesi, Ridwan Mumu. The Tagana will be on duty to register the number of refugees’ points, the number of tents which exist in the shelter, number of refugees who place the tents, the implementation of public kitchens, and psycho-socialsupport.

The last information of Mosaic of the Archipelago is that 253 Sinjai fishermen receive assistance of fuel conversion to liquid gas.

As many as 253 fishermen in Sinjai regency, South Sulawesi received fuel assistance to 3-kilogram liquefied petroleum gas -LPG at Fish Auction Center of Lappa, Sinjai regency, on Tuesday. Head of Fishery Office of Sinjai, Sultan H Tare said that the number of fisherman of Sinjai regency reaches 8,544 people supported by 2,014 ships by using catching tools, such as purse seine, bagan, jaring insang, tonda and ulur fishing rod as well as pole and line. The fishermen who receive the LPG are spread out at 4 districts in 11 villages in Sinjai regency. The most recipients are at Pulau Sembilan district and the remains on 3 districts are North Sinjai, East Sinjai and Tellulimpoe. Sinjai regency hopes that the assistance is utilized in accordance with its function so that small fishermen do not depend on fuels because the assistance provided can be more economical if using the liquefied gas. The recipient of the assistance was symbolically represented by Firman, fisherman from Pattongko village, Hasyim from Sanjai village, Umar from Pulau Buhung Pitue village and Mujair from Pulau Harapan village and Muri from Lappa village.

That was Mosaic of the archipelago.



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This is RRI World Service -VOI with Today in History.

I’ll begin with October 23, 1956 when the Hungarian people's revolution against the Soviet Union started.

On October 23, 1953, the Hungarian Communist Party was dissolved by Imre Nagy, the nationalist Prime Minister of Hungary. Then, an independent and separate military government from the Soviet Union was formed.However, the Hungarian communist group with the help of the Soviet Union military and fund crushed the struggle of the people of this country and hundreds of people were killed. The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 could be crushed, but the struggle of the people of this country was still ongoing. Finally, in 1989, Hungary won its independence and became a member of NATO.

I’ll turn to October 23, 1983 when two major explosions occurred in the US military barracks in Beirut, Lebanon.

A high-powered bomb explosion on October 23, 1983 killed 220 marines, 18 sailors and 3 soldiers. All of them were part of a multi-national force that was trying to end the civil war in Lebanon. This incident began when two trucks were deliberately crashed into the US military headquarters in Beirut. The two trucks are known to carry 1.4 tons of explosives. The collision immediately triggered a super large explosion which destroyed the US military headquarters. Both truck drivers, Abu Mazen and Abu Sijaan were immediately killed on the scene. This was also believed to be a suicide bombing. Less than an hour after the attack on the American base, other terrorists detonated a bomb outside French barracks in Lebanon, killing 58 paratroopers. According to BBC, Mazan and Sijaan were part of the Islamic Revolution movement of Lebanese Radical Shiites based in Eastern Lebanon. Shortly after the incident, US Defense Minister, Caspar Weinberger said that Iran, Syria and the Soviet Union were behind the attacks.


This edition of Today in History ends with October 23, 2002 when there was hostage taking at the Moscow Theater by Chechen rebels.

October 23, 2002 was the most gripping day in the Moscow Theater, Russia. Around 850 people from various countries, who enjoyed a grand music concert performance, Nord Ost, were suddenly shocked by the arrival of dozens of terrorists in black uniforms and wearing masks. The attackers, led by Movsar Barayev, claimed that they were from an Islamist separatist movement in Chechnya. They demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya and ended the Second Chechen War. At that time, 129 hostages and 41 Chechen guerrillas were killed. Most of the hostages were killed by gas fired by Russian troops at the Chechen rebels.


That was Today in History



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This is RRI World Service -Voice of Indonesia with Diplomatic Corner, a program which presents information about activities and progress of Indonesia’s diplomacy in the international world.

First information is that Indonesia Establishes Resilience Education Cooperation with Jordan.

The Indonesia National Resilience Institute -LEMHANNAS and the Royal Jordanian National Defense College -RJNDC have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) concerning cooperation in Education, Training and Strategic Studies in the Field of Defense and Security which took place in Amman on Wednesday (17/10). The signing of the MoU was carried out by  Governor of LEMHANNAS, Retired Lieutenant General, Agus Widjojo from the Indonesian side, and Brigadier General Abdullah. S. Al Shdaift, as the RJNDC Commander from Jordan. General S. Al Shdaift said that Jordan wants to learn a lot from Indonesia's experience of thousands of islands and diversity but is able to maintain unity and security. On the other hand, Governor Agus Widjojo emphasized that LEMHANNAS also wants to share experience with Jordan that is able to maintain its national security amidst an unstable political situation of Middle East. The signing of this MoU is considered important because both parties stated that it is necessary to conduct strategic studies on the latest regional and international issues in the field of defense and security.

The second information is that ASEAN and Partners continue to strengthen cooperation in science and technology.

ASEAN and its speaking partners continue to strengthen cooperation in the fields of science and technology. This was noted by Indonesian delegation from the results of the 10th Meeting of Informal ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Science & Technology (IAMMST-10), the 75th ASEAN COST and Other Related Meetings on 15-19 October 2018 in Cebu, the Philippines.

In the meeting led by the Philippines, there were three ASEAN Dialogue Partners, namely Japan, the European Union and the United States. In regard to this, Indonesia will host the 6th JASTIP Meeting (Japan-ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Platform) Symposium in Tangerang, Banten on November 1, 2018. JASTIP is a collaborative platform to support the achievement of SDGs’ targets through science, technology and innovation (STI).

Furthermore, Indonesia will host the 16th ASEAN Food Conference meeting in Bali, October 15-18 next year, with the theme "The Big Picture: Outlook and Opportunities of Food Technology and Culinary for Tourism Industries." In addition, Indonesia will also deliver 19 proposals for cooperation in January 2019, in the ASEAN-EU Joint Funding Scheme (JFS) program.

The last information is that Inclusive Palm Diplomacy Guards Indonesia's Palm Interests.

To strengthen national palm diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs involves all stakeholders in the preparation of the palm oil diplomacy strategy. Collaborating with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Palm Oil Research Center, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs represented by Directorate of Trade, Commodities and Intellectual Property held an input network meeting and dialogue entitled "Palm Diplomacy: Challenges and Strategies" in Medan, North Sumatra on Thursday (18/10). Director of Trade, Commodities and Intellectual Property at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tri Purnajaya in opening the seminar and input network said that there are at least three points that underlie the need to strengthen national palm diplomacy. First, palm oil is Indonesia's largest export commodity today. Second, it’s a new and renewable energy source. Third points is that the number of workers absorbed by the palm oil industry continues to grow. These three aspects show the major role of oil palm in achieving the SDGs sustainable development targets, the fulfillment of world food, and supporting the improvement of the welfare of small palm-oil farmers.

That was Diplomatic Corner.



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This is RRI World Service -Voice of Indonesia with Mosaic of Archipelago. Today, I’ll present some information. First, Probolinggo Regency Government Campaigns for Tourism Awareness Movement. Second, Japan is invited to invest in three sectors in North Sumatra. The last is that Sukabumi Improves Pencak Silat Festival.


The Probolinggo Regency Government, East Java campaigned for the Tourism Awareness Movement and Sapta Enchantment Action. This is done to increase community participation for the advancement of Indonesian tourism.Head of Probolinggo Youth, Sports, Tourism and Culture Office, M Sidik Widjanarko said in Probolinggo, Sunday (21/10) that the Tourism Awareness Movement and Sapta Enchantment Action have  tremendous benefits for the progress and development of tourism potential, especially tourist destinations in Probolinggo Regency. He also said that his side held an event of Tourism Awareness Movement and Sapta Enchantment Action at Bentar Beach tourism object in Curahsawo Village, Gending District on Saturday (20/10). The movement is one of the 10 priority programs of the Ministry of Tourism to encourage the integrity of the government and stakeholders in a bid to create a conducive climate for tourism in Indonesia. He hopes that the movement can encourage the development of tourism potential in Probolinggo Regency to be more advanced and developing.


Japanese investors are invited to invest in three sectors: agriculture, education and health in North Sumatra. Deputy Governor of North Sumatra, Musa Rajekshah said in Medan on Sunday that to offer the investment, the North Sumatra Provincial Government held a meeting with Japanese investors who are members of the ASEAN Nagoya Club in Jakarta. He said that the Japanese executive claimed to be interested in new investments or increasing investment in North Sumatra. Meanwhile, Head of the ASEAN Nagoya Club Office, Hisaya Matsuhita said that there are several sectors that have great opportunities to be developed jointly between Japan and Indonesia. One of them is waste management which maintains not only environmental cleanliness, but also business opportunities from the waste.


Sukabumi City, West Java improves the activities of Pencak Silat or martial arts festival. The move is carried out to preserve the art and culture of the nation's heritage and to seek superior mainstay in martial arts. Deputy Mayor of Sukabumi, Andri Setiawan Hamami said on Sunday (21/10) that Pencak Silat must be preserved because of cultural heritage. This is done by holding Pencak Silat festival. He considered that the implementation of the martial arts festival held by the Military District Command-Kodim 0607 / Sukabumi City Saturday (20/10) to Sunday is a real manifestation to maintain and to preserve the existence of Pencak Silat. Meanwhile, Sukabumi City 0607 Military District Commander Lieutenant Colonel Kav, Mujahidin said that the Pencak Silat festival is a traditional art one that is open to the public. It is a cultural heritage that must be developed as an Indonesian indigenous cultural heritage.


That was Mosaic of Archipelago.


Mosaic of Indonesia

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Discussion process along with the residents is the soul in developing the village so that stakeholders in Mahakam Ulu (Mahulu) regency emphasized to village’s officials to always involve society in development planning. This was stated by technical staff of Gerbangmas, Mahulu regency, Imam Subarkah in Datah Bilang, on Tuesday. Earlier, when accompanying 11 team of Datah Bilang Baru village, Long Hubung district, Mahulu, East Kalimantan province, in preparation to arrange middle term of development planning of the village, Imam explained the village consists of four components, namely the society, village administration, village’s consultative council and discussion. According to Imam Subarkah, in discussion process to determine middle term of development planning of the village, ideally  11 team refers to 3 components, namely providing social map and village’s sketch, calendar of season, and famer group, youth group, management of family’s welfare’s group, non-governmental organization, or other groups in the village. 

Manpower and Energy Mineral Resources Office of Bali province will immediately check allegation of use of foreign worker who works as shop keeper at a number of businesses belonging to investor from China. In accordance with the regulation, foreign workers may not work as shop keeper. Because it is not in accordance with position (foreign manpower), the position is at least in manager level. This was stated by head of Manpower and Energy Mineral Resources Office of Bali province, Ni Luh Made Wiratmi, in Denpasar, on Tuesday. Outside the allegation case of the foreign worker who works at a number of shops that sell Chinese products in Bali, her party recently also did supervisory to a number of companies on Bali islanduntil Nusa Lembongan, Klungkung regencyThe supervisory includes work norms, safety, health and safety (K3) norms, and including supervision of the use of foreign workers.

Central Java governor, Ganjar Pranowo in Semarang, on Tuesday said women legislative candidates are more creative and innovative in campaigning so that they are able to achieve many votes. According to governor Ganjar,rivalry among the candidates on 2019 legislative member selection will be fierce. This was stated by the governor on strengthening of legislative member candidate of woman capacity 2019. The governor also said that the candidadte should use tactics and ways which can be more received by society, although the challenge which will be faced heavier.

That was Mosaic of the Archipelago.


Diplomatic Corner

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Fashion is an integral part of diplomacy, especially economic and cultural diplomacy. This was stated by Director General of Information and Public Diplomacy of Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry, Cecep Herawan after opening Jakarta Fashion Week/JFW 2018 on Saturday (20/10). He was proud to be able to witness the Jakarta Innovative Fashion Week which was designed from Batik and the archipelagic clothes by Indonesian creative designers collaborating with foreign designers. The event is being held for a week starting from October 20 until 26, 2018. With the theme “Collaboration”, the event displays more than 200 local and international designers. There are various creative collaborations of Indonesian designers and foreign designers, including collaboration Novita Yunus from Indonesia with Aboriginal Art Centre from Australian embassy, and Makoto Washizu from Japan Fashion Week Organization and Japanese embassy with 3 Indonesian designers in Forward Fashion.

Indonesia participates in Salon International de l’Alimentation exhibition, Paris which is held in Paris Nord Villepinte, Paris, Prance on October 21-25, 2018. The exhibition is one of the biggest exhibitions of food and beverage products in the world with the expectation of number of visitors around 155,000 people and involves 7,020 participants from 109 countries. Indonesian attaché of trade in Paris, Megawati explained on the exhibition that the products which are displayed are like tea, various kinds of fruit crispy, paprika innovation, coconut derivative products, various kinds of oil variations and many others.

Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy led a meeting of culture of ASEAN countries, China, Japan and South Korea. The meeting is held from October 21-26, 2018 in Yogyakarta. On the similar occasion, Yogyakarta is also determined as ASEAN cultural city. The choosing of Yogyakarta cannot be separated from history and potential which belongs to the city. Director General of Culture at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Hilmar Farid said that Yogyakarta throughout history has the highest density level of intellectual and culture in Indonesia. Even in one year, Yogyakarta can hold more than 100 cultural festivals held in Yogyakarta. Therefore, it is logic if Yogyakarta is selected as ASEAN cultural city.


Mosaic of Indonesia

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PT Wijaya Karya –WIKA gave green light to the government of North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan to continue the construction of Lawe-Lawe Dam, which was stopped since 2017.Head of the North Penajam Paser Regency Public Works and Spatial Planning Office, Puguh Sumitro, when met at Penajam, Friday (10/20) said that his side would explore PT Wika and would encourage it to continue the construction of Lawe-Lawe Dam. Verbally, the North Penajam Paser Regency Public Works and Spatial Planning Office plans to visit the PT Wika Office in Jakarta. Meanwhile, the submission of funding assistance to complete the construction of Lawe-Lawe Dam to the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing has not been responded.The construction of Lawe-Lawe Dam in the Penajam Sub-district worth Rp143 billion was stopped since May 2017, with a working condition of around 85 percent. Until now, the construction of the Bendung Lawe-Lawe project has not been continued and has not been able to function, because the North Penajam Paser Regency Government budget has decreased. Lawe-Lawe Dam is meant to build in supporting an increase in the supply of raw water and clean water for the Regional Water Company of Danum Taka, North Penajam Paser Regency, so that it must continue until it’s functional.

The archipelago actually has a fascinating cultural diversity that is only "polished" to support the progress of the tourism sector, especially in cultural and historical tourism.The preservation of the cultures of various sultanates and indigenous peoples is not limited to tourist destinations, but the strategic thing is as an adhesive of the nation. Chairperson of the Indigenous Peoples of the Archipelago (Matra) KPH SP Rheindra J Wiroyudho Alam Syah in Tanjung Selor on Sunday said that indigenous people must fight through indigenous and cultural resilience amid various social, economic and political problems.He said that because of the Bulungan Customary Institution held "Birau" (the customary ritual of the Bulungan Sultanate) 2018, the presence of Matra in North Kalimantan in was to commemorate the 228th Anniversary of Tanjung Selor City and the 58th Bulungan Regency. He said that the Sultanate of Bulungan is the only sultanate in the northern region of Borneo which was once part of Malaysia and the South Philippines. Birau Cultural Celebration is an effort to preserve local culture as well as to increase tourist visits to North Kalimantan.

Head of the Muhammadiyah in Central Kalimantan Region, M Yamin Mukhtar sent aid for necessities and clothing to be used for disaster victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Central Sulawesi Province. He said in Palangka Raya on last Saturday that the assistance was successfully collected by the Central Kalimantan Zakat Infaq Institute and the Shadaqah Muhammadiyah –Lazismu along with the ranks and the autonomous organizations of Muhammadiyah across Central Kalimantan.Lazismu Director of Central Kalimantan, Priyono added that besides staples and clothes, the Central Kalimantan Lazismualso succeeded in collecting money worth Rp123 million. Priyono also explained that the distribution of money donations to the victims has been sent to the central Lazismu’s banking account so that the distribution process is done with one access. As for the assistance of goods sent through cargo services, it is sent to the Lazismu post in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan Province.Head of the Central Muhammadiyah Youth Regional Leader, Daryana said that that in addition to the assistance that had been distributed, his side is also still raising aid for the disaster victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Palu and its surroundings. According to him, his side is ready to facilitate community assistance for the victims in Central Sulawesi.


Indonesian team becomes the best three in Itaewon Global Village Festival 2018 in Seoul, South Korea. At the festival which was attended by 38 countries, Indonesia carried the theme of ‘Magnificent Diversity’. The festival lasted two weeks in October and was held in the most prominent international area in Seoul City. The festival with the theme “Let's Beat”, Itaewon successfully attracted 1.4 million visitors. Deputy Head of the Republic of Indonesia Representative Seoul, Siti Sofia Sudarma told RRI World Service, Voice of Indonesia explained that this festival was the biggest and involving foreign communities in Seoul and its surroundings. Based on the judges' assessment, Indonesia's appearance became a magnet in the activity.“Earlier, the theme that was carried was multiculturalism, celebrating the diversity of cultures in various communities in Korea, including foreign communities in Seoul and so on.Therefore, what is considered is not only its cultural wealth but also traditional product stands, and then there are dances, performances, parades, so the committee's assessment is the various elements,” said Siti Sofia Sudarma. Indonesia headed by the Indonesian Embassy in Seoul involves 40 Indonesian citizens and Indonesian diaspora, displaying Indonesian cultural diversity in cultural parades.The Indonesian team consists of the Indonesian Traditional Dance Group, Indonesian Student Association, Darma Wanita Association of the Indonesian Embassy in Seoul and the Indonesian Regional Association and Indonesian Migrant Workers in South Korea. They wear traditional clothing. Indonesia also displays Sabalah Dance from West Sumatra and Kelana Mask Dance on the main stage. In addition, various handicrafts from all over the archipelago are exhibited at Indonesian stands. As the three best Indonesian participants, they get bronze medal. The Itaewon Cultural Festival has been held since 2008 by the Itaewon Tourism Area Association, and is supported by the Yongsan District Government Office, Seoul. The Itaewon Global Village Festival is held every Fall aiming to establish South Korea as a country where meeting and developing various cultural traditions both indigenous to South Korea and foreign cultures. The festival is also one of the most famous international celebrations in Seoul. During the festival, various cultural offerings are displayed on three different stages. Various streams of music, dance, drama and unique games to the K-pop stage endlessly spoil visitors.