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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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Professor of Fishery Faculty of Hasanuddin Univresity, Ambo Tuwo called for the residents of Palu and Donggala not to worry of consuming fish, especially from sea, because it is not dangerous. The call is related to a report that the residents of Palu and Donggala are afraid of consuming sea fish at the post of earthquake and tsunami that killed thousands of people in the region. Prof. Ambo Tuwo said in Makassar, South Sulawesi on Sunday (7/10) that the people should not worry to consume the fish eve though the fish has eaten corpse. Because the fish has naturally underwent energy flow or nutrient cycle. According to him, all foods which enter into the fish’s body will be digested to become protein. People only need to clan it and throw part which is not needed. But, if the people in the region are not sure yet or still worry to consume the sea fish, they can choose other alternative fish sich as fresh fish, dried fish or sea fish from outside Central Sulawesi.

Students of Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta who join Semar Solid team, have succeeded in creating high quality concrete with natural material, namely cow’s bone. Besides cow’s bone, the concrete also uses marble waste. That was stated by one of team members, Panji Pramayswara Pamilih, in Solo, Central Java on Monday (8/10). Panji also said that the concrete has self-compacting concrete type which can be solid by itself. According to Panji, the concrete created by the team, is environmentally friendly, because they use a method in which the concrete can become solid by itself without requiring vibration or other efforts to compact the concrete. Panji Pramayswara Pamilih also explained, in the method, marble waste and cow’s bone are processed as mixture materials in the concrete. The bone is used in the concrete’s structure because it contains large calcium oxide. According to Panji, calcium oxide itself is the largest composition in the cement. Besides chemical element, the marble is also known of having high compressive strength. When tested, the compressive strength of the concrete reaches 20-mega pascal in 24 hours. Another member of the team, Yesika Azzukhruf, said their innovation of the concrete can applied to make road, as it does not need too much time to harden the concrete. As a comparison, common concrete takes 3 days to get 40 percent compressive strength, the self-compacting concrete only takes a day. In addition, using both materials are viewed to be more economical, because it can save cost around 7.78 percent from the common concrete.

Regent of West Manggarai, Agustinus Dula said that Labuan Bajo is ready to welcome the guests of IMF and World Bank annual meeting after the meeting is held in Bali. This was stated by Dula to Antara News Agency in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara on Tuesday (9/10). The regent also said he does not know the exact number of the guests who will come to Labuan Bajo and Komodo National Park in West Manggarai, Flores Island, but it is expected to reach thousands of people. Government of West Manggarai fully supported by the Central government has conducted various supporting infrastructure developments such as roads, sidewalks, and light’s street in the city, clean water, culinary and garbage management to welcome the delegations from various counties. Agustinus hoped the readiness of the supporting infrastructures can give comfort to the guests who will have vacation in Labuan Bajo or Komodo National Park. Besides that, the regent also asked the local people to play an active role to support the visit of the IMF World Bank annual meeting participants who are most;y high ranking officials from various countries. Meanwhile, a number of Police Mobile Brigade apparatus of East Nusa Tenggara Province are deployed to secure instalation of Waemese water management during the guest visit to Labuan Bajo.


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Indonesia, one of coffee, tea and cocoa producing countries is participating again in coffee, tea and cocoa exhibition held every two-year in Hamburg. The exhibition is held for 3 days starting from October 10-12, 2018. The goal of the Indonesian participation in COTECA 2018 exhibition is to penetrate Indonesian coffee, tea and cocoa product export to Germany which is the biggest market in European Union with total population of 82 million people. Special for coffee sector, Indonesia’s participation at COTECA 2018 is also aimed to promote Indonesian specialty coffee product to German, which is the potential market. Representative of Indonesian government in Germany, in this regard Indonesian embassy in Berlin, Indonesian Consulate General in Hamburg and also Indonesia Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) of Hamburg along with nine companies exporting coffee, tea and cocoa products, is taking Country Pavilion. During the exhibition, Indonesia participates actively in various activities, among others: Seminar on Luwak and Indonesian coffee by KOPI ROSS company.

To promote Indonesian culture in Switzerland, Indonesian ambassador hands over a set of shadow puppets to Center for Training and Performance of Gamelan of Sion.

Last weekend, it was a historical moment and new momentum for the Center of Training and Performance of Gamelan, Switzerland. Nicole Coppey, the head of the Center on Friday (5/10) directly received a set of shadow Puppet equipment, part of assistance of social program of Bank Indonesia which was handed over by the Indonesian ambassador of Bern, Muliaman D. Hadad and witnessed by the Indonesian embassy’s staffs of Bern. According to ambassador Muliaman Hadad, in the next future, the Center of Sion is hoped to become an Indonesian Cultural Center which can promote other Indonesian arts and cultures such as traditional music and dance, batik making, and carving.


At invitation of commander of Indonesian Peacekeeping Forces in Unifil, South Lebanon, Indonesian ambassador to Jordan and Palestine, Andy Rachmianto, attended “Medal Parade of Garuda Forces of Unifil 2018” in Indobatt headquater, South Lebanon (4/10). In the event which was also attended by Force Commander of UNIFIL, Major General Stefano Del Col and Indonesian ambassador to Lebanon, Achmad Chozin Chumaidy, there was award medal from Secretary General of the United Nations to the commanders and personnel of Indonesian peacekeeping forces for their services in the UN peace mission in Lebanon (UNIFIL). During luncheon held after the parade, force commander Col. Murbianto Adhi Wibowo, who was witnessed by ambassador Ahmad Chozin, has awarded and  pinned Garude Force’s brevet to Indonesian ambassador Andy Rachmianto. The handing over of the brevet is a form of appreciation on the role of ambassador Andy when still officiating as Director of International Security and Disarmament of Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry, in 2013-2017 period, that helped coordinating policy and preparing the sending of Indonesian forces to the UN peace mission in various countries, including UNIFIL.


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Indonesian stand on the largest tourism exhibition at the Argentina Feria International de Turismo America Latina-FIT 2018 in La Rural, Buenos Aires was flocked by Argentinian young generation. During September 29 until October 2,2018, more than 400 visitors flocked Indonesian stand to get information of tourism destinations. Indonesian Ambassador to Argentina, Niniek Kun Naryatie said that Indonesian participation was the Indonesian embassy’s effort to Buenos Aires to approach Argentinian public or Latin America to Indonesian tourism. Argentinian tourists to Indonesia continue to increase, from 8,408 people in 2016, becoming 13,889 people in 2017. The event was also conducted specially with seminar on Indonesia which was carried out by Implementing ‘Economic Function’ and Implementing ‘Information and Social Culture Function’ on September 30.

Executive Director of International Monetary Fund -IMF, Christine Lagarde along with Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs, Luhut Panjaitan, Governor of Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo, and Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani planted coral reefs in Nusa Dua, Bali on Sunday. In Bali, there are 32 thousands of economic delegation from various countries to attend the annual meeting of IMF-World Bank 2018 starting from October 8 – 14,2018. After planting the coral reefs,  Christine Lagarde said that the event is to provide marine biota which will increase life quality of flora and fauna under the sea. Indonesia has 60 percent coral reefs in the world. Unfortunately, the coral reefs are very easy to be damaged due to various  reasons, including climate change and destructive events at the tourism places. She added that the planting of the coral reefs is hoped to be able to produce unique and beautiful under-water aquarium. Lagarde along with Minister Luhut, Governor Perry and Sri Minister Mulyani also directly installed the coral on supporting structure that will be put in the bottom of the sea by volunteers. Governor Perry Warjiyo said that the annual meeting of IMF-World Bank 2018 needs an event to preserve environmental ecosystem. 

On Sunday, September 30, cultural exhibition 'Prince Panji Lost and Found' was held at Indonesian Cultural House in Berlin, Germany. The event was under collaboration among Indonesian embassy of Germany, a number of European researchers and Indonesian artists. The event offered a series presentations, Gamelan and Wayang workshop and also exhibition to introduce Panji’s stories in Java which was determined as Memory of the World by UNESCO in 2017. The idea was initiated by Dr. Lydia Kieven, German research who recognized that she is interested in Panji’s story and has made a research since more than 20 years. She views that it is important for world communities to know the point of the Panji’s story. One of the peak events was exhibition of Wayang Beber project which told about Panji’s stories. While enjoying Indonesian snack and coffee, the guests could read and witness photographs about Wayang Beber tradition in Java, and Wayang performance which was projected on the screen.


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High school and vocational high school students in Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua were asked to become pioneers of driving safety for people in the area. Traffic Director of West Papua Regional Police, Sr. Comr. Indra Darmawan on the Socialization of Orderly Crossing at High School 1 Raja Ampat on last Thursday (4/10) said that the situation of being orderly in traffic is one of the problems faced by the city. An orderly traffic situation, on which people or drivers respect each other and promote safety, will create a positive impression for every guest who has come to Raja Ampat. He said, Raja Ampat is now a favorite tourist destination for both domestic and foreign tourists.

Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil will implement a Mother School throughout West Java region in 2019 on which a pattern is adapted to each district and city. After graduating 2,040 Mother School graduates at IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor Regency, West Java on Saturday (6/10), he said the task of the governor is to innovate and to make the West Java people better. He added that the innovation could come from the provincial, municipal, and district level. Mother School is a good innovation originating in Bogor City that deserves to be developed to all regions. A total of 2,040 mothers from 68 urban villages in Bogor City were graduated after studying for three months at the Mother School. Today, the graduates are the first generation since the Mother School of Bogor City was inaugurated last July 2014.

The border residents who live in the North Netemnanu Village, North Amfoang Sub-District, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara –NTT are longing for the internet network to make it easier for them to build communication access. This was stated by North Netemnanu Village Chief, Wemfied Komeo to the journalists in North Netemnanu on Sunday (7/10). North Netemnanu Village in Kupang Regency is one of the villages in the Amfoang region, NTT which is directly adjacent to the East Timor enclave, Oecusse. Wemfied Komeo also explained that to be able to access the internet in the area, it would cost quite a lot. Consequently, this makes most people inaccessible to  the internet as a medium to communicate or obtain important information. For this reason, he hopes that the internet network from Indonesia can be present in villages in the Amfoang region, East Nusa Tenggara. He added, if the internet network could be present in the area, it would be very helpful for the local community.


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Indonesia keeps trying to enhance economic cooperation with Tanzania in many fields, such as tourism and nuclear technology exploration  for economic development. The initiation of tourism cooperation and the use of nuclear technology were discussed during  a visit of the Indonesian Ambassador to Tanzania,  Ratlan Pardede to Arusha Province on Friday (28/9). During the visit to Arusha, Ambassador Pardede visited the laboratory facilities owned by Tanzania's atomic energy institution. He also  talked with Arusha Provincial Officials, Arusha Provincial Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Arusha Provincial Mining Commission. From the meeting with the Arusha Chamber of Commerce and Industry, there is a potential export of palm oil products and organic fertilizer in Arusha. Besides having fertile agricultural land, Arusha is a valuable mineral producing area, such as gold and tanzanite. The economic potential owned by Arusha can be an opportunity for Indonesia to improve economic relations between Indonesia and Tanzania. Some investment opportunities in Arusha are gold mining, agriculture, tourism and infrastructure development.

The Indonesian Consulate General in Vancouver participated again in the Vancouver International Travel Expo (VIT Expo)  2018 to promote Indonesian tourism and culture. This activity took place on September 29th at the Vancouver Convention Center. VIT Expo is a quite prestigious thematic tourism exhibition in the Province of British Columbia. The exhibition was attended by 82 participants from various countries and businesspeople in the field of tourism, such as travel agents, airlines, tourism associations  and also banks. At the VIT Expo 2018, the Indonesian Consulate General in Vancouver promoted Silk Holidays, a travel agency in Vancouver that offers tourism tour packages to Indonesia. The favorite destinations for visitors at the exhibition are Bali, Lombok and Komodo Island.

The Indonesian Embassy in Lima participated in the biggest food and beverage exhibition in Peru, Expoalimentaria 2018, by presenting Indonesia's booth in the international zone. A total of 12 Indonesian companies supported Indonesia's participation in the exhibition which was held on September 26-28. The exhibition attended by exhibitors from 21 countries was officially opened by Peruvian Minister of Agriculture, Gustavo Mostajo, Production Minister, Raul Perez Reyes, and First Vice President, Mercedes Araoz and President of the Peruvian Exporters Association, Juan Varillas. Peru's Vice President Mercedes Araoz said that the 10-year exhibition had reached US $850 million dollars in sales. According to the president of the Association of Exporters, the food and beverage industry in Peru has employed 1.6 million people. The target of 2018 is to reach 2.2 million people. The most popular products for Indonesian stand visitors are coffee products along with a variety of coffee products, in the form of coffee candy and coffee-flavored biscuits, flavored biscuits, chocolate, cheese, coconut, sugar, cocoa, ginger cookies, egg noodles, canned fish products and Indonesian instant spices.


October 5 is commemorated as the anniversary of the Indonesian National Armed Forces –TNI. On October 5, 2018, TNI enters 73 years old. TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto said that the 73rd TNI Anniversary Commemoration was carried out in every city from Sabang to Merauke. In Jakarta, the TNI's main weaponry system or Alutsista exhibition was held at the National Monument, Jakarta. The exhibition was held from Thursday to Saturday, September 27-29, 2018. Alutsista on display included Anoa, Komodo and leopard tanks. Every year, the alutsista exhibition in Monas attracts the attention of people who want to witness or take photos with defense equipment. Not only in Jakarta, on the 73rd TNI anniversary, and Kodam IV / Diponegoro will hold an Alutsista exhibition on the Ahmad Yani Army Air Base, Semarang. Head of Information on Military Region IV / Diponegoro, Colonel Arh Zaenudin said that the activity is carried out on 5 to 7 October 2018. The opening of the exhibition is held after the ceremony at Ahmad Yani Air Base on 5 October. At the exhibition displayed alutsista from the Army, Sea and Air where Apache helicopters will be the main focus. The event will also feature TNI Yong Moo Do martial arts demonstrations, dances, and art performances. Commemorating the 73rd TNI Anniversary, the TNI held 2018 Indonesian National Armed Forces International Marathon to be held at Kuta Beach, Mandalika, Bali. The running competition was held on 23 September 2018 and it has a total prize of Rp10 billion. In Palembang, the red-white heritage flag was paraded around the city on Saturday, September 29, 2018. The procession was a series of flag relay activities welcoming the TNI anniversary. The flag relay series was carried out in a relay, involving TNI-Polri personnel and community elements. After Palembang, the parade passed through a number of other major cities, such as Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Balikpapan, Manado, Kupang, Ambon, Sorong and ended in Merauke.


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The Japanese government helps provide salted-fish drying machines for fishermen in Belitung. This was conveyed in a written statement made by the Japanese embassy in Jakarta on Wednesday (3/10). The handover of the drying machines as a grant from the Japanese government took place in Sijuk sub-district, Belitung Regency, Bangka Belitung Province. The handover was attended by Secretary II of the Japanese Embassy, Kazuho Yoshida, Head of Subdirectory of Foreigners' Supervision and Foreigners' Institution at the Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry, Masykur, Regent of Belitung, Sahani Saleh, and Chairman of the Belitung Youths' Works (Karya Muda Belitung), Suryandaru. The project was a part of grassroots grants from the Japanese Government , with the value Rp 717 million and was signed by the Japanese Government and Chairman of the Belitung Youths' Works in March 2018. In Belitung Regency, Bangka Belitung Province, 50% of the fish are made into processed foods to be sold at markets. However, the weather condition often destabilizes fish-processing industry which complicates the small-scale fishermen. Through the project, the Japanese Government gave 10 fish drying machines consisting of 5 big and 5 small ones in a bid to develop the fishermen's welfare in six villages in Sijuk Sub-district. The Japanese Government hopes the aid can improve the small-scale fishermen's welfare. Therefore, the fishery industry and other related industries in Belitung can develop further.

Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) in Serpong, Banten Regency has now an artificial intelligence laboratory that contributes not only the students but also industries. Rector of Multimedia Nusantara University, Ninik Leksono said in Tangerang Regency, Banten on Wednesday that the laboratory would be utilized to print accessible scientists' data to support the advancement of industries. Ninok perceives the artificial intelligence has recently become a friend as well as the necessity in industrial fields. Multimedia Nusantara University is also committed to producing qualified human resources as data scientists, big data experts, and artificial intelligence experts. Through the cooperation, students will be trained to become data scientists who are competent in their job, even they can also have an opportunity to work in Japan.

Consulate General of the Philippines, Oscar G. Orcine and his entourage attended the invitation of the former Ternate Sultan's son, Firman Mudaffar Syah on Wednesday (3/10) in a bid to discuss economic potentials in North Maluku and to establish cooperation. Orcine said that he and his entourage also visited the sultanate to discuss the economic potentials and the efforts of establishing mutual cooperation between the Philippines and North Maluku. Besides holding important meeting with the Sultanate's side, Regional Government and the Subsidiary of Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) in Ternate, the Philippines' Consulate General and his entourage also visited the palace (Keraton) of Ternate Sultanate, Tolire Lake, and witnessed the cultural attractions: Katreji Dance and the Baramsuwen Bambu Gila (Crazy Bamboo) attraction. Finally, they ended their visit by having a Gala Dinner at the hall of the small Keraton. According to Oscar, his side would like to establish trade route through the roll-on-roll ship whose operation had been inaugurated by President Joko Widodo some time ago. The discussion in regard to building the cooperation was also held between Indonesian Embassy to the Philippines, Sinyo Sarondajang and The Philippines' Embassy to Indonesia. Meanwhile, Firman Mudaffar Syah said that the selection of coconut as the main commodity of export is that basically the cooperation was also implemented several years ago. Besides coconut, the Philippines' Consulate General is also interested in seaweed as the commodity has high value.


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Chairperson of the National Craft Council of Jambi, Province, Ariansyah said that batik from Jambi is more popular, especially in Indonesia. Ariansyah, who is also Head of Industry and Trade Office of Jambi, explained to Antara on Tuesday (2/10) that Jambi’s batik is well known in Indonesia because of its beautiful motifs and color. He believed batik from Jambi will be more famous along with coaching and the empowerment of batik craftsman by the provincial or regional/city government of Jambi. Moreover, in every national event, the provincial government or the regional/city government of Jambi always participates in the promotion of batik of Jambi by facilitating the needs of the craftsman. Ariansyah suggested the craftsman to produce their own brand in order to be able to get patent.

Police Chief of Maluku, Inspector General Royke Lumowa, finally launched a program “ A day without motor vehicle”. The determination was officially planned after the police chief and his vice chief, supervision inspector and police personnel went to office by using bicycle on Tuesday (2/10). Cycling in complete uniform becomes a rare and the first time happening in Maluku.  Royke Lumowa hoped the program can overcome traffic jam, decrease air pollution and increase health. Every Tuesday, police staffs of Maluku are forbidden to ride motor vehicle to go to their office, they are only allowed to ride city’s transportation, bicycle, or walking. The program is hoped to motivate all people’s elements, so it is created “Populist healthy transportation”. In additional to overcoming the traffic jam, the program is also part of healthy life style.

One of Cirebon young entrepreneur who moves in Batik clothes, Ibnu Riyanto, told RRI Cirebon, on Tuesday (2/10), that Batik is Indonesian cultural heritage which should be preserved. Ibnu Riyanto insisted in improving and developing his batik business well and gives good image on Batik Trusmi Cirebon as pride to national and international level. Indonesian famous Fashion Designer fromCirebonArief Rachmanto, said that he is proud to be able to wearbatik in every his works. Arif Rachmanto also said, momentum of National Batik Day which falls on October 2nd, must be able to be a milestone to promote people’s love on the heritage of the Indonesianancestor. The world’s recognition on batik as the Indonesian heritage, must also be sounded to make international worldknow on batik. Riyanto hoped all Indonesian people can love batik in their daily life and becomes their own characteristic, and one of daily fashion for Indonesian people.


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Darussalam University of Gontor (UNIDA) wants to develop cooperation with Muslim Institution and college of Russia. In the visit to Russia on September24-29, 2018, the UNIDA conducted a meeting and explored cooperation with 2 famous universities in Russia: St. Petersburg State University and National Research University Higher School of Economics. UNIDA Rector, Prof. Amal Fathullah Zarkasyi said that his visit to Russia was aimed to establish and to develop networking with colleges in Russia. He views that Russian colleges are welcome to cooperate with UNIDA. His side is optimistic to more intensively establish communication with Russia.

Indonesian embassy of Copenhagen held promotion of Indonesian culinary and culture at Culture Festival Gentofte Night cooperating with Gentofte municipality of Copenhagen. Function of Social Information, Culture of the Indonesian embassy of Copenhagen, Ismail N. Pulungan said on Saturday (29/9) that local people enthusiastically enjoyed  Indonesian culture and culinary at the event which entered in annual calendar event of the local government. The event was supported by Indonesian people and Diaspora in Denmark. Indonesian Ambassador to Denmark kingdom, Muhammad Ibnu Said conveyed that the event is the second participation of Indonesia in Festival Gentofte Night which previously held in 2017 successfully.  Ambassador Ibnu Said invited local people to try to play traditional instruments: Angklung and Gamelan of Indonesia. A number of Indonesian typical foods were sold, such as Nasi Padang, satay, various kinds of Indonesian typical foods and herbal beverages. The visitors were invited to dance Indonesian dance such as Poco-Poco, Gemu Famire, and Tobelo.

Indonesia makes efforts to increase cooperation in investment and trade with China by holding Indonesia-China Business Forum on Investment and Trade 2018. Indonesian Ambassador to China, Djauhari Oratmangun said that so far, Indonesia and China have had very big investment and trade potential. However, the potential is still constrained by various aspects; one of them is the lack of information on regulation related to investment and trade in each country. To handle the obstacles, the Indonesian embassy in Beijing cooperated with stakeholders to hold Indonesia-China Business Forum on Investment and Trade 2018 on September 26, 2018 with the theme ‘Doing Business with Wonderful Indonesia’. Ambassador Djauhari Oratmangun in press release on Sunday (30/9) said that the business forum is expected to be able to accelerate business world in conducting concrete cooperation between the two countries. The Ambassador also mentioned that the business forum was attended by around 200 entrepreneurs either from Indonesia or China.


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Government of East Nusa Tenggara Provinceprepares a budget worth  around Rp500 million to fix tourist villages that spread in a number of areas, especially on Timor Island and its surroundings.Head of East Nusa Tenggara Provincial Tourism Office, Marius Ardu Jelamu said in Kupang on Saturday that there is Rp500 million in prepared funds through the 2018 Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget -APBD changes to fix tourist villages.He also stated that the improvement of the tourism villages is carried out in a number of areas, such as Goa Monyet and Lasiana Beach, as well as Tablolong tour in Kupang Regency, Fatumnasi Tourism Village in the regency of South Timor Tengah as well as a tourist village in Rote Ndao Regency, and Sabu Raijua Regency.He added that this improvement is aimed at supporting facilities in the tourist villages so that it would be more adequate for local community and visitors’ needs. He also remarked that the improvement of tourist villages is expected to be a buffer for leading tourism destinations that are already popular, such as Komodo National Park and Kelimutu Lake.

Mutiara SIS Al-Jufrie AirportPalu, Central Sulawesi begins to be opened for commercial flights based on NOTAM No. HO755/18. Airnav Indonesia Public Relations Manager, Yohanes Sirait said in Jakarta on Sunday that the flights currently using VFR (Visual Flight Rules) services could not be used instrumentally (Instrument Visual Rules).He explained, the opening for this commercial flight follows the previous process on which Mutiara SIS Airport Al Jufri, Palu had been opened for emergency flights, Search And Rescue –SAR, and humanity.AirNav Indonesia has sent personnel from Makassar and Balikpapan to ensure the flight navigation services at the airport in a bid to maximize the recovery process post-earthquake and tsunami.

The 2018 International Tour de Banyuwangi Ijen (ITdBI) event, which was held September 26-29, 2018, was appreciated by many stakeholders and increasingly prestigious for the Asian region. ITdBI Director Jamaluddin Mahmood said that the event, which has been held since 2012, is set with the quality of International level 2.2 bicycle racing, which has entered the routine agenda of the World Bicycle Racing Federation or Union Cycliste Internationale -UCI.Thus, it has an impact on the ease of inviting foreign teams.Jamaluddin also said that currently, ITdBI is classified as the best level 2.2 race. Level 2.2 is three levels below the World Tour Team, such as the Tour de France in France.ITdBI includes Asia's best 2.2 racing.Besides Banyuwangi, there are China, Japan, Hong Kong, Langkawi, and Kazakhstan.The best predicate was given because of the quality of the race.In addition, the audience was also enthusiastic, and the traffic wan well-managed. Jamaluddin is optimistic that foreign teams increasingly enlivened ITdBI. Banyuwangi Regent, Azwar Anas thanked for the support of various stakeholders for the implementation of ITdBI. From year to year, his team continues to improve. For him, ITdBI is not only a tourism event, but also part of consolidating infrastructure improvements and regional economic driver.