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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Garulina (0)



Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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Omah Akromah

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Tsunami which struck Sunda Strait in the end of December 2018 has left an inspiring story about a persistent Indonesian woman named Omah Akromah who contributes to helping the victims of the disaster.Omah Akromah keeps helping hundreds of people who survive from the disaster to get food supplies and other demands although many refugee camps have been closed. Omah who was born in Pandeglang on May the 10th, 1955 has plenty of experiences in joining social activities. In addition to helping the victims of tsunami in Sunda Strait, Omah has contributed to helping Indonesian children who live below the poverty line gain their rights of receiving proper education through package A, B, C so that these children can pursue their education.As a disaster volunteer, every morning Omah Akromah works at Majlis Taklim Al Ikhlas Labuan, Pandeglang. There, hundreds of people have been waiting for her. These people usually wait for food staples provided by donors to be distributed. According to Omah, the distribution of food supplies has been the greatest challenge because refugees often fight for the staple food. Therefore, Omah usually calls their names one by one so that the food can be distributed fairly and effectively. It is also the method used by Omah to find out the latest number of the refugees.In addition to distributing staple food, Omah also identifies the stock of the food supplies and arranges the boxes of the foods such as rice, instant noodles, toothpaste, and mineral water. Omah devotes her time from morning to evening to make sure the logistics can be distributed successfully to all refugees. Omah Akromah always ensures that the rights of the refugees over food supplies, hygine, and health can be adequately fulfilled.Majlis Taklim Al Ikhlas is the only place that shelters refugees. Currently, there are 235 refugees there. The building of Majlis Taklim Al Ikhlas is the only temporary shelter of the tsunami victims in Pandeglang. Pandeglang is the greatest area affected by the tsunami. The number of refugees reached 33,000 people and they were spread in 50 locations. As time elapses, the number of the refugees leaving Majlis Taklim Al Ikhlas, the only sheltering inhabited by the refugees, has been dropped The refugees who live in the area come not only from coastal area but also from other sub-districts in Pandeglang.Omah believes that refugee camp is the second home for the refugees. Beside coordinating the food supplies for the refugees, Omah also contributes to improving the quality of infratructures for the refugees for example toilet. When a new refugee arrives at the camp, Omah will provide them with mat, foods, blanket, and medications. Furthermore, Omah also attempts to maintain the mental and emotional health of the refugees by establishing programs and activities which can foster their potentials and help them cope with their trauma.In the future, Omah is committed to keep helping the refugees. Though she has to dedicate most of her time for the refugees, she never complains and she is always enthusiastic of being able to help others. The 63 year old woman believes that as long as we still have the opportunity to live, we should not stop contributing for other people.


Diplomatic Corner

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A group of Indonesian dancers performed a traditional dance, ‘Reog Ponorogo’ before students and teachers at the Claremont College in Randwick, New South Wales (NSW) last Monday (18/2).  Four Indonesian male dancers and two female ones were specially invited by Indonesian Embassy in Canberra to promote Indonesian art and culture to Australia. The presence of   the dance group in Australia is also part of the efforts of Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture to popularize Indonesian traditional arts and culture in foreign countries. The promotion is the result of collaboration between the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra, the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, and the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Sydney. Representing the Indonesian Consulate General in Sydney at the event was Consul for Information, Social and Culture, Hermanus Dimara accompanied by Assistant Joanne Hajjar.

A suicide bomber activated a home-made bomb in Cairo, Egypt, killing police officers who chase him through narrow alleys. Reports from the AFP News Agency said the incident was related (?) on Monday (02/19/2019) at 10:00 pm local time in the Darb al-Ahmar settlement, behind the historic Al-Alzhar mosque. Indonesian Ambassador to Egypt, Helmy Fauzi said in a press statement that there were no Indonesian citizens who were victims in the incident. The Indonesian Embassy in Cairo noted that suicide bombings also injured five people, consisting of two police officers and 3 civilians, including a student from Thailand. 

Entering its 14th year, the Indonesian Language course program for Native Speakers (BIPA) has increasingly attracted Saudi Arabians. This can be seen that within two-week registration, 262 people have been enrolled in the program. But, only 60 people were accepted because of limited class-room capacity. Indonesian Consul General (Konjen) in Jeddah, Mohamad Hery Saripudin in a press statement on Tuesday (02/19/2019) said that the high enthusiasm of Saudi Arabian people to learn Indonesian language, Bahasa indicates a stronger relationship between Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. Hery further said that during 2018, there were 1.5 million Indonesian people who visited Saudi Arabia for Hajj and Umroh, excluding Indonesian citizens who come to Saudi Arabia for business visits, study and work. Meanwhile, about 190 thousand Saudi Arabian people visit Indonesia every year.


Istiqlal Day

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On February 22, 1978, Istiqlal Mosque was first inaugurated to become one of the largest mosques in the world. Established as part of the lighthouse construction project by Soekarno with the laying of the first stone on August 24, 1961, the mosque in the heart of Jakarta was inaugurated by President Soeharto on February 22, 1978. Since then, February 22 is commemorated as Istiqlal Day. Istiqlal is still recorded as the largest mosque in Southeast Asia. This mosque stands on an area of 9.32 hectares. Its capacity can also accommodate up to 200,000 worshipers to perform prayer services in it. According to the Head of Protocol Section and tourism service of the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah, besides being magnificent, Istiqlal Mosque is also an embodiment of various symbols.

This mosque is a symbol of independence, because it was built in the form of a manifestation of the gratitude of the Indonesian people for the grace of independence. So, it was given the name Istiqlal which means independence in Arabic. Besides, this mosque is expected to be a symbol of religious tolerance. That’s why, it was built only a few meters from the cathedral church. And what's unique? This mosque was designed by a priest, Engineer Frederik Silaban,” said Abu Hurairah.

Located in the heart of the Capital City -Jakarta, a mosque was built in cooperation by Indonesian people across religions and races. It is not only a Muslim place of worship but also one of the tourist attractions in Jakarta. Abu Hurairah explained, over the last 3 years, this mosque has become a mainstay tourist destination in Jakarta. Foreign tourists and state guests are usually scheduled to come there. Now, the number of non-Muslim foreign tourists coming to the Istiqlal mosque increases every day. Tourists who most visit are from South Korea and Japan.

Now specifically on weekends (Friday, Saturday, Sunday), we can receive guests from 300 to 400 people. The number is only foreign non-Muslim tourists. Then on weekdays (Monday to Friday), there are usually around 200 people. That number will increase if there are holidays in Europe or in Southeast Asia.” said Abu Hurairah.

Not only praying in congregation, every day the Istiqlal Mosque has a variety of activities. On the 2nd and 4th Sunday, there is a study of Daarut Tauhid and Daarul Quran. At 41 years of the Istiqlal Mosque, Abu Hurairah hopes that the mosque which is pride of the Indonesian nation can become the center of activities for any Muslim group or congregation. He also hopes that more people across religions will visit the Istiqlal Mosque.




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Diplomatic Corner with information from Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Cambodian government stated that the country was interested to learn from Indonesia about halal products, along with the increasing demand of such product in the market. Indonesian Ambassador to Cambodia Sudirman Haseng to Antaranews in Phnom Penh, Saturday (16/2) said, muslims filled 5 percent of the population in Cambodia, so that Cambodian government saw the possibility of increasing demand for halal product. According to him, Cambodia saw Indonesia as a model country with potential for knowledge transfer and cooperation in producing halal goods in the country.

Still from Cambodia.

Products from some Indonesian pharmaceutical companies had entered Cambodian market and received increasing demand. Indonesian Ambassador to Cambodia Sudirman Haseng to Antaranews in Phnom Penh, Saturday (16/2) said, demand for Indonesian pharmaceutical products especially the general medicines such as flu, cough, and fever significantly increased in Cambodian market. Cambodia is therefore a very potential market for Indonesian pharmaceutical products.

Now we move to Tehran, Iran.

Indonesian Embassy in Tehran, cooperating with Indonesian Tourism Ministry and Ternate City Government, held a national tourism promotion night themed “Wonderful Indonesia Tourism Promotion” in Tehran, Tuesday (12/2). In his remarks, Indonesian Ambassador for Iran Octavino Alimudin convey greetings for the 40th Anniversary of Iran Islamic Revolution. He added, Indonesia as a friend country, as the country with biggest Muslim population had established cooperation with Iran since long. Both countries then agreed to increase and expand cooperation, among many in tourism sector.


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Reog Ponorogo performance, as the East Java typical culture, at cultural stage at National Multicultural Festival (NMF) 2019 succeeded to amaze Canberra public in Australia on Saturday (16/2) as if Reog Ponorogo Singo Budoyo Mudho team hypnotized the visitors.  The performances of the cultural stage of NMF 2019 were participated in by various countries in European continent, The United States of America, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific. In addition to cultural stage, Indonesia also participated in the parade that was conducted along London Circuit street which is located in the center of Canberra City.

The majesty of the glory collection of Sriwijaya kingdom with the title “Jewel of Sriwijaya Kingdom” as creation of designer, Nila Baharuddin, succeeded to amaze fashion observers in England in the event of Scout London Fashion Week Autumn/Winter 2019. The event was held at Freemasons` Hall London over the weekend. Information, Social and Cultural Function of the Indonesian Embassy in London, Okky Diane Palma to Antara London, on Monday said that four designers who were joined in the Indonesian Fashion Showcase, presented their creation in the Scout London Fashion Week Autumn/Winter 2019. Nila Baharuddin, with Jewel of Sriwijaya Kingdom presented couture dress with pink, brown and brown colors’ nuance with Jacobean ruff accent and bloated arm. The collection is perfect combination between kingdom and glory values. Besides, the magnificence of the kingdom of Sriwijaya emanated from ancient times from various accessories and jewelry typical of Palembang, South Sumatra.

Indonesian Ambassador to Cambodia, Sudirman Haseng to Antara News Agency in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on Saturday said that there is around 5 percent of Muslims in Cambodia. So, the government of Cambodia considers the demand of Halal products to increase drastically. According to Ambassador Sudirman, Cambodia views that Indonesia is example of potential country to study and to cooperate in producing Halal products in Cambodia. Thus, the government of Cambodia wants to send its people to Indonesia to participate in basic training how to produce and to develop the Halal products.


Diplomatic Corner

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Indonesian House of Representatives Commission I,encouragedthe Indonesian Embassy in Amman, Jordan, to keep sounding support for the struggle of Palestian people to gain independent. This was stated by the delegation of commission I during a working visit to Jordan for two days, on Feruary 7-8, 2019, led by Head of Commission I, Abdul Kharis Almashari, as quoted in a press release of the Indonesian Embassy in Amman which was recieved in Jakarta, on Monday (11/2). The Indonesian Ambassador to Jordan and Palestine, Andy Rachmianto asserted that Indonesian suppport on Palestine never decrease, even it keeps strenthening, especially in the UN Forum, since Indonesia becomes non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2019-2020 period.

Indonesian main weapon system products have potential at weapon industrial market in Egypt and other countries in African regions, since their quality have been world class. Indonesian Ambassador to Egypt, Helmy Fauzi, in a press release in Denpasar, Bali, on Sunday (10/2) said that the quality of the Indonesian weapon products have been used in many countries and also have competitive price so that the products are able to compete with other producers. Helmy Fauzi also said that the Indonesian Military’s Headquarter has conducted exploration of Indonesia-Egypt defense cooperation. The cooperation was signed during the working visit of the Head of Strategic Intelligence Agency (Bais),Rear Admiral Kisenda Wiranata Kusuma to Egypt on February 6-8, 2019. In the event, Kisenda conducted a number of meetings including with officials of Military Intelligence Directorate (MID) of Egypt.

Indonesia grabbed all the medals in Iran Fajr Badminton International Challenge 2019. The Indonesian anthem, Indonesia Raya echoed twice to mark the victory of women’s double, Nita Violina Marwah/Putri Syaikah and men’s double, Adnan Maulana/Ghifari Anandaffa Prihardika in the final of the 28th Iran Fajr Badminton International Challenge 2019  at Enghelab Sport Complex, Karaj, Iran (7/2). Indonesian Ambassador to Iran, Octavino Alimudin, along with the Indonesian Embassy’s big families in Tehran and a number of Indonesian diaspora in Iran, also attended the competition and gave support to Indonesian contingent that consisted of 22 badminton players and 3 officials. The young players of national training center who were sent by Indonesian Badminton Association to the tournament showed that Indonesian young badminton players are worthy to defend Indonesia.


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Indonesian Tourism Ministry was supported by Indonesian embassy in Helsinki to participate in promoting Indonesian tourism destinations,  Bali and Beyond Bali in tourism exhibition of Tourest Travel Trade Fair 2019. The exhibition was held on February 8-10 in Tallinn, Estonia. The exhibition was participated in by 30 countries with total 533 exhibitors. Indonesian participation was also to promote various kinds of Indonesian cultures and  Arabica premium single origin Indonesia coffees, such as Mandailing, Toraja, Bali and East Java. The existence of Indonesia on Tourest 2019 was strengthened by Indonesian cultures performance that consisted of  Sekar Jagad, Piring dance and Sasando musical instrument performance on the main stage. On Tourest 2019, a famous blogger and traveller of Estonia, Almer Ansu, officially announced opening direct flight of Turkish Air from Istanbul to Bali in the Mid of July in 2019.

India targets investment on technology of information, medicines and l electricity sector in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan this year. Deputy of Indian Ambassador to Indonesia, Prakash Gupta said that a number of entrepreneurs from India have conducted communication with city’s government of Balikpapan to invest in this city. Opening Indian Cultural Festival coinciding with the 122nd anniversary of Balikpapan City on Sunday (10/2), Prakash mentioned that the three sectors are the most potential economic sectors from India to be cooperated with City’s government of Balikpapan.

Indonesian embassy in Brussels, supported by Tourism Ministry promoted "New 10 Bali" on Brussels Holiday Fair at Brussels Expo, Belgium on February 7-10. Indonesian Ambassador in Brussels, Yuri Thamrin officially opened Indonesian pavilion and invited Belgium people to visit the pavilion to get to know Indonesian tourism destinations which are offered.  The Wonderful Indonesia pavilion performed various kinds of events, such as dances, culinary, coffee promotion from barista from Indonesia until quiz. Brussels Holiday Fair became the only one exhibition in Belgium that was participated in by 350 exhibitors and visited by more than 100 thousand people.


Diplomatic Corner

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Indonesian embassy in Seoul conducted medical check-up of migrant workers. The medical check-ups are like checking of blood pressure and health consultation conducted by dr. Dita Anggara Putra at the Indonesian embassy in Seoul on Sunday (3/2). Social and Cultural Information of the Indonesian embassy in Seoul in a press release received by Antara on Monday, reported that the medical check-up was free of charge and joined by a lot of Indonesian migrants in South Korea. Around 40 Indonesian citizens, who were majority Indonesian migrant workers, received the medical service. The event is carried out every month. The Indonesian embassy also makes programs of financial training, investment introduction and other technical trainings. According to the Indonesian embassy in Seoul, until December 2018, the number of Indonesian citizens who stay in South Korea reached as many as 38,886 people. From the number, Indonesian migrant workers who were sent by the government reached as many as 29,360 people and the ship crews that were sent by private companies reached as many 5,320 people. They were spread out in 86 cities in South Korea.

Students of West Sumatera should be active in diplomacy and be part of solution of challenges which are faced by Indonesia and the world. This was emphasized by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi before around 1,000 students on Talkshow at Convention Hall of Andalas University on Saturday (2/2). This reminds that West Sumatera is the birth place of a number of the Indonesian Diplomatic legendries, such as Muhammad Hatta and Sultan Syahrir. The Talkshow was part of series events of “Diplofest" or Diplomacy Festival that was conducted by Foreign Affairs Ministry in Padang, West Sumatra on February 1-2. In her explanation, Minister Retno said that the efforts of Indonesia in protecting the world’s peace, cover in Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA), Palestine, Afghanistan and Rakhine State. The diplomacy, that is active, friendly, dignified and able to contribute on Indonesia’s peace, is characteristic of Indonesian diplomacy.


A fine arts exhibition will soon be held on social media. The exhibition is initiated by a businessman as well as journalist named Sokoco Hayat DP. The online fine arts exhibition entitled "This is My Work" aims to help artists showcase their works so that they can be acknowledged by public. The theme "This is My Work" represents the objective of the event namely to provide detailed information about the artists who participate in the expo and their works. Sokoco Hayat DP said that the identities of the artists, such as their address, contacts, e-mail address, complete CV and track records would also be featured at the exhibition. By informing about the details of the artists, arts enthusiasts, including collectors can keep being in contact with the artists easily. The online fine arts exhibition has more benefits than the exhibitions which typically take place at art expo center or gallery. The online one needs less time for preparation. It is also more economical. Besides, participants are not restricted by distance, ages, and locations. No matter how far they live, they can still demonstrate their creativity. Meanwhile, arts enthusiasts can access the exhibition anytime and anywhere. They only need smartphones and internet connection. Regardless of the time and space, the bonding between the artists and their arts enthusiasts can still be established. Participants' registration has opened from 21st January to 5th of February 2019. Each participant has to submit two photos of their works and their personal data. In addition to submitting their data and works, the participants must pay for the registration fee which costs Rp 50,000 per person. The exhibition will be held from 10th to 28th of February 2019. Visitors can access the exhibition from Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, and Online Magazines. According to Sukoco Hayat, the online fine arts exhibition receives positive responses from artists. Until January the 22nd, 50 participants have enrolled in the expo both the 2D and the 3D artists.



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The first story for today’s Diplomatic Corner is from Brunei Darussalam.

Wife Organization of Civil Servants or Dharma Wanita Persatuan of Indonesian embassy in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam carried out tourism promotion to Bali on January 23-27, 2019. Based on the press release from the Indonesian embassy in Bandar Seri Begawan, received by Antara in Jakarta, on Monday, the participants’ tour of tourism promotion became special by the existence of a number of ambassadors’ wives of neighbor countries in Bandar Seri Begawan, such as wife of Laos, Myanmar, German and French ambassador. Chairwoman of Dharma Wanita Persatuan, Nani Sujatmiko hoped that the event could encourage and ensure diplomatic and international community that Indonesia is safe and worthy to be tourism and vacation destination. Trip to Denpasar, Bali is reached through directly flight of Royal Brunei Airlines (RBA). RBA has routinely served Bandar Seri Begawan (BSB) - Denpasar route and also BSB to Jakarta and Surabaya. In the future, RBA will explore new line to Lombok. It is hoped the opening of RBA destination can encourage the increase of Brunei tourists to Indonesia.


The next info is from Denpasar.

Cooperation of Institute of Indonesian Art of Denpasar and Phetchaburi Rajabhat University was signed by Rector of the institute, I Gede Arya Sugiartha and President of Phetchaburi Rajabhat University-Thailand, Prof. Sanor Klinngam in Denpasar, Bali on Monday (28/1). The signature of the cooperation was begun by showing visual profile, explanation of vision and mission and superiority of each college as well as each culture of the country. According to Arya, Phetchaburi Rajabhat University actually has been long time to visit the Institute of Indonesian Art, Denpasar because they want to learn Indonesian arts and especially Balinese arts, to enrich their arts that are developed. In addition, they want to introduce their arts.


And the last information is from Manila.

Indonesia Diaspora Network (IDN) Chapter Manila cooperated with Metro Manila Development Authority -MMDA to invite community, especially Indonesian citizens who stay in Manila to conduct clean action of Manila Bay on Sunday (27/1). IDN Manila stated that “Manila Bay Clean Up” is as a form of Indonesian people’s awareness on sustainable environment where they live. Seashore rehabilitation activity which is full of pollution of plastic garbage is also hoped to be able to help save local community on impact of littering and plastic waste. The event with the theme “Manila Bay Clean Up" is to clean garbage at Manila Bay not only for one day, but also for long term in a bid to improve people’s  awareness of clean environment in their daily life.