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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Garulina (0)



Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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Sport World

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Chairman of the Indonesian Motorbike Association (IMI), Sadikin Aksa confirmed that Palembang will host the 2019 MXGP international motocross championship series which will be participated in by 28 countries with approximately 1.500 officials. This championship will take place on July 6-7.After officially signing the Memorandum of Understanding -MoU at the office of the Governor of South Sumatra on Monday (05/27/2019), Sadikin Aksa confirmed at the third event, and the committee made sure that the facilities are complete enough, such as enough land and strategic location in Jakabaring, Palembang, South Sumatra.Meanwhile, Governor of South Sumatra, Herman Deru ensured that Palembang is ready and would make the MXGP event succeed. He also considered MXGP as a sport for all circles. Thus, the government of South Sumatra Province will fully support it.

Bicycle riders from the BMX discipline and the track have a big chance to qualify for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, Japan, considering that the present riders are considered to be capable enough in pursuing the four-year multi-event tournament ticket. This was said by Chairman of the Indonesian Sport Bicycle Association (PB ISSI), Raja Sapta Oktohari in Jakarta on Monday night (27/5).The hope of number one in the PB ISSI is not without reason. For BMX, Indonesia has passed athlete to the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil by Toni Syarifudin. While currently, there are several names, including I Gusti Bagus Saputra. From the track, the women's sector is considered to be more possible. The hope is for the two athletes to qualify and one of them is Crismonita Dwi Putri. This young athlete who was born in Lamongan is now able to compete with world-class riders.

The Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) will determine the eight stadiums that will host the U-20 World Cup in 2021. Quoted from the PSSI’s official website in Jakarta on Monday (27/5), PSSI will include the stadiums as a condition to submit them to host the 2021 World Cup U-20 to International Football Federation (FIFA).According to Secretary General of PSSI, Ratu Tisha Destria, her side feels confident that Indonesia can hold the U-20 World Cup because PSSI has been experienced in holding Asian level tournaments such as the Asian Games, Asian Cup and AFF Cup. PSSI itself officially nominated to host the 2021 U-20 World Cup to FIFA on Tuesday (21/5).

Indonesian flagship Paralympic athlete, Jendi Pangabean targets to be able to win five gold medals in the swimming sport in the ASEAN Para Games 2020 in Manila, the Philippines on January 18-25, 2020. Jendi Pangabean stated in Jakarta on Tuesday that to meet the target, he is currently participating in swimming national training in Solo until January 2020.He said that the holy month of Ramadan is not an obstacle for him to take part in the training program that has been prepared by the coach team. At the 2018 Asian Para Games in Jakarta, Jendi won 1 gold in the 100-meter S9 backstroke, 1 Silver 100 meters in the S9 butterfly, 1 bronze in the 100-meter S9 freestyle and 1 bronze in the 4x100 meter medley relay 34 points.


The proud achievement was successfully created by Indonesian students at Intel ISEF in the United States. I Made Wiratathya Putramas and Carolline Mathilda Nggebu won the 4th ISEF 2019 Intel Grand Award for the Life Sciences category. The students of High School 3 Denpasar, Bali had also previously won the Special Science Physical Award from Sigma Xi, an international scientific organization. Both of them examined the potential of the active substance of rhizophora apiculata mangrove plants found in Serangan Beach, Bali for environmentally friendly paint raw material on ships.The award was also obtained by Michaela Samanta. The student of Christian High School Penabur Gading Serpong received a Special Award from the Patent and Trademark Office Society for her work C-Rice: Computational and Experimental Design Development of Transgenic Rice. Samantha who researched genetic technology to produce animal protein rice for food access for poor families was entitled to receive cash worth US$500 dollars.This year, Intel ISEF was attended by more than 1,800 scientific works of the students representing 423 Intel ISEF affiliates from 88 countries around the world. The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) sent eight Indonesian students from high school and Madrasah Tsanawiyah at the event held in mid-May. They are the winners of the LIPI Youth Scientific Work Competition (LKIR) in 2018. Head of LIPI, Laksana Tri Handoko said that the success of Indonesian students this year proves that the creativity and innovation of our young generations are able to compete globally.


Diplomatic Corner

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Direct flight that has been waited for long time between Indonesia and Cambodia will be implemented this year. Indonesian ambassador to Cambodia kingdom, Sudirman Haseng in a press conference on Preparation of the Inauguration of Jakarta-Phnom Penh Direct Flight in Phnom Penh over the weekend said a national private airlines, Citilink Indonesia, a subsidiary of Garuda Indonesia will launch its first flight for Jakarta – Phnom Penh route in June 2019 for three times in a week. Cambodian Tourism Minister, Dr. Thong Khon, in the press conference, thanked the Indonesian government, Tourism Ministry, Indonesian embassy Phnom Penh, Garuda Indonesia and related parties on support and good cooperation to implement to the mutual dream.

Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, inaugurated the launching of Panchagarh Express new train to serve the longest railway of Bangladesh which connects the capital Dhaka with Panchagarh city in the NorthWest over the weekend. Panchagarh Express uses modern carriage, made by PT INKA Indonesia. Indonesian ambassador to Bangladesh, Rina Soemarno who attend the ceremony at Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina “Gonobhaban" residence in Dhaka, said that the train made by PT INKA Indonesia has assisted Bangladesh to increase connectivity among cities in Bangladesh. In the last month, it has been conducted twice the first launching of railway which is used train, made by PT INKA. Earlier, on April 25, 2019, Bonolota Express train has been launched to serve Rajshahi-Dhaka line nonstop.

Ramez fi El-shallal, a very popular entertainment program in Egypt and Arabic countries, this year takes shooting for picture in Bali. The event which was guided by famous comedian from Egypt, Ramez Galal, was broadcasted every day during Ramadhan this year on MBC television of Egypt. Various kinds of trailers of the event are also aired at Youtube and other social media with the number of audiences in every video reaching 1 - 9 million people. To made used the popularity of the TV event, the Indonesian embassy in Cairo organized a breaking fast event along with Travel Agent/Tour Operator (TA/TO) of Egypt last week. Indonesian ambassador, Helmy Fauzy, in his speech conveyed his happiness during the month of Ramadhan, Egyptians could more know about Indonesia, especially the natural beauty of Bali through the entertainment program on “Ramez fi El-shallal” television.


Diplomatic Corner

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British people who stay in Oxford enjoyed Javanese leather puppet and gamelan performance presented in “Night at the Museum” event at Pitt Rivers Museum on May 17. The visitors were presented with Javanese dance which was beautifully performance by Ni Made Pujawati, accompanied by Oxford Youth Gamelan led by Jasmine Godden. Dalang Ki Sujarwo started playing the leather puppet, accompanied by Oxford Gamelan Society led by Peter Smith. In different time, the visitors participated in Balinese dance workshop at one of rooms at the museum. Counselor of Information and Social Culture, Thomas Siregar said that the event was cooperation between Indonesian embassy and Pitt Rivers Museum to introduce Indonesian culture to citizens of England in Oxford.

Provincial government of Riau expressed its desire to establish cooperation in developing halal tourism with Malaysia. One of them is with the plan of Malaysia Airlines flight route from Kuala Lumpur to Pekanbaru. Riau wants the tourists’ visit its region to keep increasing. That was stated by Governor of Riau, Syamsuar at the meeting with some Consulate representatives of Malaysia in Pekanbaru over the weekend. Provincial government of Riau welcomed the plan of the opening of Kuala Lumpur - Pekanbaru flight route by Malaysia Airlines this year. Previously, Malaysian consulate expressed that now, the process of the opening of flight route among the countries has been on submission stage of permits at the Ministry of Transportation.

The governments of Indonesia and Chile have agreed to accelerate the implementation of Indonesia- Chile Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IC-CEPA) and also to expand the scope in the agreement. The trade agreement was reached at the meeting of Indonesian Trade Minister, Enggartiasto Lukita along with Deputy Minister of Chilean  Foreign Affairs Minister of Trade Field, Rodrigo Yanez Benitez on the sidelines of Trade Minister’s Meeting of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Chile on Saturday (18/5). Minister Enggar said that the expansion of IC-CEPA agreement is concerning with trade in services and investment between the two countries. The two sectors are viewed to make trade relations of the two countries become more comprehensive. As a follow-up of the agreement, Minister Enggar also said that Deputy Minister Rodrigo Yanez Benitez will visit Indonesia on June 10-11, 2019.


Diplomatic Corner

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Leather puppet performance which was conducted at Indonesian embassy’s Hall in The Hague succeeded in hypnotizing around 150 audiences. The puppet with “Ciptaning” story was played by puppeteer Ki Joko Susilo from New Zealand, sinden Dòra Györfi from Budapest. They were accompanied by Widosari Amsterdam Gamelan, joining Indonesian and the Dutch people, led by Elsje Plantema.  Educational and Cultural attaché’ of the Indonesian embassy  in The Hague, Din Wahid in a press release to Antara London on Sunday (12/5) said that the puppet performance was conducted at Indonesian Cultural House in The Hague which is under the Indonesian embassy. The House actively conducts cultural event which is aimed to promote Indonesian culture in the Netherlands.

Governor of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan and British Ambassador to Indonesia, Moazzam Malik planted spathodea tree at Museum of Proclamation Manuscript Formulation on Sunday (12/5) to commemorate the 70th Indonesian-British diplomatic relations. Ambassador Moazzam said that England is Indonesia’s trade partnership which has global vision. He added that England and Indonesian and British relations are very strong and both countries have been cooperating in various sectors such as education, business, trade, climate change, science, technology and anti-corruption.

Seven travel agents from the United States of America are touring to a number of tourism destinations in Banyuwangi regency for a week. The owners of the travel agents from  Midwest of the United States of America have come to a number of tourism destinations since Friday (10/5) such as Mt. Ijen, Gombengsari Nirvana Coffee, Sabha Swagata Blambangan Pavilion, Bangsring Underwater and they will go down to South Banyuwangi to see the panorama of Muncar fisherman port and National Park of Alas Purwo until Tuesday (14/5). Head of Delegation of the Midwest of the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA), Jesse Guerre revealed that he is impressed on beautiful nature, delicious coffee and the most important thing is the hospitality of Banyuwangi’s people. Functional staff at the US Directorate I, Directorate General of America Europe, Foreign Affairs Ministry,  Raden Usman Effendi pointed out that the visit of the travel agents to Banyuwangi is part of the Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry’s and Consulate General’s program in Chicago, the USA to increase tourist’s visit to Indonesia.


Sport World

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Indonesia won in the badminton championship in New Zealand with 2 titles. Indonesia won the second title by the men's doubles pair. In the final, the men's doubles pair, Hendra Setiawan-Mohammad Ahsan defeated Hiroyuki Endo-Yuta Watanabe from Japan. Through one-hour and seven-minute match at Auckland's Fida Stadium Event on Sunday (5/5), the Indonesian pair beat the Japanese pair through a rubber game with a score of 20-22, 21-15 and 21-17. As written by Antara, through this result, Indonesia closed the 2019 New Zealand Open by winning two titles, before Jonatan Christie won the men's singles. Jonatan Christie defeated Hong Kong player, Ng Ka Long Angus with a score of 21-12 and 21-13.

To increase the interest in surfing and tourism in Lampung, the World Surfing League (WSL) "Krui Pro" was held on April 29 to May 4, 2019. The location is in West Pesisir District, Lampung Province. The 3rd international surfing competition is able to bring in foreign and domestic tourists. In this event, Lucas Silveira of Brazil won the throne of victory from compatriot Gabriel Medina who was the champion last year. Met after surfing on Saturday, May 4, 2019 at Tanjung Setia Beach, Lucas revealed that the Wave was the one that took him to participate in World surfing league Krui Pro 2019.“Well the wave it was perfect, it was hard to get better than this. The challenge was that the wave was so good and everyone played surf well. So, you had to do better to win. It was a long way since we got here and trained daily before we competed and woke up 5 am to train and a lot of high hits through the final. Everything took place so well,” said Lucas. Lucas added, this was the first time for him to compete in Krui and the world-class wave was the only interesting thing to come to Krui. He also emphasized that even though there was no competition, he would continue to play surf in Krui. The same thing was expressed by the 1st female champion, Leilani Mcgonagle from Costa Rica. According to her, the wave at Tanjung Setia Beach is amazing. It’s almost the same in her country.

The Indonesian men's relay team is optimistic that it can qualify for the 2020 Tokyo, Japan Olympics and one of the championships to win the ticket through the IAAF World Relays in Yokohama, Japan on May 11-12. That was stated by one of the Indonesian athletes, Lalu Muhammad Zohri when he was met at the Madya Stadium, Bung Karno Sports Complex, Jakarta on Tuesday (7/5).Zohri also said that there are some weaknesses in the relay team that must be addressed immediately, including at the "check mark". To qualify for the 2020 Olympics, the Indonesian relay team must be in the top 16 of 230 countries. At the 2019 Asian Athletics Championship that took place  in Doha, Qatar some time ago, Indonesia was in 16th place with one silver medal. The medal was won by Zohri in the 100-meter run with a time of 10.13 seconds. In the relay number, the Lombok sprinter will perform with Eko Rimbawan, Bayu Kartenegara, Muhammad Bisma Diwa, Joko Kuncoro (200 meters), Adi Ramli Sidiq in 100 meters.

South Sumatra is again trusted to host the international bowling championship in Jakabaring Sports Complex, Palembang, South Sumatra on 16-24 November 2019. Bowling facilities at Jakabaring are the best in the Asian region.The Executive Board Chairman of the Indonesian Bowling Association, Percha Leanpuri after meeting with Governor of South Sumatra, Herman Deru said that the championship would be attended by hundreds of the best athletes from some countries. Percha Leanputri added that based on the existing regulations, each country is limited to sending each of the best male and female athletes. The target of the participating countries is at least 65-75 countries. On this occasion, Indonesia hosts the second time after 1980. Meanwhile, Chief Executive of South Sumatra Indonesian Bowling Association,  Kurmin Halim said that his side would intensify promotions abroad, such as in Asia, Europe and the Middle East by hoping that the number of participants could reach hundreds of countries. If this is achieved, Indonesia can beat the record for the highest number of participants held by Singapore.


Diplomatic Corner

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The UN Security Council’s session which was led by Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister, Retno LP Marsudi as President of the UN Security Council for May 2019, took place uniquely. The room of the UN Security Council in the meeting was enlivened by various kinds of batik motifs or weaving clothes which were worn by delegations from various countries. No exception, the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres also worn troso weaving motif with light color. Batik was chosen as dress code of the UN Security Council’s session on May 7 to honor Indonesia which holds presidency of the UN Security Council for May 2019. Minister Retno Marsudi said that by wearing Batik in the UN Security Council’s session, it is hoped that Batik will be more popular. UNESCO has recognized Batik as the world's cultural heritage.  

Indonesian Vice President, M. Jusuf Kalla on Tuesday May 7 received official visit of Argentinian Vice President, Gabriella Michetti at Vice Presidential Palace in Jakarta. This was the first visit of the Argentinian Vice President to Indonesia since their diplomatic relation opened on June 30, 1956. In the meeting, the two vice presidents agreed to increase cooperation in the field of trade, investment and agriculture. Indonesian Vice President Jusuf  Kalla said that Argentina is the biggest trade partner of Indonesia in the South American region and Indonesia wants to increase trade with Argentina.

Indonesian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdurrahman Mohammad Fachir received Norwegian Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister, Y.M. Marianne Hagen in Jakarta (6/5/2019). The two deputy ministers focused in the priority fields of the two countries, namely environment, forestry, energy, maritime and fishery as well as Human Rights. Mohammad Fachir emphasized that the interaction of Indonesia and Norwegian business community needsto increase trade and investment value which is still under economic potential of the two countries. Fachir and Hagen also agreed that comprehensive economic cooperation agreement between Indonesia and countries of European Free Trade Association (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland), or well known with Indonesia European Union Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, become important instrument to encourage economic relation and cooperation of the two countries. The two deputy ministers hope that the ratification process in each country can be solved as soon as possible.


Diplomatic Corner

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Indonesian embassy in Washington DC, the United States of America held an open house on May 4. More than 6,000 visitors flocked the embassy. They were also presented with various attractions of Indonesian culture such as  Reog Ponorogo by Indonesian citizens in Washington DC who join in Singolodoyo USA group. The interesting point was Dangdut Cowboys performance that was led by US professor and lecturer from Pittsburgh University. In addition, there were also performances of Angklung, Tor-Tor and Si Gale-Gale dance from North Sumatera, Giring-Giring dance from Kalimantan, Serampang Dua Belas dance from West Sumatera until Poco-Poco dance by students from Papua. The event was conducted in the frame of  annual program of "Passport DC" (Around the World Embassy Tour) 2019. The event involved 52 embassies.

Indonesia and France establish cooperation to develop maritime tourism with basis of “sustainable tourism development” concept. Deputy of Industrial Development and Tourism Agency of Tourism Ministry, Ni Wayan Giri Adnyani said that the cooperation is created in forming of Forum for International Tourism and the Environment 2019. Giri also said that through the Forum, Indonesia and France agreed to capture ideas of maritime tourism development based on sustainable tourism from tourism students. This year, the Forum has themed "Can Indonesia's Maritime Identity Support Sustainable Tourism Development?" and attended by 10 speakers who have competent skills in their fields. In addition to the presentation of all speakers, in the event, 10 finalists of the Forum for International Tourism and the Environment 2019 of Student Video Contest also conducted presentation before the jury and invitees.

As many as 66 delegations from Indonesian Student Association of each country in the regions were very enthusiastic to hold sustainable Indonesian tourism symposium more recently. On the occasion, Indonesian Ambassador to Spanish Kingdom,   Hermono wants Indonesia students who attended at that time to be able to identify problems and contribute good ideas for sustainable tourism in Indonesia. Coordinator of the world Indonesian Student Association of American European region, Tubagus Aryandi Gunawan said that the symposium was presented as form of awareness of Indonesian students abroad, especially American European region.



The UI Delegation successfully won 1st place in a business competition in South Korea. The team consisted of six students of Engineering Faculty of University of Indonesia. They were chosen as champions, thanks to innovation in plastic waste treatment. Through innovative ideas in the form of processing plastic waste into raw material for three-dimensional printer filament yarn, the University of Indonesia (UI) delegation successfully won the title. They took home the Platinum Prize title or first place and a prize worth US$2,000 dollars. The competition entitled ‘the Asian Student's Venture Forum’ which was held in Seoul and Daejeon, South Korea in early April.The six students were Pande Bagus Widyantara, Muhammad Rasyad, Idrus Fahreza, Riska Amira, Naufal Arif, and Abiyyah. The concept offered by them is full of technology but it also puts forward interesting and financially promising business ideas. One of the team representatives, Pande Bagus said that as a UI Engineering student, he would like to put forward the findings of applied based engineering that could provide benefits to the community. He is proud to be able to represent UI in the prestigious event in Asia and meet students from some countries to introduce Indonesian culture and the quality of the youths.The Asian Students' Venture Forum is an annual competition event held by Korea Economic Daily and this year, it was sponsored by KT & G. This business start-up competition was attended by various countries in Asia, such as China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, the Philippines, Singapore, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. The biggest international business plan competition in South Korea has been held since 2002. Besides presenting new ideas and interesting innovations, all participants of the competition also took part in various cultural activities, social discussions, and discussions related to other global economic issues.


Sport World

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Indonesian men's doubles Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo and Marcus Fernaldi Gideon won the runner-up title in the 2019 Badminton Asia Championships after acknowledging Hiroyuki Endo-Yuta Watanabe's advantage in the final with a score of 18-21, 3-21.In the match that took place at the Wuhan Sports Center in China on Sunday (28/4), the Minions had mastered the control of the game in the first game and created a difference in scores that were quite far, although eventually they had to be overtaken and lost.In the second game, the Minions were unable to keep up with the fast play given by Endo-Watanabe so that they left the score gap very far until the end of the match. With the results of this 35-minute match, the head-to-head record of the two pairs is 2-1, with the advantage still being held by the Minions who are the world number-one pair.

Indonesian driver, Sean Gelael returned to packing points in the Formula 2 GP of Azerbaijan race after finishing eighth in Race 2 on Sunday. He finished the race in 48 minutes 51.008 seconds or 7.724 seconds adrift from Nicholas Latifi (DAMS) who won the race, according to the official Formula 2 page on Sunday (28/4). The Prema Racing team driver made a good start, racing from the third grid to P1 following Nikita Mazepin (ART Grand Prix) who started from pole position.From there, Sean stayed at the race leader for five laps. However, since the third lap, he felt something wrong with his car so Nicholas Latifi (DAMS) who followed the P2 was able to reduce the distance from 2 seconds to 0.9 seconds. Then when Latifi followed Sean from the outside, there was a collision in the right rear tire, so Sean lost his position and found the balance of his car affected.After the incident, Sean practically fought to stay on the points in the middle of several incidents that occurred. Latifi himself won as a winner and became the first driver of the season to win two races. Until the second series, Sean was ranked 13th in the temporary driver standings with 9 points.

The karate championship between Asian U-21 countries and Cadet Putri, which took place in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah State, Malaysia, ended with placing Indonesia at number 11 medal acquisition. The Consul for Information, Social and Culture of the Indonesian Consulate General of Kota Kinabalu, Cahyono Rustam on Monday explained that the karate championship which took place April 26-28 2019 was attended by 23 countries.Japan ranked first with 16 gold medals, seven silver and six bronze. The second rank is occupied by Kazakhstan with four gold medals, eight silver medals and five bronze medals. The third rank is occupied by Saudi Arabia with four gold, one silver and five bronze. While the Indonesian contingent occupies 11th place with three silver and nine bronze.Cahyono revealed, Indonesia managed to place three karateka in the final but failed to get a gold medal. They are Ocneil Juandi Simarmata in the category of Kata Cadet Putra, Trie Riantika in Kumite U-21 women's 55 kg category and Nicky in the category of KumiteU-2 women's 61 kg.At this 18th Asian Karate Championship in Kota Kinabalu, Indonesia sent 35 athletes in all categories. But most have not won a medal because they are not burdened with achievement targets.

Two North Sulawesi pencak silat athletes gained medals at the Belgium Open Championship at Schoten Belgium, April 24-28 2019.Head of North Sulawesi Youth and Sports Service, Marchel Sendoh, in Manado, Monday said that the athletes are Hidayat Limonu and Abdul Malik.At the championship, Hidayat won the gold medal in class C 55-60 kg, while Abdul Malik won a silver medal in class B 50 - 55 kg. Marchel said that the athletes are currently being prepared at the National Training Center to strengthen the National Team at the SEA Games.In the championship in Belgium, the Indonesian team won eight gold medals, four silvers and three bronze. The 2019 Belgium Open Championship event in Belgium is a venue for Indonesian team trials to face the 2019 SEA Games.