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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Garulina (0)



Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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October 17, 1947 on Special Force Corps of Indonesian Air Force anniversary

On October 17, 1947, Dakota carrier aircraft which flew from Maguwo airport, Jogjakarta crossed on the sky of Kalimantan. Dakota aircraft carried out parachuting to 13 best soldiers of Indonesian Air Force over Waringin City. Their mission was to open radio transmission between region and center, to prepare dropping zone for the next jump, to help warriors in Kalimantan, and to open the eyes of the world that Kalimantan is part of Republic of Indonesia. The Parachuting, which was conducted by the 13 soldiers of Indonesian Air Force, signed the birth of combat unit of Special Force Corps of Indonesian Air Force. Thus, October 17 was decided as the Day of Special Force Corps of Indonesian Air Force. 


In 1973 on Embargo of Arabic oil

On October 17, 1973, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries –OPEC, whose most country members are Arabic countries, began to impose oil embargo on the United States of America, the United Kingdom and other countries which sold oil to Israel. The embargo was conducted because the USA, the UK were viewed to massively provide military assistance for Israel in the war between Israel and Syria as well as Egypt, that began on October 6. As a result, oil price became higher and Western countries were in serious trouble due to the embargo which was known as period of oil shock. In March 1974, the embargo was pulled out again after US State Secretary, Henry Kissinger succeeded in carrying out negotiation of ceasefire agreement between Israel and Syria.

In 1992 on the commemoration of World Poverty Eradication Day, the commemoration was recognized by United Nations in 1992

The commemoration was held for the first time in Paris, France in 1987. At that time, 100 thousand people gathered at Human Rights and Liberties Plaza in Trocadero to honor the victims of hunger, poverty, violence and threats. They declared poverty is violence on Human Rights. Afterwards, General Assembly of the United Nations declared on October 17 as World Poverty Eradication Day. International communities celebrate the commemoration with various ways.



Menoreh Art Festival 2019

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Since October 12, festival with the title ‘Menoreh Art Festival (MAF) 2019’ has been opened. The festival which is held to commemorate the 68th anniversary of Kulon Progo takes place at the field of Wates City, Kulon Progo until October 20, 2019. The festival is aimed to introduce Kulonprogo culture to the community. Many different arts and cultures are shown during the festival. The opening of the festival started by holding Ngalarak Blarak competition, the traditional sport that belongs to Kulon Progo. In the past, Ngalarak Blarak was only kids’ and youths’ game at the hamlet of coconut juice tapper on Menoreh hill which used blarak or in English means coconut midrib. The local government makes it as packaged competition so that Nglarak Blarak becomes an interesting competition for adult people by using coconut midrib. The government also makes Nglarak Blarak to be the traditional sport of Kulon Progo. After competing Nglarak Blarak, there is Campursari singers’ parade. The next day, there is puppet show by using Tiga Kelir or screen. Then, it is continued by performances of Sendratari Sugriwa Subali and Sendratari Api on Menoreh hill as Kulon Progo icon. Sendratari is a drama story which is presented by dancing without dialog, and it’s usually accompanied by Gamelan. Another traditional sport is Jemparingan or traditional archery in national level. There is also massive Macapatan or singing in Javanese language, karawitan and choir or flash-mob. In addition, there is also full moon festival while playing music from rice pounder. In the Menoreh Art Festival 2019, the regional government of Kulon Progo also handed over awards to a number of culturists. The government also released a book entitled "Sanun" which tells about a student army from Kulon Progo who becomes policeman and was killed at Shanun field, Sentolo district. Menoreh Art Festival 2019 will be continued by Fine Arts Exhibition entitled 'RUPAKU' which will be conducted at Kulon Progo Cultural Park starting from October 21 – 30, 2019. Previous years, the exhibition was held in one location with cultural festival. This year, the exhibition presents community of artists, curators from Jogjakarta, cultural actors, performance of art community. The regional government of Kulon Progo also makes a package of the Cultural Park to be Kangen market where various kinds of traditional culinary products of Kulon Progo are sold.


Waste is still a serious problem that must be solved, especially in terms of its processing. In regard to this problem, ITB students and lecturers are encouraged to create a Bio-refinery Society -BIOS startup engaged in processing organic waste. BIOS is a techno-social startup that has a vision to create bio-refinery or processing biomass into renewable energy and other materials that are useful for people's lives. Interestingly, in processing the garbage, the BIOS utilizes black army flies. The larva of the black army fly is a type of fly that is larger than ordinary flies and is well-understood for its ability to consume and reduce organic waste.

Co-founder and CEO of the startup, Bagoes Muhammad Inderaja explained that currently, the BIOS is focusing on developing the concept of bio-refinery through the use of protein-rich black fly larvae to be used as premium animal feed. The premium feed developed by BIOS has the name Magic Pet Feed. He also explained that the use of black army flies is more advantageous in comparison with the conventional waste treatment such as bio-digester, or composter. Bio-digester and composter usually take long time. Within 6 weeks until 2 months, new waste can be processed. With black army fly larvae, the processing of waste can be faster up to twice or 3 times.

The BIOS startup has two excellent products: firstly fertilizer for plants, and secondly dry larvae with high protein. The BIOS has even managed to process waste of nearly 150 kilograms for 6 months. The protein-rich larvae produced contain very high protein and are very appropriate for ornamental fish and pet feed such as turtles. Meanwhile, related to fertilizer products produced by the BIOS, Bagoes added that  The BIOS startup has also been included in SNI standards. However, the product has not yet entered the market because the BIOS is trying to continue to develop.


Diplomatic Corner

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To promote Indonesian coffee in Russia, Indonesian embassy in Moscow cooperated with Tanamera Coffee Indonesia and Cocar Coffee Rusia to hold a training of Indonesian specialty coffee. By having the theme ‘’Let’s Roast Indonesian Coffee’’, the training was held in Moscow on Friday (11/10).  It was officially opened by Indonesian Ambassador to Federation of Russia concurrently Republic of Belarus, M Wahid Supriyadi. At the training, Indonesian coffee, especially specialty, cupping, and roasting coffee was presented. Therefore, the participants who were representatives from a number of roasting company, also owners of coffee stalls and  Russian barista, get to be more familiar with various kinds of Indonesia’s specialty coffee and its process.

Indonesian embassy in Croatia held cultural art performances at Public Street without stage in front of Zadar city hall, a tourism city at the South of Croatia on Friday (11/9). Zadar is an old city as well as tourism city which is located around 300 kilometers from the capital city of Zagreb. Although the embassy did not distribute invitation to attend the performance, the number of audiences who attended the performance reached hundreds of people. They were domestic and foreign tourists who were on vocation at Zadar coastal area. Indonesian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Croatia, Sjachroedin Zainal Pagaralam in Narodni TRG, Zadar, on Friday (11/9) explained that with the opened stage concept on tourist street, promotion of Indonesian cultures and arts will be much more striking. In the event, the Indonesian embassy in Croatia invited again Archipelagic Art and Cultural Committee, led by Hendardji Soepandji to promote Indonesian culture and arts.  

Indonesian government, especially Ministry of Social Affairs is interested in promoting various agendas of social welfare development in ASEAN region. Through ASEAN young ambassadors, the program will be more effective to be received by ASEAN people. Through ASEAN young ambassadors, the Ministry cooperated with Ministry of Foreign Affairs  to educate and to explain to ASEAN people how the challenges and opportunities are in people’s social welfare development. This was stated by Secretary General of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Hartono Laras in his speech in the event "Mainstreaming of ASEAN Cooperation Concept: Car Free Day – ASEAN Young Ambassadors 2019" at Car Free Day area, in Jakarta on Sunday (13/10). In the collaboration of the two ministries, the 20 youths also campaigned duty and function of the Social Ministry in this regard ASEAN Enabling Master-plan 2025: Mainstreaming the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Regional Plan of Action on the Elimination of Violence against Children on the Car Free Day. 



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The first story for today’s Diplomatic Corner is from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. To establish cooperation among universities, delegation of FISIP UNAIR Surabaya visits Ethiopia.

Ethiopia is one of African countries which succeeds well to increase economic growth to keep political stability and to strengthen development of human resources. Thus, Politic and Social Knowledge Faculty of Airlangga University chose Ethiopia as the main destination in Africa to extend study and research in the field of politic, economic, social affairs, and African culture. This was stated by Dr. Falih Suaedi, Dean of the faculty when being received by Indonesian Ambassador to Ethiopia, Djibouti and African Union, Al Busyra Basnur at the Indonesian Embassy in Addis Ababa on Monday (7/10). Falih during in Ethiopia from October 1 – 7, 2019 said that the visit in Ethiopia was also aimed to establish partnership among colleges and to expand networks in strengthening Indonesian and Ethiopian relations.  

Next information is from Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Provincial government of South Sulawesi explores cooperation with University of Tasmania.

Provincial government of South Sulawesi is ready to establish cooperation with University of Tasmania, Australia through The Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) in the form of research to maximize management of marine and fisheries resources of South Sulawesi. IMAS is known as institute which is successful to conduct research and development of maritime resources in Australia. This was stated by Governor of South Sulawesi, Nurdin Abdullah in a press release in Makassar on Thursday (9/10). Meanwhile, Executive Director of IMAS, Terry Bailey admitted being ready to cooperate with provincial government of South Sulawesi in researching and studying for development resources which exist in the province.  

The last information is from Washington D.C.

Diplomatic celebration in commemorating the 74th anniversary of Indonesian military which was held by Indonesian embassy in Washington, DC, USA on Tuesday (8/10) strengthened the solid bilateral relations between Indonesia and the United States of America, especially in the field of military cooperation. Indonesia is a country which is complex but dynamic. This was stated by Indonesian Ambassador to the USA,  Mahendra Siregar in his speech. The Ambassador also said that currently, it is a moment of the best relations of the two countries in the military-to-military or defense-to-defense cooperation and has potential to keep being increased in the next future.


Indonesian writers, Sapardi Joko Damono, Goenawan Mohamad and young writer Norman Erikson Pasaribu will become three speakers at the George Town Literary Festival-GTLF which is scheduled to return on November 21-24 in George Town, Penang, Malaysia. Malaysia's largest annual international literary event will reflect the last 100 years of world literature. Other well-known writers who are also scheduled to be the keynote speakers of the event are the prestigious literary award winner, Man Booker International Prize 2019, Jokha Alharti, winner of the 2019 EBRD Literature Prize, Hamid Ismailov, Japanese poet, Hiromi Ito, essayist and intellectual writer, Eliot Weinberger, writer Djiboutian-French, Abdourahman Waberi, and contemporary Chinese poet, Xi Chuan, and historian of modern China, Rebecca E. Karl.

Last year's GLTF featured up to 64 shows and was attended by more than 6,000 participants. This year, GTLF presents conversations, panel discussions, readings, performances, film screenings, and workshops and other activities. For the first time, the festival also holds weekly creative workshops for students every Saturday from October 5 to 26 in libraries throughout the city, with themes related to creative writing, screenplay writing for films and poetry.

The George Town Literary Festival (GTLF) is the world's largest literary festival held in Malaysia and the first literary event in Southeast Asia to receive the Literature Festival Award at the London Book Fair International Excellence Awards. GTLF celebrates world literature, translation and literary arts, with various writers, artists and thinkers from various locations and disciplines gathering together each year to engage in intellectual discourse. This festival usually takes place every last weekend in November. Entry to the festival is free of charge for all members of the community.


Diplomatic Corner

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The commemoration reception of the 74th Anniversary of the Indonesian Military ( TNI) in Beijing on Wednesday night (9/10) was attended by high-ranking Chinese officers and a number of military attaché officials from  friendly countries. Indonesian Ambassador to China, Djauhari Oratmangun delivered a speech about  the role of  TNI in the past and present.  In Southeast Asia,  TNI has increased cooperation, including within the framework of the ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting, the ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting Plus, military exercises, joint maritime patrols, education and training programs. Ambassador Djauhari explained that the TNI has also cooperated with the Chinese People's Liberation Armed Forces in various sectors, such as education, training programs and joint military exercises.

Three Indonesian Muslim intellectual figures, Din Syamsuddin, Nasaruddin Umar, and Ismail Fajrie Alatas visited Amman, Jordan  to attend the 18th Conference of the Royal Institute  Aal-Bayt for Islamic Thought under the leader of Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad. Aal al-Bayt is an international institution of Islamic studies under the auspices of the Kingdom of Jordan, which consists of 120 prominent Muslim intellectuals from 36 countries. The agency holds an international conference every three years to discuss various issues which are faced by Muslims and to find out  solutions through the perspectives of Islamic teachings. Based on the official statement of the Indonesian Embassy in Amman, last Wednesday (9/10), the conference was opened by Prince Ghazi as adviser to the King of Jordan for religious and cultural affairs.

Millennial generation is expected to strengthen relations between Indonesia and South Korea through the Indonesia-South Korea Young Leaders Dialogue, which was held in Jakarta, 10th and 11th October 2019. The activity is one of the results of the bilateral meeting between Indonesian President Joko Widodo and South Korean President, Moon Jae-in  in September 2018. The dialogue between the Indonesia-South Korea Young Leaders is held annually.  South Korean Ambassador to Indonesia, Kim Chang-beom, after opening the dialogue at the Pancasila Building, Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry in Jakarta on Thursday (10/10) explained that it was the first time for Korea to obtain suggestions from leaders of next generation.



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October 8, 1912, the Balkan War I begins.

The First  Balkan War was a series of battles that took place from 8 October 1912 to 18 May 1913 between the Balkan League (Serbia, Montenegro, Greece and Bulgaria) against the Ottoman Empire of Turkey. It  was the first part of the War on the Balkan Peninsula and aimed at capturing Macedonia,  then controlled by Turkey. The war ended in victory on the Balkan League and the London Agreement was signed. After the end of the war, a dispute arose over the territorial borders between members of the league, which led to the outbreak of the Balkan War II.


October 8, 1929, Jakarta Kota Station was inaugurated.

Jakarta Kota Station, also known as Beos or Batavia Zuid, was originally built around 1887, then closed in 1926 to be renovated into a current building. Around 200 m from the closed station, the new  Jakarta Kota Station was built. Construction was completed on August 19, 1929 and officially operated on October 8, 1929. The inauguration ceremony was carried out on a large scale by planting buffalo heads by the Governor of the Netherlands East Indies from 1926 to 1931,  A.C.D. de Graeff.


October 8, 2009, a meteor crashed in Bone, South Sulawesi province.

Bone meteor explosion is a natural event that occurred on October 8, 2009 by 11:30 local time.  An asteroid fragment entered  into the Earth's atmosphere and exploded in space. This explosion caused anxiety to the surrounding residents. It killed one indirect victim due to shock and a  heart problem. On October 23, 2009 NASA issued a report stating that the explosion was detected by infrasound analysis from several illegal nuclear explosion monitoring agencies. The force of the explosion is estimated to be close to 50 kilotons of TNT, or about three times the strength of the Hiroshima atomic bomb.



Leading companies from Florida, United States expressed wishes to focus more on cooperating with companies in Indonesia and further increase the value of trade and investment between the two countries. The wishes also received support from members of the United States Congress representing various districts in Florida and Florida high officials who attended the seminar at the JAX Chamber Jacksonville with the theme "The 70th Anniversary of Indonesia and US Relations: Ways to Move Forward" in Jacksonville, Florida, United States on Tuesday (1/10).

The seminar was aimed at enhancing trade cooperation between Indonesia and America, particularly Florida and Jacksonville City and was held in collaboration with the Indonesian Embassy in Washington DC, Consulate General in Houston, and Representative Member of the District Three Congress in Florida, Ted Yoho. The seminar was also attended by Florida District Four Congress member -John Rutherford, officials in the Florida government offices and Jacksonville City and more than 70 businesspeople both from Indonesia and from various regions in Florida.

In his remarks, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the United States, Mahendra Siregar invited all businesspeople to actively explore efforts to establish a sustainable business ecosystem between Indonesia and Jacksonville City. Ambassador Mahendra also said that Florida as chosen as the venue for the business forum, it was one of the five states in the United States, with the highest trade value with Indonesia.

Ambassador Mahendra also invited Florida businesspeople to attend the Trade Expo in Indonesia on October 16-20 2019. Congressman, Ted Yoho said that the business forum was aimed at promoting Indonesia to businesspeople from Florida. He also said that Indonesia and the United States have many principles in common that could be the basis for strengthening trade cooperation, security politics in the ASEAN region and educational cooperation.

Meanwhile, Florida District Four Congress member, John Rutherford said that Jacksonville City with a very complete logistics infrastructure is ready to collaborate in various fields with Indonesia. The business forum continued with a field visit so that Indonesian business people had the opportunity to obtain first-hand information about the operations of several leading companies in Florida: Jacksonville port operator -Jaxport, and LNG Management Company in Jacksonville -JAX LNG and the expedition company -TOTE Maritime.


Diplomatic Corner

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Indonesian embassy in Pretoria carried out Indonesian Tourism Promotion Mission in South Africa. The event was held in Johannesburg, South Africa on October 3, 2019, according to press release from the Indonesian embassy in Pretoria which was received in Jakarta on Sunday (6/10). In the event, the Indonesian embassy in Pretoria, Tourism Ministry and Indonesian Trade Promotion Center Johannesburg cooperated with Singapore Airlines to invite 25 travel bureaus and business partners in South Africa in a bid to convey the update of Indonesian tourism.

Indonesian embassy in Beijing introduced ‘Pelangi Sepak’  sport which was competed on the commemoration of the 74th Indonesian Military Anniversary in Beijing, China on Saturday (5/10). The sport is like ‘Sepak Takraw’ or kick volleyball, but each group consists of two persons by using ball from multicolored goose feathers. So, it is called Pelangi Sepak or Sepak rainbow. Defense attaché of the Indonesian embassy in Beijing, Brigadier General Kuat Budiman said that the rainbow color on the ball reflects Indonesian students who competed in the sport in Beijing coming from various kinds of backgrounds such as tribes, races and religions in accordance with the motto of Unity in Diversity.

Chiefs of Agency of Drug and Food Control from two countries: National Agency of Drug and Food Control of Indonesia and Saudi Food and Drug Administration -SFDA of Saudi Arabia agreed to strengthen cooperation in the field of  drug and food control. Based on the press release of on Saturday (5/10), the bilateral meeting was held in Riyadh recently. In the meeting, there are five strong reasons which become background of strategic cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Indonesia in the field of drug and food regulation.  Saudi Arabia and Indonesia have majority of Islamic population  and they have strong relations. Both of them are member countries of G20. Drug and food Control in Saudi Arabia and Indonesia is conducted by one independent agency and the two agencies of drug and food control. Saudi Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) and National Agency of Drug and Food Control have their specific and excellent strengths in their field in each region.