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Friday, 05 January 2018 00:00

Mosaic of Indonesia Featured

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Mosaic Indonesia 5 January 


RRI World Service Voice of Indonesia with Mosaic of Indonesia. We will present news about in 2018, visit of foreign tourist to Bali is targeted to reach 7 million people. Prevention of forest and land fire will be earlier towards Asian Games, ended with the news on Riau is pushed to become new display of Indonesian economy in ASEAN. 

The government is optimistic that tourism sector of Bali grows in 2018. It is not without reason, amid eruption of Mount Agung at the end of 2017, visit of tourist especially foreign tourist still shows positive trend. Head of Tourism Office of Bali province, Anak Agung Gede Yuniartha Putra to the journalists in Badung on Thursday recognized that total of foreign tourist’s visit during 2017 was suitable with expectation. His office targets the arrival of tourist 2017 was at the number of 5.5 million people. Yuniartha Putra believed that condition of Bali tour is still growing amid uncertainty situation of Mount Agung. The hope is based on some indicators; one of them is the plan of the arrival of 19,000 delegations of IMF-World Bank Annual Meeting in October 2018. To realize the target, the Ministry of Tourism will promote Bali in a big scale. Even, the Ministry allocates budget worth Rp100 million, especially for recovery of tourism sector of Bali.


Prevention of land and forest fire will be early in facing Asian Games 2018 so that there is no smog like in 2015. Acting Head of Disaster management Agency of South Sumatera,  Iriansyah in Palembang on Wednesday said that so far, the prevention of land forest fire has begun to be implemented in April. But, especially to face International Sport Party 2018, the implementation will be earlier or starting in January. Iriansyah also said that the prevention is important to the maximum because the next sport great event should not be colored with smog. It is because thousands of state guests will be in South Sumatera to participate and to witness the next international sport party. Because of that, the earlier prevention is important since the success of the next sport party cannot be separated with clean air condition without smoke.


We end Mosaic of Indonesia for today with the news on Riau province is pushed to become new display of economy in  ASEAN territory by using strategic location in line with the concept of trade of the ASEAN Economic Community. Moreover, ASEAN countries are potential to become center of world trade. The encouragement was stated by Head of   Board of Trustees of the Regional Governing Body of Association of Young Indonesian Entrepreneurs of Riau province, Ahmi Septari in Pekanbaru on Thursday (4/1/2018). Ahmi Septari said that the province is an appropriate region located surrounding ASEAN countries, so that the concept of regional economic development has been worth being developed, in order Indonesia exists and is directly involved in international trade. He also said in the concept of national economic development, so the airport has been developed and other supporting infrastructure also must be built by the government,   so that Indonesian society and government will benefit. Because, it will absorb a large enough labor to push investment and certainly has effect in developing national economy, so that ASEAN Economic Community is able to become gate for Indonesia before entering to global economy.

Read 1997 times Last modified on Tuesday, 09 January 2018 09:16