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Editorial (922)



Throughout 2021, even entering 2022,  Indonesia has been struggling with two major jobs, namely breaking the Covid-19 chain and keeping the economy growing.

President Joko Widodo, through his upload on the official Instagram account @jokowi in Jakarta, one day before the turn of 2022, stated that efforts to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic and economic slowdown must be balanced, even though the pandemic has so far been increasingly sloping.

Meanwhile, on the first day of 2022, the President stated that over the last two years, like other countries in the world, the Indonesian people have also experienced various problems, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, an economic recession or a situation of high uncertainty. He remarked that Indonesia has passed various tough tests that have forged this nation to be stronger. With this forging, he urged all parties to have new spirit and work for Indonesia Forward. It is believed that all the tests in 2021 would strengthen and unite the Indonesian nation.

What the president said should have received attention from all parties, and then it is implemented in everyday life, considering that in 2022, Indonesia has a lot of major duties, such as economic recovery, health problems and Indonesian presidency of  G-20.

With the G-20 Presidency, Indonesia is fully responsible for organizing the entire series of the group activities this year. G-20 activities in each presidency normally include 3-4 meetings at the working group level, 3-4 at the deputy level, 2-4 at the Ministerial level and end with a high-level conference attended by the Heads of State of the G20 members.

In addition to readiness as the G-20 presidency holder, Indonesia also still has to continue to struggle to encourage economic growth and contain the spread of Covid-19. The spread of Covid-19 cases in the world has set a high record recently due to the Omicron variant. The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of a Covid 'tsunami' that will burden the global health system.

Therefore, President Joko Widodo's appeal for all parties across Indonesia to have new spirit and work for Indonesia Forward  in 2022 should be followed.



The end of 2021 still doesn't show the end of the Covid-19 pandemic. Even now, the world has to be more vigilant due to the emergence of new troubling variants.

It has been almost two years since the world first hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. The death toll in various countries has been very large. Covid 19 has also had a major impact on the economy. Countries across the continent have spent huge amounts of money on the treatment of those affected by Covid 19, as well as on prevention through vaccines.

The threat of Covid19 has not yet ended until 2021 ends. Entering 2022, in various places there has been a decrease in the rate of transmission and death due to Covid 19. As in Indonesia, for example, there has been a significant decline. However, when the world began to take steps to enter the New Normal era, there was a threat of a new variant of Covid19.

The World Health Organization, WHO, on its official website, stated that there was a dangerous new variant. Starting out in South Africa and Botswana, a new variant called OMICRON is now spreading rapidly in Western Europe. Britain, which had originally begun to open its lockdown policy, now has to start a new vigilance. The country closed the door to the arrival of citizens from a number of countries that have been infected with Omicron. Although the impact of deaths from Omicron is said to be lower than the previous Covid-19 variant, namely Delta, the transmission rate is higher. In addition to Omicron and Delta, WHO has also identified other variants that are no less dangerous.

Entering the new year, people in various countries are still plagued with worries and even fears, not only because there is still Covid 19, but also due to dangerous new variants. Therefore, the international community still has to increase its vigilance, and must not be careless.

In Indonesia in particular, the Government in addition to trying to prevent and overcome it, must also try to implement various policies, so that economically, people's lives do not get worse.



President Joko Widodo appealed for all parties to welcome the New Year 2022 with a new spirit, noble soul and a heart full of love. The Head of State made the appeal when delivering his remarks at the 2021 National Christmas Celebration which was broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat YouTube, Monday (27/12). The President also called on all Indonesian people to build optimism, strengthen inner and outer endeavors, work hard and pray to grow and contribute to provide the greatest benefit to the society, nation and state.

On this occasion, President Joko Widodo also reminded that almost two years ago, the Indonesian people have faced a tough test, apart from facing the Covid-19 pandemic, concerns, grief, and trials have also been faced by the Indonesian people due to natural disasters in various regions. He hoped that these various tests will actually strengthen the brotherhood of all Indonesian people and make the Indonesian nation stronger and tougher. Thereby, the President did appeal to all people wherever they are to jointly do good things, promote solidarity and mutual cooperation, and work for humanitarian action throughout Indonesia.

President Joko Widodo's appeal should not only be welcomed, but also be realized by all Indonesian people. The evidence has shown that solidarity, mutual cooperation and working for humanitarian action is what makes Indonesia strong and continue to grow. Moreover, Indonesia is still facing the Covid-19 pandemic with a new variant, Omicron. The solidarity based on the discipline of implementing strict health protocols is expected to make Indonesia stronger in facing the Covid-19 pandemic.

Solidarity and mutual cooperation will also make Indonesia jointly able to cope with the consequences of natural disasters. Because Indonesia may still experience various disasters. As stated by Professor of the earthquake research at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Danny Hilman Natawidjaja in an online discussion, Monday (27/12), as a country on the Pacific Ring of Fire, Indonesia will always face the risk of earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruption. Solidarity and mutual cooperation must be carried out by all Indonesian people for disaster mitigation, starting from prevention efforts to preparation so that not many become victims of disasters.

The Indonesian people must also raise their optimism to contribute to the country and the world. In 2022, there is high trust that will be carried out by Indonesia. One of them is the G20 presidency and at the same time, Indonesia is to host the event with the theme 'Recover Together, Recover Stronger'. The theme that reflects Indonesia's solidarity with the world’s economic recovery due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic can be carried out together and will make it stronger. In carrying out their duties and responsibilities, every individual in Indonesia must be based on the spirit of solidarity and mutual cooperation. Hence, the hope of achieving the desired 'Indonesia Forward' can be pursued soonest.



The Christmas Celebration of December 25, 2021 in Indonesia as a whole took place in a safe, peaceful and conducive manner.

On the website of the Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia, Cabinet Secretary, Pramono Anung also expressed his gratitude and believed that this Christmas celebration was going well, far from identity politics. In this way, the Christian community could celebrate Christmas with joy and safety.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD also emphasized that in Indonesia, all religious communities and institutions receive equal protection from the state. This means that Indonesia is neither a secular state nor a religious state, but a Pancasila state which is the nation's ideology. In the Pancasila state, all religions and their adherents receive equal protection.

The atmosphere of the Christmas celebration which was conducive and filled with optimism and joy is something to be grateful for. This is considering that for the last two years, Christmas celebrations were held amid of the Covid-19 pandemic, although it did not reduce its meaning. In 2020 and 2021, in the pandemic era, Christians in  Indonesia were able to get through it well. Meanwhile, at this Christmas celebration, the sense of peace, togetherness and tolerance are wisdom that should be upheld.

The theme of Christmas celebrations in Indonesia this year, "The Love of Christ that Moves Brotherhood", is very relevant to the condition of the Indonesian nation which is very diverse. This theme contains a message about the importance of continuing to maintain unity and unity. Brotherhood is a universal theme that can bind together the hearts of believers to maintain harmony, peace and prosperity for the nation.

In accordance with this theme, through the celebration of Christmas, Christians are asked to realize their calling as individuals who are willing to serve with wisdom and the importance of being wise in dealing with all differences, especially in welcoming the New Year 2022.

May the Almighty God bless the Indonesian nation!



To help Afghanistan avoid getting into a humanitarian crisis, the United States finally relaxed its sanctions against Afghanistan. The easing includes supporting U.S. officials and certain international organizations, such as the United Nations -UN, to transact with the Taliban or the Haqqani network for official purposes. Non-governmental organizations are also allowed to cooperate with the Taliban and the Haqqani network in humanitarian activities.

The U.S. imposed sanctions on the Taliban because it was categorized as a terrorist group. Theinclude freezing the Taliban group's assets in the U.S. and barring U.S. citizens from having contact with the Taliban group.

The U.S. decision follows the UN’s plan to pay nearly US$6 million for protection costs in Afghanistan. The proposed funds would be paid next year mostly to subsidize the monthly wages of Taliban fighters guarding theUN’s facilities and to provide them a monthly food allowance under an expansion of an accord with the former U.S.-backed Afghan governmentThis was reported by Reuters News Agency, Thursday (23/12). However, even though sanctions have been relaxed and humanitarian aid will come in; the U.S. continues to encourage the Taliban group to work on their own in a bid to overcome Afghanistan's collapsed economy.

The United Nations has specific reasons why it is necessary to issue a resolution that resolves donors, aid groups, and financial institutions involved in humanitarian assistance from   the sanctions imposed on the Taliban. This is solely to provide humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people.

On behalf of humanity, what the UN did was right. The country with 39 million people still needs food. Currently, they are struggling hard to overcome the humanitarian crisis and food shortages due to the faltering Afghan economy, because there is no more foreign financial assistance.



Pesantren (Islamic boarding school) is a part of religion-based education that exists even before Indonesia's independence. The emergence of pesantren in educational institutions began with the transition from Majapahit Kingdom to Demak -the first Islamic kingdom. As time passes by, pesantren keeps developing from the traditional model into a modern one. The existence of pesantren has given a significant contribution to the independence and national development. The santri -students at Islamic boarding school -graduated not only as preachers or teachers in a religious institution, but also they spread across diverse jobs.

About pesantren, in the 34th Congress of Nahdlatul Ulama -NU in Lampung on Wednesday (22/12), President Joko Widodo invited the cadres of NU to face the rapid technological advancement that can change daily life. The youths and santri, the president added, can move the economy together in creating prosperity for all. The President also said that currently, Indonesia is the G-20 Presidency, a global forum that contributes 80 percent of the world's gross domestic product (GDP). As the chair of the G-20, Indonesia wants to influence world policies regarding digitalization, climate change and a green economy.

It is undeniable that the existence of NU with a number of pesantrens in particular and other pesantrens in general has played an important role in the Indonesian independence movement in the colonial era until post-independence 1945. Due to changes in the world of education in pesantren towards modernization by not leaving the side of its traditional history, this will make Indonesia even better in the future. Especially now, amid of the Covid-19 pandemic, the role of Islamic boarding schools and their students in fighting the threat of the virus, vaccinating is a role model for the surrounding community and the educational institution. In addition, the pesantren model is a hallmark of religious education in Indonesia. Thus, an educational and scientific model that accepts the progress of the times can provide opportunities for students and NU cadres to be able to contribute in various aspects, especially human resource development with a religious approach.




Three major and influential countries in the world, namely the United States, Russia and China, are carrying out political maneuvers towards the end of 2021. On December 7, US President Joe Biden held a virtual meeting with President Vladimir Putin of Russia. A week later, on December 15 to be exact, Chinese President Xin JiPing also met with Putin through an audio-visual network.

In contrast to Joe Biden who warned Russia not to put pressure on Ukraine, Xin JiPing emphasized the need for a strategic partnership with Vladimir Putin.

It can be seen that by raising the issue of Ukraine, the United States besides reminding Russia, also wants to emphasize its support for NATO member countries. The United States views NATO members who are also members of the European Union as strategic partners that must be embraced properly.

If Russia and the United States view tensions in Ukraine as an important issue, then the relationship between the United States and China has a problem because of the Taiwan factor. The question then, will the constellation and increasing tensions between the United States and China, and the United States and Russia, will be able to ignite further conflicts that lead to the deployment of weapons?

As is known, the three major countries now have military weapons equipped with very large missiles. Each has several aircraft carriers, thousands of advanced fighter jets, there are also hundreds of warships. In addition, the three countries also have nuclear-powered submarines. In fact, their military strength, is estimated to be able to reach almost the entire face of the earth.

Therefore, the increasing tension between the three, especially if there is an armed conflict, will certainly have a big impact internationally. It's no secret that each of these three powers has partners or alliances with other countries. The trade war between the United States and China that occurred some time ago, for example, has caused a wide economic impact in various countries.

Therefore, even if there is an escalation of tensions between the three countries, there needs to be efforts from each party to defuse it. History shows that conflict never brings good and war will always cause destruction.



The Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs at the Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) in Surakarta, Central Java, Monday (20/12) launched the 2021 Religious Harmony Index. The launch is a strategic step because it becomes a space for policy research dissemination in the form of mapping the condition of religious harmony in Indonesia and the dynamics of actual religion. This was conveyed by Head of the Ministry of Research and Development and Education and Training Agency, Achmad Gunaryo on the sidelines of the event. He added that the launch of the 2021 religious harmony index also aims to find a solution formula for better religious policies. He acknowledged that symptoms of intolerance, extremism, and disharmony still occur in several regions across Indonesia. According to Gunaryo, the government needs to be present as a part of the solution to various religious dynamics that occur in the country. Thereby, according to Gunaryo, discussing and offering the concept of religious moderation and strengthening conditions of religious harmony are an appropriate option.

During the launch, it was revealed that the 2021 Religious Harmony Index reached a value of 72.39. This value increased compared to last year which reached a value of 67.46. This means that the efforts of the government and all Indonesian people to live more harmoniously and tolerantly are quite successful.

The founding people of this country have realized that religious and cultural diversity is not only the wealth of this nation, but also a source of disputes. Therefore, they devised the appropriate formula to form the basis for the founding of the Republic of Indonesia.

Until now, Pancasila has been the most appropriate state basis for Indonesia. If all the five precepts of Pancasila are truly implemented by all Indonesian people, there will be no more friction due to religious, cultural and economic factors. Therefore, improving understanding of Pancasila must continue to be carried out. With a better understanding, social life will also be better. Hopefully next year, the Religious Harmony Index will be better compared with this year.



Indonesian higher education institutions are asked to continue to transform and strengthen collaboration with various stakeholders, including the business world and industry, government, non-governmental organizations, professional organizations, the public, and the media. These efforts are important so that universities can respond to the challenges of changing times.

Vice President, Ma'ruf Amin while attending the 5th International Seminar and Conference on Global Issues 2021, online, last Saturday (18/12) said that transformation and collaboration are needed to make Indonesia's higher education a world class.

Based on the assessment of the QS World Universities Ranking 2022, there are seven universities in Indonesia that are included in the list of the best 1,000 universities in the world, including Gajah Mada University which is in 254th position and University of Indonesia in 290th position.

In the ranking, the methodology used is to evaluate each institution based on six indicators, including research collaboration with international parties, academic reputation, and graduate reputation.

According to Vice President Ma’ruf Amin, collaboration and transformation can be applied in several frameworks. First, it’s rejuvenating the governance and management of the education system, including research and development, by prioritizing good university governance. In addition, higher education as a motor of innovation can initiate collaboration in the form of joint research. This is important so that financing is more efficient, and the development of science and technology is in line with the needs of industry and society.

Second, it’s reviewing the research methodology so that it is adaptive to advances in information technology. He gave an example that many research institutions have utilized artificial intelligence and big data in mass surveys.

The third effort is by increasing international cooperation between universities at the individual level, such as exchange programs between lecturers and between students. VP Ma'ruf Amin hopes that this program can improve the quality of lecturer research, the quality of alumni, teaching and learning models and community service programs.

Then, he asked for higher education as a cultural center and a driver of social change towards a society that is democratic, forward-looking, as well as having faith and noble character.

If these points of collaboration and transformation can be implemented, the hope to make universities in Indonesia a world class and answer the challenges of the times can be achieved.



The Indonesian government officially began Covid-19 vaccination for 6-11 years old children on Tuesday (14/12). The vaccination for children is based on the recommendation by the Indonesian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization - ITAGI.

This vaccination is done in stages. In the first stage, the vaccination is carried out in provinces, regencies, and cities where the first dose vaccination has reached more than 70% and elderly vaccination above 60%.

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs, Muhadjir Effendy, as quoted from (14/12), said that for now, only 8.8 million children from 106 regencies/cities and 11 provinces will be vaccinated.

The Health Ministry explained, as quoted from (14/12), that to finish the children vaccination needs more than 58.7 million vaccine doses. Currently, the Health Ministry has prepared 6.4 million doses for December 2021 and more will be added in January 2022.

The vaccination for 6-11 years old children must be supported because of several crucial reasons, such as protecting children from Covid-19. 

Apart from that, it aims to restore the learning process. Director General at the Education Ministry's Early Education, Primary School, and High School, Jumeri, as quoted from (14/12) said that the government aimed the learning recovery to immediately take place through face-to-face classes.

It is expected that the vaccination for children will be successful. Parents have an important role in supporting this vaccination.