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Indonesian President Joko Widodo highlighted the importance of diplomats to pay attention to Indonesia's economic diplomacy efforts. This was conveyed when opening a Working Meeting of the Head of Representatives of Indonesia at Gedung Pancasila, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Jakarta. In his speech the President said diplomats should be able to develop Indonesia's exports to non-traditional markets rather than relying solely on traditional markets. Related to that, the President stressed the importance of conducting market research efforts or marketing intelligence to find the appropriate products needed by friendly countries. In addition, in the investment sector, the President also highlighted the importance of increasing investment from friendly countries to Indonesia and vice versa. The President also hopes that diplomats can start promoting Indonesia Expo to be held in October. He wants the diplomats to attract as many investors as possible through Indonesia's biggest exhibition.
"Although our peace and humanitarian diplomacy is good, we still need to boost our efforts in economic diplomacy. We still need to work on non-traditional markets. No longer depending on traditional old markets. We should be more resilient, more serious to work on non-traditional markets. The second is related to marketing intelligence. It should be checked, done in detail and reported. Later in the plenary session we can decide. Where do the exports go,  where do the products go, what are the colors,  what is the packaging like, how we customize them. And the third is related to economic diplomacy, investment opportunities. both Investment opportunities in the country and their investors' opportunities to enter our country. The fourth is related to the Indonesian Expo in October. Put all efforts to bring in as many buyers from countries where you are assigned as possible. Bring as much as possible and make promotions from now on," said President Joko Widodo. 
In addition to the economic diplomacy, President Joko Widodo also mentioned that Indonesia has also contributed to efforts to maintain the world’s peace. Indonesia's peace diplomacy, according to the President, has even received the appreciation from a number of heads of state in the world. Indonesia, according to the President, has also taken measures to protect Indonesian citizens abroad. Related to this, the President expects that each representative office of Indonesia abroad can create a data base that includes all citizens of Indonesia in each destination country to further improve the protection of Indonesian citizens. (VOI/Ndy)

 Indonesian President Joko Widodo expressed his appreciation for the award of the World's Best Minister given to Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati. After attending the opening of the Working Meeting of Indonesian Representative Head in Jakarta, the President said the assessment shows Indonesia's effective and prudent economic performance. In addition, according to the President awarding the award also shows the world's recognition of the positive domestic economic management.

Indonesian Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati was awarded the Best Minister in the World Award at the World Govenment Summit. Sri Mulyani earned the title on Sunday (11/2/2018) in Dubai, Union Arab Emirates (UAE). The award was handed over directly by Dubai's leader Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The Best Ministerial Award in the World is given to one minister from all the world's nations each year. The award, which was given in 2016, was obtained through a rigorous selection process and the determination was made by independent agency Ernst & Young and hosted by the Wolrd Government Summit. (Ndy)



World Health Organization Senior Advisor, Prof Chandra Yoga Aditama said the number of influenza sufferers is increasing from year to year. At a medical seminar on influenza and pneumonia held at Persahabatan Hospital, on Monday, February 12 in Jakarta, he said, pandemic or extraordinary influenza incidents could happen in the future. There are 4 types of influenza virus but only 2 viruses attack humans. Influenza virus type H3N2 or flu Australia in 2017 spread very quickly. Influenza virus cannot be considered trivial because it can be heavy impact. To that end, WHO recommends vulnerable groups of people to get vaccination. 

"Who are the high-risk group? Number one of is course those who have chronic lung and heart  diseass with decreaing immune system.  The second is pregnant women, the third is children aged 6 months to 5 years,  and the fourth is people of more than 65 years old. They are recommended to get vaccination," Chandra Yoga said. 


Chandra Yoga further explained, influenza viruses that attack animals such as H7N9 or Avian flu and swine flu or H5N1 can spread to humans who are in direct contact with animals. dr Prasenohadi, Chairman of the pneumonia case isolation room, Friendship Hospital said it has handled more than 200 people caused by the H5N1 virus. Therefore, flu control must be done to humans, animals and the environment. for that, Persahabatan Hospital as the National Respiratory Center Hospital held a seminar on influenza to raise public awareness and medical personnel. Dr Cahyarini, the Committee for Infection Control and Prevention explained, Friendship Hospital can screen the influenza virus. Transmission and isolation precautions must be ready. Transmission alert is a behavior to prevent infection through cough etiquette and use of masks. (Sekar)



Indonesian President Joko Widodo highlighted the importance of diplomats to pay attention to Indonesia's economic diplomacy efforts. This was conveyed when opening the Work Meeting of the Head of Representative of Indonesia at Gedung Pancasila, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Jakarta. In his speech the President said diplomats should be able to develop Indonesia's exports to non-traditional markets rather than relying solely on traditional markets. Related to that, the President stressed the importance of conducting market research efforts or market intellegence to find the appropriate products needed by friendly countries. In addition, in the investment sector, the President also highlighted the importance of increasing investment from friendly countries to Indonesia and vice versa. The President also hopes that diplomats can start promoting Indonesia Expo to be held in October. He wants diplomats to attract as many investors as possible through Indonesia's biggest exhibition.