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Natural gas is deemed crucial in future to bridge the transition from fossil-based energy to new and renewable energy, since currently, natural gas constitutes 19.3 percent of the primary energy mix and projected to increase.

Through the National Energy General Plan (RUEN), the government projects natural gas to command a 24-percent share of Indonesia's primary energy mix by 2050, the second largest after new and renewable energy.

Oil and gas observer from Trisakti University Pri Agung Rakhmanto stated here on Monday that the discovery of Indonesia's oil and gas reserves for the 2020-2021 period at Bronang-02, West Belut, Parang-02, Rembang-3B, and Wolai-02 chiefly constituted natural gas.

The National Strategic Programs for the energy sector, such as the Abadi Masela Project and Indonesia Deepwater Development, had also been dominated by natural gas.

During the 2012-2021 period, the share of gas utilization for domestic purposes increased by an average of 1.5 percent annually, he pointed out. In 2012, the share of domestic gas was still at 52 percent and increased to 65 percent in 2021.

"The industrial and fertilizer sectors are the main contributors to the increase in consumption of domestic natural gas, respectively accounting for 26.68 percent and 12.73 percent of the total national gas production," Rakhmanto noted.

Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif had also noted that the use of gas would be the main alternative during the transition period. Moreover, in recent years, several gas reserves had been discovered that could be used for Indonesia to establish energy security.

Optimization of natural gas use in the energy transition era will be discussed comprehensively during the 3rd International Convention on Indonesian Upstream Oil and Gas 2022 (IOG 2022) in Nusa Dua, Badung, Bali, on November 23-25, 2022.

Some 120 national and international speakers will participate in the international event, hosted both in-person and virtually. It is targeted to reach 10 thousand participants online and 1,200 participants attending in person.

Chairman of the IOG 2022 Organizing Committee Mohammad Kemal said the IOG event was the first hybrid event after being hosted online for the past two years. The 2022 IOG Convention was one of the important measures among several efforts to achieve the target of producing one million barrels of oil per day and 12 BSCFD of gas by 2030, he remarked.

Three major concepts -- Economic Recovery, Energy Security, and Energy Transition -- will be brought up at the IOG 2022 event.

"This is linear with the government's programs and Indonesia's more sustainable targets," Kemal pointed out.

He also expected that discussions on boosting national oil and gas production and the energy transition by several entities in the upstream oil and gas sector would be pursued further at the IOG 2022.

"Hopefully, in the remainder of 2022, the upstream oil and gas industry would have completed the things that need to be fixed and (seize) opportunities in 2023 to be able to work better," he stated.

State officials scheduled to attend the IOG 2022 include Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya, and Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif. (Antaranews)





Head of the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) Commissioner General Boy Rafli Amar echoed Indonesia's commitment to the global efforts to prevent and eradicate terrorism funding.

In fact, Indonesia is currently striving to become a full member of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF), he noted through a statement, Monday.

After a conference that discussed terrorism prevention and funding in India, Amar also echoed Indonesia's readiness to cooperate with countries in mitigating terrorism funding.

The government is responsible to give space for non-profit organizations in Indonesia to grow and create a healthy sector, he explained.

Amar also underscored the importance of having in place a strong regulation framework and monitoring toward non-profit organizations that exist, including in Indonesia.

Strong regulation becomes important, as terrorism funding in Indonesia usually comes from fund abuse from non-profit organizations on the pretext of providing goods and services.

Meanwhile, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized the importance of international cooperation in eradicating the crime of terrorism, including its funding.

Earlier, the Indonesian and Canadian governments established terrorism mitigation cooperation with the inking of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the sidelines of the G20 Summit on Wednesday.

The MoU was signed by BNPT and the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD).

"The MoU inking with Canada became a milestone that strengthens the cooperation on terrorism handling that has been established thus far," Amar noted through a statement, Saturday.

Canada is an important partner for Indonesia in terrorism mitigation. The MoU inking was founded on the Indonesia-Canada Plan of Action 2022-2025, he stated.

The cooperation involves information exchange, improvement of capacity and sound practices that the two parties have carried out as well as expert-level meeting.  (Antaranews)





The Industry Ministry adopts the in-company training system that has been implemented by Germany in Indonesia to produce competent workplace master trainers.

Under the in-company training system, workers are trained by professional trainers in accordance with the German Ordinance on Trainer Aptitude (AEVO).

"The benefit of this system is that companies can produce competent manpower that truly meet the companies' demand and need," Head of the Industry Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI) Arus Gunawan noted through a statement, Sunday.

"This can save cost, time, and manpower in the recruitment process," he added.

The ministry's BPSDMI was actively involved in the formulation of the Vocational Education and Training Development National Strategy as a derivative from Presidential Regulation No. 68 of 2022.

This encompasses the provision of workplace trainers as one of the main aspects of vocational education and training.

"The demand for workplace trainers is estimated to rise, especially since the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadinda) across Indonesia can provide in-company trainer training service," he remarked.

To support the provision of workplace trainers in Indonesia, the ministry has organized master trainer training that aims to train and produce workplace trainers in Indonesia.

"This program is done in collaboration with the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Indonesian Kadin (Chamber of Commerce and Industry), IHK Trier Partnership Program (German), GIZ-TSR (German), and Swisscontact's S4C Program (Switzerland)," Gunawan noted.

The training has 16 participants, who are the best Ausbildung der Ausbilder International Basic (AdAIB) training graduates from various regions, and the selection process is quite stringent.

"For five days, participants are trained by Senior Masters, and there will be an exam at the end of the training," Head of BPSDMI's Industry Vocational Education Development Center (PPPVI) Restu Yuni Widayati stated.

According to Widayati, the requirement to become a Workplace Trainer through the program is to be a permanent worker, be healthy, and have training methodology and technical competence.

Moreover, they must be appointed by their managers and understand internship regulation.

"Workplace trainers are also in charge of intern selection, intern work flow plan formulation, and vocational training material implementation in companies, so that the interns' quality meets the expectation," she explained.

After participating in the activity, participants will receive assignments as instructors in workplace trainer training in Indonesia.

"To this end, participants are expected to prepare themselves, continue to strengthen cooperation, and be supportive of one another. This is because Master Trainer is part of the Industry Vocational Education ecosystem," she remarked. (Antaranews)





The 15th Bali Provincial Sports Week officially opened on Sunday (November 20) evening, with 4,416 athletes competing in 41 sports branches, including football, futsal, badminton, and martial arts.

"The 15th Bali Provincial Sports Week is being attended by 4,416 athletes consisting of 2,697 male and 1,719 female athletes. They are competing for 1,862 medals in 41 sports disciplines," Bali Province's National Sports Committee (KONI) Chairperson, I Gusti Ngurah Oka Darmawan, remarked here on Monday.

The 15th Bali Provincial Sports Week in 2022 was opened at the Niti Mandala Renon Field, Denpasar, and coincided with the 76th Commemoration Day of the Battle of Margarana or the Puputan Margarana Day.

The province-level sports event in Bali will be closed on November 27, 2022.

"We hope that with the momentum of Puputan Margarana Day, athletes will learn the values of the heroes' struggle and the spirit of puputan (battle) through achievements in the field of sports," Darmawan remarked.

The prestigious sports event in Bali was opened in a lively manner by igniting the sacred fire with a torch.

Art and cultural performances were presented at the opening of the sports week in Bali that was attended by representatives from each district and city.

Badung District's representatives performed the traditional musical assemble gamelan baleganjur and danced on stage, followed by Bangli District's representatives, who sang a chanty (yel-yel), while Buleleng District's representatives gave a flutes-based musical performance gong suling.

Furthermore, the Denpasar contingent performed the traditional ensemble music gamelan, which was followed by performances from the districts of Jembrana, Gianyar, Karangasem, Klungkung, and Tabanan.

Meanwhile, Bali Governor I Wayan Koster, who opened the sports week, motivated the participating athletes to achieve the best.

"Bali has made an achievement, ranked 5th in the Papua National Sports Week (PON). Now, Mr. Darmawan should (target to) at least level or surpass these achievements," Koster said.

The governor also advised that the competitions be conducted with a spirit of sportsmanship, excitement, and enthusiasm, so that a greater number of best athletes from Bali will emerge. (antaranews)