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Zona Integritas

Editorial (922)



February 2021 turns out to be the month for a planned coup in Myanmar. The country's leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, was detained by the Myanmar military. The detention was based on allegations that Aung San Suu Kyi had illegally purchased radio communications which was discovered by the military during a search of Aung San Suu Kyi's house. Some democracy activists in Myanmar argue that the military coup that took place on Monday (1/2) is one of the strategies of the top military leader, General Min Aung Hlaing, so that he can remain in power after retiring from military service in July 2021.

Khin Ohmar, a veteran democracy and human rights activist in Myanmar, at a press conference with the ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights, Tuesday (2/2) perceived that the military coup was carried out not because of general election fraud in the November 8, 2020. According to Khin Ohmar, General Min Aung Hlaing's reason for a coup against a democratically elected government in Myanmar is that he wants to maintain his position in the military. This is to secure business networks within the military that involve the families of high-ranking officers and their business partners. Interestingly, although the majority of the community disagrees with this coup, Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar see it as something grateful. Suu Kyi is considered to have ignored the torture experienced by the Rohingya Muslim community. She is considered to have tolerated and taken side with what they call genocide against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.

Meanwhile, the US and a number of Western countries reacted by pressing the Myanmar military (Tatmadaw) to release a number of government officials, including de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi. White House spokesman, Jen Psaki, said that the US urged the military and all other parties to comply with democratic norms and rule of law, and release those detained.

The international community, including Indonesia and Singapore, have criticized what happened in Myanmar and hoped that all parties would exercise restraint. So far, the location whereabout Suu Kyi is detained has not been officially published by the Myanmar military. But in fact, after Suu Kyi's detention, there was a massive cabinet reshuffle by the new ruler, and 24 ministerial seats were replaced.

Seeing what Suu Kyi experienced and the pace of democratization efforts in Myanmar is like seeing a thick fog that is difficult to predict. In 2015, Suu Kyi became the de facto leader, a position that made her unable to touch and control the Myanmar Military which eventually became her rivals in her leadership. In 2015, there was a shift in global perceptions of Suu Kyi, who had previously become an icon of democracy and human rights. The military's crackdown and brutality against the Rohingya minority in Rakhine State has been criticized by many countries. About one million Rohingyas have been forced to flee from the military by taking refuge in Bangladesh or other countries, including in Indonesia, without adequate provisions. Unfortunately, Suu Kyi defended the military action as part of a counter-terrorism operation and asked the court to drop the case. 

Although there are many international parties that condemn the coup action in Myanmar at this time, it seems that support for Suu Kyi is not the same as before. Still, of course all parties hope that democracy in Myanmar can continue to develop and Suu Kyi will receive protection and justice.



The United States and China, may improve relations in the future. The authorities in Beijing have hinted at this, albeit with a few caveats. Not long after Joe Biden took his oath as the 46th President of the United States, the Chinese government expressed hope for better relations with the United States.

As reported by the CNBC network, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying expressed the hope of a new day in relations between the two countries.

Beijing's relations with Washington have deteriorated in the last year of Donald Trump's administration. The trade war between the two major countries has even affected the global economy. No wonder the Chinese government hopes for an improvement in relations in the near future.

Tensions between the US and China were still strong at the end of the Domald Trump administration. Shortly before Trump left the White House, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo strongly criticized the Chinese government and declared it was committing genocide against Muslims in Uygur. The remarks that angered the government in Beijing were met with Chinese sanctions against a number of Americans, one of whom was Mike Pompeo. The Chinese government will sanction US companies associated with names that are mostly elements of Donald Trump's administration.

So far, the Joe Biden administration has not provided a concrete response in the form of policies regarding future relations with China. However, it is interesting to note that at the time of the inauguration of the president, the Biden administration had invited representatives of Taiwan. Joe Biden and his government certainly have certain intentions by inviting Taiwanese representatives to the event, given Beijing's policy regarding One China Policy. The fact of Taiwan's presence in the Capitol Hill Building becomes interesting when it is related to Beijing's statement that it will improve relations with the note that the United States must pay attention to China's sovereignty.

From the recent facts, it can be seen there are intentions of the two major countries to improve relations, under certain conditions.

What can be said is, there will be a change in the White House's policy in looking at relations with China. At least under Joe Biden's administration, the United States government's policy towards China could become more lenient, according to the character of every President who comes from the Democratic Party.




The Indonesian government is considering allowing private companies to carry out Covid-19 vaccinations independently. Previously, the government had decided to provide free vaccinations to all citizens. President Joko Widodo said that independent or paid vaccination can be applied to accelerate the vaccination program for all people in Indonesia. According to President Joko Widodo, this will help the government speed up the formation of herd immunity in the community in order to prevent wider spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. The President also said that independent vaccinations could be carried out with different vaccine brands and carried out in different places. Indonesian private companies will be allowed to buy their own vaccines from the Covid-19 vaccine manufacturer. The condition is that the vaccine must be in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) standard. Vaccine recipient data must also be reported to the government so that there is no overlapping vaccination.

Commission IX of the House of Representatives –DPR dealing with Health and Manpower has also given a green light for the possibility of implementing independent vaccination, especially for the companies. Chairman of the Commission, Felly Estelita Runtuwene, stated that she is considering supporting the plan for the Covid-19 independent vaccine program.

Indonesia has around 30 thousand vaccinators, 10 thousand Community Health Centers, and three thousand hospitals that can be mobilized to speed up the vaccination program. Based on calculations, if each vaccinator can vaccinate 30 people a day, the vaccination is targeted to be done to nearly 1 million people a day. This means that the vaccination program in all regions in Indonesia will be completed in fewer than one year. Meanwhile, the number of positive infections in Indonesia is still high; it has even exceeded 14,000 positive cases in one day.

The option to implement the independent vaccination is being discussed by the government. If this is actually implemented, the vaccination program in Indonesia will return to the government's original plan, namely free-of-charge and paid vaccinations.



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Finally, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. or Joe Biden was officially appointed as the 46th President of the United States on January 21, 2021, replacing Donald Trump. At the age of 78, Joe Biden is also the oldest president of the United States in history and the only one who was sworn in wearing a mask because of the still unsettling Covid-19 pandemic. Shortly after being sworn in, Biden immediately cleared the White House of Trump loyalists. In his speech as president, Biden spoke about unity, environment, Covid-19, and white supremacy. He praised Kamala Harris as a minority figure who becomes the vice president of the US and is considered a symbol of change. Regarding environmental issues, Biden said that America was in need of help. He also criticized divisive people, including extremist groups.

The American people and the international world as well have been waiting for Joe Biden's stance  and leadership, even from his first days as President. The role that Donald Trump played in international relations has positioned America in several difficult conditions in terms of international trade, foreign policy and international defense and security.

Of course, it takes time and process to handle all of that. In addition, Joe Biden must find people with the same vision in running his government. On his first day as President of the United States, Joe Biden seemed to want to convey a specific message that in the next five years, American policies will be completely different from the ones before. Of course, what everyone hopes is for a better condition, especially with regard to policies, both at home and abroad.



Joe Biden officially assumes the duties of President after his inauguration today, January 20 in Washington. The beginning of his duties was marked by a process of transferring power that was unlike the previous tradition. The replaced president, Donald Trump, did not attend Joe Bidden's inauguration, and did not welcome the 46th President of the United States at the White House. Over the centuries, the process of transition has been marked by the tea banquet at the White House that the old President held for the New President. The 46th inauguration of the President and Vice President of the United States at the Capitol Hill building was also marked by a very tight security  by United States National Guard troops. They were deployed to anticipate the possibility of violence following the riots on Capitol Hill by Trump supporters. Joe Bidden's departure to Washington for the Inauguration ceremony also did not use military aircraft provided by the Government. Joe Bidden and his wife took a private plane from Delaware to Washington and landed at Andrew Military Airfield.

Starting his adminitration, Joe Bidden did face a tough task. He must fulfill his commitment and promise to reunite the people who were divided by the election. In addition, Bidden must also move quickly to overcome the Covid 19 pandemic which is increasingly widespread and has caused more than 400 thousand deaths of Americans. Economic recovery is also waiting to be realized in the first 100 days of his reign with Kamala Harris. Concentration in the country, of course, must be balanced with attention to foreign problems. Foreign policy carried out during the Trump Donad era requires a change. The deterioration of relations with Iran and China will certainly be Joe Bidden's policy priority. In a statement, Bidden acknowledged that both US  multilateral and bilateral relations went awry during the Trump administration. On the occasion of his campaign Joe Bidden had promised to fix it as soon as possible. Regarding relations with Iran, Joe Bidden said that he  would re-join the nuclear agreement initiated by President Barack Obama. The deal, called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA),  fell apart because in 2018 Donald Trump declared leaving it. Since then, relations between Iran and the United States have continued to deteriorate. Tensions escalated.

Therefore, Iran and the international community are certainly waiting for Joe Bidden's breakthrough in foreign policy to start. Apart from Iran, there are still problems and territorial disputes in the South China Sea involving several ASEAN countries as well as China.




Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin inaugurated the National Movement for the Convalescent Plasma Donor in Jakarta on Monday (18/1). Convalescent plasma transfusion is one way of treating patients with Covid-19 with severe and critical symptoms. On the occasion, Vice President Ma'ruf expressed his hope that this joint movement is intended to inspire empathy and motivate Covid-19 survivors to be able to voluntarily donate their convalescent plasma to help Covid-19 patients who are currently being treated in some hospitals.

Convalescent plasma is blood plasma taken from a former Covid-19 sufferer, because it contains SARS-Cov-2 antibodies. Then, the plasma is processed so that it can be donated. It is hoped that the antibodies in the blood plasma of recovered patients will help fight the Corona virus in the body of Covid-19 patients.

In fact, the donor movement of the convalescent blood plasma is not new to being implemented in Indonesia. Since April last year, partially, several regions in Indonesia have implemented it. Those who were exposed and recovered have also donated their blood. It's just that, the amount is not enough. From the testimonies of those who have been running, this area plasma transfusion accelerates the recovery process.

Indeed, not all Covid-19 survivors can become convalescent blood donors. Requirements to be able to donate their blood are people who are at the age 18 until 60 years, and they have been infected with Covid-19 (positive PCR)with moderate-severe symptoms; have been declared recovered; have no symptoms at least 14 days after recovering, male or femalewho are preferably never pregnant.

Based on data on, until January 18, 2021, the number of patients who have recovered is 745,935 people. If five percent of that number meets the requirements, of course it can help the recovery process of those with severe and critical symptoms. As a result, this will reduce the number of deaths. In addition, it is likely that the recovery period will be shorter. This will certainly help save a lot not only the lives of Covid-19 patients, medical personnel, and health workers but also the Indonesian government. If the patient recovers faster, this will reduce the cost of treatment.

Hopefully, there will be many survivors who are willing to donate their blood plasma. The socialization of the National Movement for Convalescent Plasma Donor must also be intensified. The real action of public figures who are Covid-19 survivors of donating blood plasma also needs to be published. Thus, it can encourage other survivors to donate their blood plasma. Because 400 milliliters of their blood plasma means a lot to the Covid-19 patients. It is hoped that the survivors of Covid-19 in Indonesia will also donate their blood plasma. Of course, the point that needs to be considered and implemented is that all Indonesians must obey the set health protocols and make the vaccination program successful so that the Indonesian nation wins against Covid-19.


After the tragedy of the Sriwijaya Air plane crash in the waters of Kepulauan Seribu  on Saturday (9/1), other disasters came one after another in various regions in Indonesia. A magnitude 6.2 earthquake occurred in West Sulawesi, precisely in Mamuju on January 15, destroying various buildings, including the West Sulawesi governor's office and causing dozens of deaths. This was followed by floods that hit almost the entire province of South Kalimantan, resulting in hundreds of thousands of residents forced to flee to safer areas. A day later, on January 16, there was an eruption of Mount Semeru in East Java. Of course, the lava that comes out of the mountains needs to be watched out so as not to cause casualties. To be sure, this eruption adds to the length of disaster conditions that must be watched out for and anticipated in various regions in Indonesia.

In addition, what is still of concern is the Covid-19 pandemic. In Indonesia, the number of those infected with the Covid-19 virus continues to increase. The vaccination process has indeed started. This was starting from the health workers who get the first turn to be vaccinated, followed by other Indonesian people in order of priority. Although it will take time, given the large population of Indonesia and its vast geographic conditions with so many islands, it is hoped that the vaccination process that has been planned by the government can run smoothly. Thus, the Covid-19 pandemic can be gradually overcome.

Disaster conditions are nothing new in Indonesia. Indonesia's position, which is said to be in the Ring of Fire area, because it is surrounded by active volcanoes, has indeed made the land very fertile. But at the same time, this holds the potential for seismicity and volcanic eruptions which are sometimes quite violent. Likewise with floods, it   happens quite often in Indonesia.

Indonesia's readiness to face disasters is determined by a series of anticipatory steps both by the government and people. Standard evacuation procedures and education from the start will determine the number of people who  are successfully mitigated in a disaster condition. Disaster infrastructures and facilities have also been prepared in disaster-prone areas, such as sirens marking the arrival of an earthquake with a certain magnitude or the readiness of the evacuation site and so on. Each region in Indonesia has already a Disaster Management Agency which is expected to be able to move synergistically with the community and various aid agencies that come from within and outside the country when dealing with disasters.

Both the earthquake in Mamuju, and the floods in South Kalimantan, still caused casualties. It seems that even though the country is ready in infrastructure, the Indonesian people are still not fully aware and trained to face disasters that have never been known when they will occur. It is everyone's responsibility to build that awareness. Hopefully, what happened in early 2021 will be a reminder for all Indonesian citizens to be more vigilant and ready to face disasters, whatever they may be.


Trump’s impeachment

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The transition process of the United States leadership will officially take place on January 20 with the inauguration of Joe Biden, the elected president of the United States. Various preparations for the ceremony which is considered sacred are now being carried out. But apparently not only that, the US House of Representatives has convened and voted to impeach the previous president, Donald Trump. After being successful in the House, this process will be forwarded to the Senate. The Senate hearing will be held after Trump leaves office on Wednesday (20/01) next week.

If it goes without a hitch in the Senate, then Trump will likely be impeached. This means Trump will not have a chance to run again in future Presidential elections. In addition, various facilities as a retired president as received by his predecessors are likely to be revoked. This is the second impeachment attempt for Trump during his tenure as President of the United States. 

All of this is in the aftermath of the Trump supporters' attack on the Capitol Hill Building, during the House session on the result of Electoral College votes, declaring Joe Biden as the US President-elect. Trump is held responsible for the action that resulted in 5 deaths.

Support for impeachment is strong in the House. Although insignificant, 10 politicians who support Trump, namely the Republican Party, even expressed support for Trump's impeachment process. However, everything is not certain, because it is still waiting for the process in the Senate. As is known, currently the US House of Representatives is controlled by the Democratic Party while the Senate is controlled by the Republican Party.

Whatever the final outcome of the political process that is currently taking place in that country is a lesson for all parties. The hard work of the party is ensured not only when selecting the proposed presidential candidates and passing them on to become president, but also how the party's president ended his term of office.


The inauguration of Joe Biden as President of the United States next January 20, will receive tight guard and security. This is different from the same events in the past. The recent riots at the House of Representatives' building, Capitol Hill, Washington, are expected to have an impact on the inauguration of the President of the United States. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) received information that there might be a protest at the inauguration ceremony, which is actually an important and sacred event. The FBI has warned of possible bigger protests from Donald Trump's supporters. As reported, some of them had rioted when the Congress convened to determine the results of the United States election.

The incident, which is a disgrace for a country that is considered the main upholder of democracy, has given a very bad image for Donald Trump who lost the election. Apart from being widely criticized, Donald Trump is also threatened with being dismissed before his term of office expires through impeachment, initiated by legislators from the Democratic Party. If the proposal continues, then Donald Trump will be the only President of the United States to experience impeachment twice.

Efforts to dismiss Donald Trump as President, just a few days before the inauguration of the new President, were deemed necessary, both by internal government circles, members of the Senate and Congress, especially from the Democratic Party. It is feared that Donald Trump will use his powers to destabilize the presidential inauguration. In a statement via his personal Twitter, Donald Trump confirmed that he would not be present at the inauguration ceremony for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Although it is not regulated in the law that the former President must attend, Donald Trump's absence will become a historical record. Previously, the former President and Vice President of the United States were always present at the inauguration of their successors, which is a sacred event for the American nation.

Donald Trump finally did have a very bad reputation as President of the United States, at the end of his reign. The absence of a speech acknowledging Joe Biden's victory, the controversy he generated over the election results and the public calls that prompted supporters to come to Capitol Hill, did not only have an impact on him. The bad image of the US as the largest democracy, and the unfavorable atmosphere ahead of the transfer of power to the elected President, will be an additional burden for the new President and Vice President. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris must be able to reunite the people of the United States that are still divided. Meanwhile, this new government still has to concentrate on fighting the Covid 19 pandemic which is getting worse. It must also restore foreign trust, both those who have been partners and opponents.


National Movement to be Proud of Indonesian Products 2021 -  Kemenkomarves


Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan officially launched the National Movement to be Proud of Indonesian Products 2021-Gernas BBI 2021, Monday (11/1). The launch of Gernas BBI 2021 was carried out in three locations: I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, Yogyakarta International Airport, and Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. This year, Gernas BBI has the theme 'Indonesian MSME Products Become Host in Their Own Country'. Through Gernas BBI, the Government of Indonesia is targeting to add 6.1 million Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises-MSMEs connected to the digital ecosystem (onboarding) every year.

In his remarks, Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said, feeling proud and wanting to use local products are a form of national struggle that can be carried out today. He also appealed to the government officials to become ambassadors for the local products to support the MSMEs.

There is great hope from the National Movement which was launched by President Joko Widodo for the first time in May 2020, especially a lot of support provided by various parties. Take for example; Bank Indonesiais committed to continuing to take the role of a Movement Leader through various creative programs that prioritize the digitization of the MSMEs. Through 46 Regional Representative Offices, they will continue to cooperate to support the achievement of 30 million MSMEs connected to the digital ecosystem by 2023.

The commitment to support the MSMEs is also provided by the private sector by facilitating credit programs that will help provide adequate capital and complete payment infrastructure to make it easier for MSMEs to do entrepreneurship.

Supports by many parties to make the UMKM products become host in their own country is, of course, not optimal without the support of the Indonesian people. Indeed, they are the main key to the success of this program. Being proud alone is not enough to succeed the National Movement in Indonesia. The most important point is the act of consuming and using the local products. Never be proud of using local products that have been labeled with international brands whose prices are higher than using local products with local brands made by the Indonesian people.

In terms of quality, there is no doubt that many Indonesian products are able to compete globally. However, what must also be considered altogether is how the local products can compete in prices with similar products from abroad. At present, getting a cheaper price, of course, is a reality that cannot be denied. The policy to limit the purchase of goods from abroad through the marketplace might increase sales of MSME products in the country.

The real actions of all Indonesian people taking part in the National Movement to be Proud of Indonesian Products 2021 must be proven. Quoting President Joko Widodo's message at the event of Award to be Proud of Indonesian Products 2020 in December last year, if 270 million Indonesians feel proud, love, buy, and use Indonesian-made products, this will help reduce the current account deficit, and will make the national creative industry growing faster. We wish the National Movement to be Proud of Indonesian Products 2021 to succeed in the country, and also to go global.