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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Garulina (0)



Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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Welcome back to our weekly segment of News From Across the Country. The segment presents interesting information from various regions in a week. 

The first story comes from Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta Governor, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X on Wednesday inaugurated the road connecting Gunung Kidul with Sleman regency. The connecting road includes Sembada Handayani bridge with 90 meters long and 9 meters wide, 1-kilometer road from Sleman in Lemah Abang Village to Prambanan, and 3-km road in Gunung Kidul precisely in Gembyong Village.  Governor Sultan said that the Provincial Government of Yogyakarta plans to continue the construction of connecting roads from Prambanan to Gading.  Gunung Kidul Regent, Badingah said that the increasing tourists’ arrival can improve the economy of local people of Gunung Kidul. However, so far, the tourism visit is constrained by narrow road and frequent traffic jams over the weekend. Meanwhile, Sleman Regent, Sri Purnomo claimed that the construction of the bridge and roads can increase tourist visit to the tourism objects in Gunung Kidul such as Tebing Breksi or Breksi Cliff, Ijo Temple, and Lava Bantal.



Next story comes from Trenggalek.


Creative promotions will attract the attention of many people. This activity is conducted by the regional Government of Trenggalek to introduce the process of easier and faster business licensing. The government built the gallery of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) on the ground floor of Trenggalek One Stop Service Investment Office. The gallery is a strategic effort to introduce the faster license process to the people. This was said by the Head Office of One Stop Service Investment of Trenggalek regency, Mulya Handaka recently. Various SMEs products are exhibited in the gallery starting from the typical food of Trenggalek to various processed and packed foods in interesting packages.



The last story comes from Batang, Central Java.


The Government of Batang Regency, Central Java grants a 9.5 hectares of land to Diponegoro University (Undip) Semarang for the establishment of agricultural and livestock faculty. Batang Regent, Wihaji in Batang on Wednesday said that the regional government has held a meeting with Diponegoro University -Undip as a form of initial communication before granting the 9.5 hectares of land in Tumbrep Village, Bandar Sub-district.  Wihaji said, based on the law, the grant process must get approval from the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD). Meanwhile, Chairman of the Batang Regional Legislative Council, Imam Teguh Raharjo promised that the DPRD will prioritize the grant for the development of the faculty’s education process.



Welcome back in Book & Film Review, where we will review Indonesian books and films. In today’s Book & Film Review, we will discuss an Indonesian film entitled “Marlina Pembunuh Empat Babak” or in English “Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts” directed by Mouly Surya. Nursita Mouly Surya is an Indonesian director and screenwriter. Mouly Surya had achieved many awards in Indonesian film industry. On December 12 2008, Mouly received three Indonesian Film Festival awards for film, director, and screenwriter categories. Those were the first and best awards for Mouly Surya. Mouly Surya never stops to create the best for Indonesian moviegoers. In 2017, Mouly directed a film about murder that highlights the lives of people in Sumba. The film written by Garin Nugroho was very interesting. Despite of its simple conflict, the plot was amazing. This film began with a woman who worked hard for the funeral of her late husband. It is because for the people of Sumba, a man must be buried according to their customs.

It begins when Garin gave me and Caca the synopsis. The premises were similar. Mouly said. 

The body of the husband was preserved in the living room, waiting to be buried. Until finally, a group of robbers led by Markus (Egy Fadly), a big an rude man, knocked her doors and threatened to rob her in half an hour. The robbery happened. To defend herself, Marlina took a very risky move which was poisoning the robbers. Besides that, Marlina also seduced Markus. During the foreplay, Marlina beheaded Markus and brought his head to the police office. However her trip to the police office was quite long, because the distance between one home to another can be around 10 to 20 meters. Therefore, during her trip, Marlina walked into a metaphorical experience, where she found herself anew with new power. 

The long trip of Marlina to the police office was the main plot in this movie. Every point of view of this movie is very intriguing. The plot possible had attracted the international movie freaks. This was proven when “Marlina Pembunuh dalam Empat Babak” successfully screened in international movie festivals. 

It’s been played in Cannes, Toronto, Melbourne, and Busan.” Mouly added. 

We can say that this is the first Indonesian movie to give positive impression on murder for defense. Mouly was quite brave to present justice for woman like Marlina who only want to give proper funeral for her husband. “Marlina Pembunuh Empat Babak” was a very touching film. Mouly also harmonized the angle that showed the beautiful nature of Sumba. Therefore, the movie can enjoy the story and the scenery. It was worthy of global appreciation. Well, that was a brief review on a movie entitled “Marlina Pembunuh Empat Babak” or “Marlina Murderer in Four Acts” directed by Mouly Surya. 



Welcome in our segment of Miscellany. Today, we will inform about the Ministry of Communication and Informatics and Metranet Determine to Create Safe Internet

The safe and healthy Internet usage has become one of the focuses of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo). The safe and healthy Internet also means the eradication of negative content on the internet such as pornography, gambling, violence, radicalism and racial intolerance. The Ministry ensuresthat censorship machine for pornographic content will start operating in January 2018 after the handover process on December 29, 2017, as quoted from Antara some time ago. The censorship machine with"crawling" system will speed up the handling of pornographic content and be operated by a team consisting of 58 people. Director General of Aptika at the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kemkominfo), Semuel Abrijanin said that crawling searching for content based on a particular search input differs from monitoring. His side claimsthat they have not been able to and will not lead to monitoring as has been done by China with  the cost worth$15 billion dollars. The system may be used by other agencies in accordance with their respective fields and authorities, such as the National Narcotics Board -BNN forseeking drug content or the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) for seeking unregistered drugs and foods sold to the public. The censorship machine was auctioned by the Ministry, which was worth toRp 211 billion on August 30, 2017, and won by PT Inti which gave the offer price worth Rp 198 billion and the corrected price Rp 194 billion. The machine is targeted to be able to block negative content on the internet more quickly and precisely. The government predicts 50 percent of negative content can be directly blocked when the machine is operated later. Semuel added that negative content reporting through Positive Trust sites has been being processed manually. Incoming reports are numerous but only a few are processed. If done with the machine, all the reported-contents can be opened and read at once in an easier way. In addition to the Ministry, PT Metra-Net (Metranet) as a subsidiary of Telkom Indonesia which is focusing on Digital Services also made efforts to create safe Internet usage for Indonesia people. Metranet officially launched a browser named USearch. This browser comes as a safe surfing solution on the internet because it can block negative content. USearch was first introduced by Telkom Group at DigiSummit event in Jakarta on 22-23 November 2017. Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest number of internet users in the world. Data of in 2017 showed as many as 132.7 million active internet users in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kominfo) has blocked about 6,000 sites and accounts with negative content until July 2017. Metranet CEO, Widi Nugroho said that his side was concerned about the number of negative contents on the internet that are very accessible. Therefore, his side presents USearch as a safe surfing solution because it has a high level of security that can block based on keywords sought, not based on the domain. USearch offers a high level of security and privacy because it can filter out negative content on the internet and safe for children and families. USearch can filter and reduce negative search subjects like pornography, gambling and racial intolerance. He said that in the future, it will cooperate with the government, especially the Ministy of Communication and Informatics and the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud). So, USearch can be used in schools. In addition, it also requires the support of all stakeholders to provide information if there is content or subject that needs to be filtered and cared for. The communities can report online through the menu in the Usearch Browser application or through web



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This is RRI World Service –Voice of Indonesia with the program –My Language informing you the traditional languages of Indonesia.










Listener, Indonesia has hundreds of traditional languages spreading across its regions. However, not all of them are known well by the people of Indonesia or foreign people. One of them is Tobati Language from Jayapura, Papua.










Tobati Language originates from the people living around Yotefa Bay or Jayapura Bay, Jayapura City, Papua Province. Currently, the speakers of Tobati language are spreading in three districts in Papua Province, namely South Jayapura, Abepura, and Muara Tami.

The number of Tobati speakers in 1984 was 800, and 600 in 1999. However, the number of speakers is now decreasing due to influence of other languages. Even, the speakers of Tobati language are predicted to remain only 500 people whom all of them are elderly. Therefore, the Tobati language is categorized as "seriously endangered language".










The characters of Tobati language use the same ones with Indonesian or Latin. However, there are several characters unavailable in Tobati language such as xqv, and z.

Another uniqueness of Tobati language is its clause and sentence structure. If Indonesian structure consists of subject-predicate-object, the Tobati language uses subject-object-predicate.










Listener, here is a list of several word examples of Tobati language:








dalam bahasa…

dalam bahasa…

dalam bahasa…

dalam bahasa…

dalam bahasa…

dalam bahasa…

dalam bahasa…






To hike











Listener, now here are some examples of sentences in Tobati language:

Nhu nasre want =

Rora ntrica moghot = recau

I eat papeda

Yesterday, they hiked the mountain.










Well listener, that was My Language for today about Tobati Language. Thank you for listening and Sampai Jumpa.







Mosaic of Indonesia

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Coastal Mapping Center and Coastal Environment Geospatial Information Agency of Indonesia will verify 46 islands in Lampung province. The verification is to confirm the islands’ data of last year. Head of Public Relations and Communication of Bureau of Protocol and Public Relations of Lampung provincial government, Heriyansyah confirmed on Sunday that the Agency will verify the islands. Heriyansyah said based on information of the Head of the Agency, Muhtadi Ganda, the verification and standardization of the name need time for 2 days. The islands which have been registered last year, are spread out in 13 islands in South Lampung regency, and 33 islands are in Tanggamus regency. In the visit to Lampung, Muhtadi Ganda also said that Indonesia has more than 17 thousand islands. Those islands must be reported to United Nationwide Conference on Standardization of Geographical Named (UNCSGN) under the United Nations.

Muhtadi also said that until 2017, the Geospatial Information Agency only reported 16.056 data names of the islands and their coordinates. The standardization for social economic, tourism and   reference administrative boundary’s development in the region must be integrated. Meanwhile, assistant I of provincial government and People’s Welfare sector, Hery Suliyanto said that the number of islands in Lampung province is as many as 132 islands. Some of them are unknown small islands. However, those islands have great natural resource potential. About the verification of the islands in Lampung, Hery also said that as national and strategic reference in decision-making of various parties, the step is also useful to avoid trade of small land to foreigners.

Gadjah Mada University expands its cooperation in Indonesia, including in the Eastern regions. In the program “Alumni Greet” in Papua cooperation with 3 regencies in West Papua, namely Sorong, Tambrauw and Raja Ampat was conducted. The event was held for 4 days from February 2 until 5, 2018 as the support of Gadjah Mada University to the alumni to promote the region. The University’s rector Panut Mulyono, said recently that the university came to greet alumni who have worked and served for Papua. The university will always give spirit and help to guard alumni to continue serving for nation and state.

The MoU of the cooperation was signed by Rector of Gadjah Mada University, Panut Mulyono, Sorong regent, Johny Kamuru, Tambrauw regent, Gabrial Asem and Raja Ampat regent, Abdul Faris Umlati. Gadjah Mada University’s, Panut Mulyono hoped the cooperation will help the university to conduct college three-teaching event, especially to 3 regencies in West Papua. He explained that the program includes education, research, and service to people.

The government through the Ministry of Marine and Fishery invited a number of State Owned Enterprises of banking to facilitate capital for fishermen who want to change their fishing tools to be more environmently friendly ones. Minister of Marine and Fishery, Susi Pudjiastuti said in press statement on Saturday, Bank Rakyat Indonesia is one of state owned banks invited by the Ministry to facilitate capital lending for fishermen to change their fishing tools. Minister Susi Pudjiastuti has observed the data, verification and validation of fishermen’s ships with environmently unfriendly fishing tools in Tegal, Central Java on Friday (2/2). Data collection was conducted to make sure that the size of the ships and fishing tools are environmently friendly in accordance with ministerial regulation on prohibition on the use of fishing tools of 'Pukat Hela' and 'Pukat Tarik'. On the occasion, Minister Susi discussed with the participants and called on them to be honest when fishing. Director General of Fishing of Marine and Fishery ministry, Sjarief Widjaja said that the purpose of the program is basically to accelerate capital facilitation, especially for micro business credit scheme and retail for fishermen. Sjarief Widjaja explained that the program is in cooperation with a number of banks and non-banking institutions like through MoU between the Ministry of Marine and Fishery and Bank Rakyat Indonesia -BRI. The program gave very interesting sheme with a variety of convenience to fishermen with interest only four percent, far below the interest of banks in general.



buah lindurPaddy or rice is still the main staple food source of most Indonesian people. The dependency of Indonesian people on rice is the highest in the world that is equal to 139.5 kg / year. To ensure the availability of food, the stakeholders make various efforts. The government, in this case the Ministry of Agriculture, has launched a diversification of food to be run in 2018. This program is one of the efforts to reduce dependency on rice and flour. However, the replacement of rice and flour should be sourced from local commodities which are nutritious and safe for consumption.

To support food diversification program and to reduce rice consumption, lecturer of Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) West Java, utilized lindur (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza) as an analog-making-material rice by combining it with sago and chitosan. Analog rice is rice that is produced not by planting in rice fields, but bring produced in the factory by processing from existing food ingredients.

This innovation is done by Prof. Dr. Ir. Nurjanah, MS, lecturer as well as Professor of Aquatic Product Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) with two colleagues -Taufik Hidayat and Pipih Suptijah. This discovery is one of Prof. Nurjanah’s four works that was selected as four of the 109 Indonesian innovations in 2017 announced by BIC (Business Innovation Center) on 9 August 2017.

Lindur fruit used is one type of mangroves, that is commonly found in Indonesia and has the same carbohydrate with rice. According to Nurjanah, her team uses lindur fruit because this fruit is a source of carbohydrates, especially the abundant production in Indonesia. Nurjanah added that one of the efforts to avoid rice dependency of Indonesian people is to diversify food by using local carbohydrate source as food product such as analog rice.

Meanwhile, Taufik Hidayat added that this analogue rice contains many fibers and is very suitable consumed by diabetics. The team chose a combination of lindur-fruit with sago because according to him sago has important commodities that have not been utilized optimally. In addition, Prof. Nurjanah also uses chitosan as a binder and stabilizer. Chitosan is a natural polymer compound isolated from aquaculture waste such as shrimp, crab shells and others. Taufik explained that chitosan has the same properties as synthetic texture formers that can improve the appearance and texture of a product because it has a strong water and oil binding power and heat resistance. From the results of Prof. Nurjanah and two colleagues’ research, it ia found that lindur powder can be an alternative substitution of wheat because it contains a high carbohydrate that is 86.10 percent. While the best analog rice formulation is a combination of 70 percent of lindur flour, 30 percent sago flour, and chitosan 0.5 percent.


asean-indiaPresident Joko Widodo believed, ASEAN-India can be a center of economic growth in the Indian Ocean region, which will support the creation of prosperity and stability in the circle of Indo- Pacific. The President's confidence is due to many potentials that ASEAN and India have. One of them is the productive age population of about 1.5 billion people from almost two billion people. It was announced by President Joko Widodo in the Plenary Session of the ASEAN-India Warning High Level held on Thursday, January 25, in New Delhi, India.

Moreover, the optimism of world economic growth also has an important role. It is expected to rise to 3.7 percent by 2018 from 3.6 percent in 2017. Deputy for Protocol, Press and Media Secretariat President Bey Machmudin reported that President Joko Widodo also appreciated the ASEAN-India cooperation that has boosted the economic growth of each country.

The ASEAN economy is predicted to grow 5 percent, while the Indian economy is expected to grow 7 percent by 2018. However, there are still some unstable global conditions that ASEAN and India must face. Therefore, the President Joko Widodo invited ASEAN along with India to continue the Comprehensive Regional Economic Partnership negotiations that will represent almost half the world's population.



Meeting Vietnam PM, President Joko Widodo Wants to Speed ​​Up ZEE SettlementJoko Widodo encouraged the strengthening of cooperation between Indonesia and Vietnam

President Joko Widodo encouraged the strengthening of cooperation between Indonesia and Vietnam on a number of issues. During a bilateral meeting with Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, on the sidelines of the ASEAN-India Summit in New Delhi, India, Friday, January 26, President Joko Widodo raised the discussion on two main points that need to be taken into consideration by both countries.

First, the President reiterated the importance of accelerating the settlement of negotiations on exclusive economic zone boundaries. Exclusive economic zones can also be accompanied by cooperation in the field of widespread terrorism and maritime handling. In this case the President welcomed the achievement of a preliminary agreement on the boundaries of the exclusive economic zone last November. The second focus the President attempted to address was the policy in the automotive sector enacted Vietnam.

The policy sets standards and agreements tans of imported vehicles to the country. Therefore, President Joko Widodo asked the Vietnamese Prime Minister to give Indonesia a chance to learn more about the policy. The president also encouraged six agreements in education, law, and gas utilization in the border region the continental shelf, the rural development, the strengthening of maritime security cooperation, and the coal supply signed last year, continue to be implemented.


Indonesia Participated in the 38th FITUR, Madrid.

In order to promote Indonesian Tourism to the international market, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism participated in the 38th International Tourism exhibition, FITUR, in Madrid on 17-21 January. The exhibition that was opened by King of Spain Felipe VI (six) was attended by 165 countries, the tourism Minister of the member countries of the World Tourism Organization, and the world's top tourism officials. During the exhibition, the stand of the Indonesian pavilion was visited by approximately 5,000 visitors, business travel entrepreneurs, print and electronic mass media, as well as visitors who are interested to come to Indonesia for travel and business trips. For Indonesia, the Feature is a very appropriate momentum to attract Spanish tourists. The event also directly brought together Indonesian sellers with potential buyers from Spain.



Indonesia Indonesia has the largest coconut plantation in the world, with a total area of 3.86 million hectares (ha) or 31.2 percent of the total world’s area of about 12 million hectares. Approximately 98% of coconut plantations in Indonesia is community plantation, and the rest are state plantations and private plantations.

Spreading of coconut plantation is almost evenly distributed throughout Indonesia, with the highest share in Sumatra reaching 34.5 percent. Especially in the area of West Sumatra, coconut plantation area continues to be expanded as part of efforts to preserve the typical commodities of the area

Coconut is the most widely used by the community. Coconuts are used in various foods or the water can be consumed directly. Once picked, coconut fiber is disposed. Coconut fibers need to be disposed to get the coconut meat as the main part of fruit that the market is interested in. The risk of disposing coconut fibers can occur at any time. Not to mention, how to peel it manually that is less efficient in the middle of industry that requires large-scale coconut production, because it takes a long time

Regarding to this, a student of State Polytechnic Payakumbuh, West Sumatra, Ruri Jalil Jabar and his friends innovate to make a peeler of coconut fiber withl roller cylinder model. This tool can help to improve performance and reduce the risk experienced by coconut fiber peeler.

Not only made roller silinder, but Ruri and his friend previously also looking for the most effficient technique to peel coconut fiber automatically by a machine. Finally, they succeded to make coconut fiber peeler that works using motor rotation forwarded to speed reductor. The roller then separates coconut meat from its fiber perfectly. According to Ruri, the peeler still need to be enhanced in order to be used by small industries.

Ruri sair that pleny innovations made by Polytechnics students could be benefial for people. According to him, the most important thing that polytechnics students must be sensitive toward any problems occured in society thus they can give technical solution to solve the problem.

By this innovation, Ruri and his team hoped that they not only gave solution, but also to make achievement as the first champion of designing agriculture machine and tool at the 9th Agriculutural Technic Week in Aceh.


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 12 January


In today’s edition, we will present news about Bengkulu plants one million red rubber trees. The government builds 74 basins in Rote. And the last info with news on Chinese tourists to Bali increases 51.52 percent.



The provincial government of Bengkulu through Environment and Forestry Office planted 1 million red rubber trees or "Ficus elastica" to commemorate the International Day of Forests 2018. Head of Environment and Forestry Office, Agus Priambudi  said in Bengkulu on Wednesday that 150 thousand trees have been planted and he targets 1 million trees to be realized in this year. When launching cultivation of 1 million trees at Simpang Kandis village of Bengkulu city, Agus said that the cultivation cooperates with members of Green Indonesia.


Agus explained that the red rubber trees, besides being effective to absorb carbon, and to produce oxygen, also has various kinds of benefits. He affirmed that the cultivation aims to preserve environment in order to get positive impact in various sectors, including tourism. He views that beautiful, clean and healthy environment will support the government’s program to implement tourism visit year in Bengkulu in 2020.  Agus gave advice in order regional development does not sacrifice protected areas but to harmonize economic development and people’s environment. Meanwhile, chairman of the Green Indonesia, Suharman said that the rubber trees will be planted at the coastal, river streaming areas and public’s space.


The central government builds 74 basins in Rote regency, East Nusa Tenggara province –NTT to increase agricultural productivity in the regency. Regent of Rote, Ndao Leonard Haning said in Kupang on Thursday that one of basins namely Saina has been visited by President Joko Widodo. Leonard explained that result of basin which is built, is that there are a lot of new fields which have rice. According to Leonard, President Joko Widodo felt satisfied with the basin development program so that the President wished more basins to be built in NTT.  



During 11 months, from January until November 2017, tourists from China who traveled to Bali reached 1.37 million people. The number increased 51 percent compared the same period last year, that was recorded around 900 thousand people. Head of Statistic Agency of Bali, Adi Nugroho said in Denpasar on Thursday that most of Chinese tourists came to Bali through Ngurah Rai Bali airport by plane which directly flew from their country.  Only  164 people were through seaport by cruise ship.


Adi Nugroho added that the visit increase has been caused by many factors over the last few years. One of them is improved cooperation between the government of China and Indonesia, especially Bali. Besides, it is due to innovation which is held by domestic airlines, namely Garuda Indonesia by focusing on two-way flight line of China-Denpasar, Bali.



Today in History

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January 11

1962, Mt.Huascarán in Peru slide.

Mt.Huascaran or Nevado is included of West Andes is the highest mountain in Peru and the fourth in South America. The height reachs 6,768 meter. On January 1962 million tons of snow, stone, mud and debris were slide from Mt.Huascaran. At least 2,000 persons died after the slide happened which immersed all villages on the mountain and some settlements in the Northwest of Peru. Ranrahirca village was totally destroyed. Only around 50 of 500 occupants were safe.  8 cities were collapsed due to the landslide.  


1992, President of Algeria, Chadli Bendjedid resigned.

Chadli Bendjedid from National Liberation Front, has been elected as president of Algeria since 1979. But in the time of his rule, economic situation of Algeria was continuously worsen. The situation made Algeria’s people were not satisfied on Bendjedid’s leadershipIn 1988, after happened various demonstrations aginst his rule, Bendjedid held reformation among other by giving liberation the establisment of the new parties. In 1989, party of Islamic Savior Front established and within short time succeeded to have a lot of members and also gained majority vote in general election 1991. But, military pushed Bendjedid to resign on January 11, 1992.


1995 Indosiar, an Indonesian private television began on air.

Indosiar is one of national private television in Indonesia. The station operates in West Jakarta. Indosiar began its broadcasting in form of trial brodcasting in November 1994. On the trial, Indosiar only performed list of its transmitter’s station. Indosiar was officially on air on January 11, 1995. In its broadcasting, Indosiar stressed on culture.