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Let's Speak Bahasa (215)


Tidak Sering

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Published in Let's Speak Bahasa

This is “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, which introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is Di Samarinda (2x) which means “In Samarinda.”


Here is a conversation about “Tidak Sering(2x) which means “rarely or not often”. Chris, a vlogger from Australia, was talking to a shipping company staff in Samarinda, East Kalimantan. The staff answered Chris’s question about how long it may take to ship his motorcycle from Samarinda to Bali.

Chris (P)         : Berapa lama motor saya sampai di Bali?

Petugas (W)   : Kira-kira dua minggu.

Chris (P)         : Oh, cukup lama. Tapi tepat waktu, ya?

Petugas (W)   : Bisa saja terlambat jika cuaca buruk. Namun, hal itu tidak sering


Here are some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic. “Tidak Sering(2x) which means “rately or not often”. I will say it two times slowly, and please repeat after me.

namun (2x)

which means But

hal itu (2x)

which means That

tidak sering (2x)

which means not often or rarely

terjadi (2x)

which means Happen

Namun, hal itu tidak sering terjadi (2x)

which means But, that rarely happens.

berapa lama (2x)

which means How long

motor (2x)

which means Motorcycle

sampai (2x)

which means Arrive

kira-kira (2x)

which means Approximately

dua minggu (2x)

which means Two weeks

cukup lama (2x)

which means Quite long

tepat waktu (2x)

which means On time

terlambat (2x)

which means Late

cuaca buruk (2x)

which means Bad weather


In this conversation, there is the expression “Namun, hal itu tidak sering terjadi” (2x) which means “But, that rarely happens”. In the expression, there is the phrase tidak sering (2x) which means “rarely or not often”. The phrase tidak sering (2x) which means “rarely or not often", or something that happens in a low frequency like occasionally, or sometimes. In the complete expression, the phrase tidak sering (2x) which means “not often"or raely was used to tell that late shipping because of bad weather does not frequently happen.


Here are other examples.

Let’s listen to other uses of tidak sering (2x) which means “not often or rarely.

Saya tidak sering mengunjungi keluarga di Bali (2x) which means I rarely visit my family in Bali or I don't often visit my family in Bali.

Chris tidak sering mengendarai mobil (2x) which means Chris rarely drives his car.

For your information, in Indonesia, motorcycles are a popular private vehicle. The annual motorcycle sales in Indonesia is around 5 million units. Indonesians prefer motorcycles because they are more affordable than cars. Motorcycles are also more flexible for daily use.


Akan Menepi

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Published in Let's Speak Bahasa


“Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is Di Samarinda (2x) which means “In Samarinda.”

Here isa dialogue entiltedAkan menepi(2x) which means “will pull over”. The conversation is between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, and a tourism boat guide of Mahakam River, Samarinda. The tourism boat guide said they will pull over at a dock near to the Baitul Muttaqien Mosque.

Pemandu (W)   : Sebentar lagi kita akan sampai di Masjid Baitul Muttaqien, salah

                             satu ikon kota Samarinda. Masjid itu terletak di tepian Sungai

                             Mahakam ini.

Chris (P)           : Apakah kita akan mampir ke masjid itu?

Pemandu (W)   : Ya , nanti kita akan menepi di dermaga di dekat masjid.

Here are some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic. “Akan menepi(2x) which means “Will pull over”. I will say it two times slowly, and please repeat after me.

nanti (2x)

which means Later

kita (2x)

which means We

akan menepi (2x)

which means will pull over

dermaga (2x)

which means Dock

di dekat (2x)

which means Near

masjid (2x)

which means Mosque

Nanti kita akan menepi di dermaga didekat masjid (2x)

which means Later, we will pull over at a dock near the mosque.

sebentar lagi (2x)

which means In a moment

Masjid Baitul   Muttaqien (2x)

which means Baitul Muttaqien Mosque

ikon (2x)

which means Icon

kota Samarinda   (2x)

which means Samarinda city

terletak (2x)

which means to be located

di tepian (2x)

which means at the bank

sungai Mahakam (2x)

which means Mahakam River

akan mampir (2x)

which means Will visit

In this conversation, there is the expression “Nanti kita akan menepi di dermaga di dekat masjid” (2x) which means “Later, we will pull over at a dock near the mosque”. In the expression, there is the word menepi (2x) which means “to pull over”. The word menepi (2x) which means “to pull over” in this context means the boat is going to the bank of Mahakam River.


Here are other examples of describing the destinations.

Mendarat “menuju ke darat “(2x) which means Land, “going to land”.  

Pesawat akan mendarat pukul 12 siang (2x) which means The plane will land at 12 pm.

Melaut “menuju ke laut” “(2x) which means Seaward, “going to the sea”.

Nelayan melaut untuk mencari ikan “(2x) which means Fishermen goes seaward to fish.

For your information, Mahakam River is the biggest river in East Kalimantan province. Mahakam River is also a main river in Kalimantan, which is known as the island with thousands of rivers. Besides Mahakam River, there are also other main rivers in Kalimantan namely Barito River, Martapura River, Kapuas River, and Kahayan River.




“Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is Titik Nol Nusantara (2x) which means “Nusantara Point Zero.”

Here is a monologue about “Suhu Udara(2x) which means “Temperature”. The monologue is by Chris, a vlogger from Australia, on his trip in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. Chris was describing the environment around the Point Zero of Nusantara Capital City in North Penajam Paser in his vlog using vocabulary related to temperature.

Chris (P)           : ( berbicara sebagai seorang vloger ) Saya sudah berada di Titik

                             Nol Nusantara. Ini adalah pusat ibu kota Indonesia yang baru.

                             Saat ini siang hari. Panas sekali. Sekarang suhu udara di sini

                             34 derajat Celsius.


Now I introduce you to some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic. “Suhu udara(2x) which means “Temperature”.

sekarang (2x)

which means Now

suhu udara (2x)

which means Temperature

di sini (2x)

which means Here

34 derajat Celsius (2x)

which means 34 degree Celsius

Sekarang suhu udara di sini 34 derajat Celcius (2x)

which means Now, the temperature here is 34 degree Celsius

saya (2x)

which means I

Titik Nol Nusantara (2x)

which means Nusantara Point Zero

pusat (2x)

which means Center

Ibu kota negara (2x)

which means Capital City

saat ini   (2x)

which means Right now

siang hari (2x)

which means Noon

panas sekali (2x)

which means Very 


In this monologue, there is the expression Sekarang suhu udara di sini 34 derajat Celsius(2x) which means “Now, the temperature here is 34 degree Celsius”. There is an expression ”suhu udara” (2x) which means “temperature”. The expression ”suhu udara” (2x) which means “temperature” in the expression was used by Chris to describe the condition in the surrounding environment to the audience of his vlog by using vocabulary related to weather.

Here are other examples of describing environment:

Hujan ( 2x) which means Rain

Di kota saya, hujan turun setiap hari (2x) which means In my city, rain falls every day

Mendung ( 2x) which means Cloudy

Langit Balikpapan pagi ini mendung (2x) which means The sky of Balipapan is cloudy

this morning.

For your information, Celsius is used to measure temperature in Indonesia. Besides

Celsius, Indonesia uses a metric system for measurement like meter and gram.



“Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is Titik Nol Nusantara (2x) which means “Nusantara Point Zero.”

Here is a monologue about “Melewati Bukit dan Hutan Raya(2x) which means “Passing Hills and Great Forest”. The conversation is between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, on his trip in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. Chris was making a travel vlog on a motorcycle from Balikpapan to the Point Zero of Nusantara Capital City in North Penajam Paser Regency. Chris was describing the scenery he was passing.


Chris (P)           : ( berbicara sambil mengendarai motor).  

                             Saat ini saya sedang dalam perjalanan dari Kota Balikpapan ke

                             Titik Nol Nusantara. Sebentar lagi saya tiba di Titik Nol Nusantara.

                             Saya melewati bukit dan hutan raya.

Here are some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic, “Melewati Bukit dan Hutan Raya(2x) which means “Passing hills and great forests!”.


saya (2x)

which means I

melewati (2x)

which means Pass

bukit   (2x)

which means Hill

hutan raya (2x)

which means Great forest

Saya melewati bukit dan hutan raya (2x)

which means I pass hills and great forest

sebentar lagi   (2x)

which means In a moment

tiba (2x)

which means Arrive

Titik Nol Nusantara (2x)

which means Nusantara Point Zero

Saya (2x)

which means I

perjalanan (2x)

which means Trip

Kota Balikpapan (2x)

which means Balikpapan City

In this monologue, there is an expression “Saya melewati bukit dan hutan raya(2x) which means “I pass hills and great forest”. The phrase ”bukit dan hutan raya” (2x) which means “hills and great forest”. The word ”bukit” (2x) which means “hills” or a higher land. While ”hutan raya” (2x) which means “great forest” or a “forest for research and recreational purposes”. The phrase ”bukit dan hutan raya” (2x) which means “hills and great forest” was used by Chris to describe the objects in the landscape he saw on his trip from Balikpapan to Nusantara Point Zero.


Here are other examples of describing environment.


Sungai ( 2x) which means “River”

Chris menyusuri sungai dengan klotok ( 2x) which means “Chriss passes through the river on a boat”

Sawah (2x) which means “field”

Petani memanen padi di sawah (2x) which means “Farmers harvest the rice in the field.”


For your information, to reach Nusantara from Balikpapan, visitors will pass through the Soeharto Hills Great Forest Park. The 61 thousand hectares great forest park is in Kutai Kartanegara Regency and North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province. The spot was named Soeharto Hills after it was inaugurated as a natural tourism park area in 1991 during the era of the 2nd Indonesian President Soeharto.




You will read a conversation entitled "Dari Akar Jangang” (2x) which means it is made from Jangang roots. This conversation took place between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, and a souvenir seller in Tanjung Puting, Central Kalimantan. Chris asked the souvenir seller about the basic materials for bracelets. (The conversation below is read by an assigned narrator and is not translated). Let's listen to their conversation.

Percakapan (sudah direkam)

Chris (W)        : Saya suka gelang ini. Bahannya dari apa?

Pedagang(W) : Ini gelang simpai. Bahannya dari akar jangang. Jangang itu sejenis   tanaman pakis.

Chris (W)        : Saya beli lima, ya.

After listening to the conversation, I will introduce you to some vocabulary related to today's material, "dari akar jangang" (2x) which means “it is made from jangang roots”. I will pronounce it slowly. You can repeat it after me.

bahannya dari akar jangang (2x)

Which means its material is made from jangang roots

bahannya (2x)

Which means its material

dari (2x)

Which means from

akar jangang (2x)

Which means jangang roots, Indonesian name of Dicranopteris linearis.

suka (2x)

Which means to like

gelang simpai (2x)

Which means hoop bracelet

tanaman (2x) 

Which means plant

pakis (2x)

Which means fern plant

beli (2x)

Which means to buy

lima (2x)

Which means five

In the conversation you hear the sentence “Bahannya dari akar jangang” ( 2x) which means its material is made from jangang roots" or simply it is made from jangang roots. In this sentence there is a word "dari" ( 2x) which means "from". The word "dari" is used to tell about the basic materials or ingredients of something. In the context of the conversation, the seller told Chris that the material for hoop bracelets comes from the jangang roots. 

Now let's listen to other examples of the use of preposition word "dari" (2x) which means from to tell about the basic materials or ingredients of something in another sentence.

Perhiasan ini dari emas (2x) 

Which means This jewelry is made of gold

Lemari ini dari kayu mahoni (2x) 

Which means This cupboard is made of mahogany

Gelang Simpai is a woven bracelet. The word Simpai means 'rings or bracelets made of rattan or metal which is tightened'. Gelang Simpai (2x) which refers to dayak traditional hoop bracelet is currently being sold as a typical souvenir from Tanjung Puting, in Central Kalimantan.

Before closing Let's Speak Bahasa today, for more clarity, let's listen to the conversation once again.

Percakapan (sudah direkam)

Chris (W)        : Saya suka gelang ini. Bahannya dari apa?

Pedagang(W) : Ini gelang simpai. Bahannya dari akar jangang. Jangang itu sejenis   tanaman pakis.

Chris (W)        : Saya beli lima, ya.

Listeners, that was today's episode of "Let's Speak Bahasa Indonesia" with a conversation entitled "dari akar Jangang (2x) which means “from jangang roots”. Hopefully, today's topic is useful for those of you who want to know more about the Indonesian language. We meet again with more lessons.



Welcome back to “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia”, a segment which introduces you to Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the Indonesian language. “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia” is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia, the Overseas Service of Radio Republik Indonesia, and the Language Centre and Development Agency at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. Today’s topic is “Menuju Tanjung Puting” (2x) which means “Heading to Tanjung Puting”.

Here is a conversation entitled “Saya selalu bangun pagi” (2x) which means I always wake up early. This conversation took place between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, and Naomi, a tour guide at a hotel in Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan. Chris informs Naomi about his habits.

Naomi (W)              :      Maaf, Chris. Kita harus berangkat pagi-pagi untuk bisa melihat orangutan.

Chris (P)                 :      Tidak apa-apa. Saya selalu bangun pagi.

Naomi (W)              :      Kalau begitu, mari, kita berangkat!

Here are some vocabulary related to today's material, "Saya selalu bangun pagi" (2x) which means “I always wake up early”.

Saya selalu bangun pagi (2x)           which means I always wake up early

Saya (2x)                                          which means I

Selalu (2x)                                        which means always

Bangun (2x)                                      which means wake up

Berangkat (2x)                                  which means to go

Pagi-pagi (2x)                                   which means early in the morning

Melihat (2x)                                       which means to see

Orangutan (2x)                                 which means orangutan

Tidak apa-apa (2x)                           which means it's okay! 

Kalau begitu (2x)                              which means if so

Mari (2x)                                            which means come on! 


In the conversation you hear the sentence “Saya selalu bangun pagi” (2x) which means "I always wake up early". In this sentence there is an expression "selalu" (2x) which means "always". The word "selalu" (2x) describes the activity that becomes a habit. In this statement, Chris' habitual activity is "bangun pagi" (2x), which means waking up early.

Here are other examples in using the adverbial word "selalu" (2x) which means always to describe an activity that has become a habit.

Saya selalu makan pagi sebelum pukul 08.00 (2x) which means I always have breakfast before 8 a.m. (2x)

Chris selalu membawa motornya ke mana pun (2x) which means Chris always rides his motorbike everywhere (2x)

To give the information regarding time, there are several expressions commonly used by Indonesians, such asdini hari(2x) which means at dawn time,pagi-pagi 2x) which means early in the morning,siang bolong (2x) which means midday or noonday, and larut malam(2x) which means late at night. Such expression gives the nuance of meaning 'sangat' (2x) which means 'very'.


Welcome back to “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, which introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is“Di  Bandara Iskandar, Pangkalan Bun“(2x) which means “At Iskandar Airport, Pangkalan Bun”.

Here is a conversation about “Barang Bawaan Saya Hanya Sedikit” (2x) which means “I don’t have much luggage”. The conversation is between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, and Naomi a tour guide at Pangkalan Bun, West Kotawaringin Regency. Chris told Naomi about how much luggage he carried.

Chris     (P)   :   Selamat siang. Naomi, ya

Naomi  (W)  :  Iya, Pak Chris. Saya Naomi. Selamat datang di Pangkalan Bun. Apakah  perlu bantuan porter untuk membawa barang?

Chris     (P)   :    Oh, tidak. Terima kasih. Saya hanya membawa sedikit barang.


Here are some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic “Barang Bawaan Saya Hanya Sedikit” (2x) which means “I don’t have much luggage”.


hanya (2x)

which means Only

membawa  (2x)

which means Bring

sedikit   (2x)

which means Not much

barang (2x) 

which means Luggage

Saya hanya membawa sedikit barang  (2X) 

which means I don’t bring much luggage

selamat siang  (2x)

which means Good afternoon

selamat datang (2x)

which means Welcome

di Pangkalan Bun (2x)

which means at Pangkalan Bun

perlu (2x)

which means Need

bantuan (2x)

which means Help

 porter  (2x)

which means Porter


In the conversation, you hear the sentence,“Barang Bawaan Saya Hanya Sedikit”(2x)which means “I don’t have much luggage”. The phrase sedikit (2x) which means “not much” in the conversation, marks the amount ofbarang(2x) which means “luggage”. The word sedikit (2x) which means “not much” in the conversation tells that Chris doesn’t bring much luggage.

Here are other examples.


Let’s listen to some other examples using expressions sedikit(2x) which means “not much”

Maaf, saya hanya punya sedikit uang(2x) which means “Sorry, I don’t have muchmoney”.

Hotel itu hanya menyediakan sedikit menu untuk sarapan (2x) artinya“The hotel does not have much choice for breakfast”.

For your information, Pangkalan bun is the capital city of West Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. Pangkalan bun is the gateway to some important objects in Central Kalimantan such as Tanjung Puting National Park as the orangutan rehab and Tanjung Keluang as sea turtle conservation.


Welcome back to “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, which introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is “Di Perusahaan Ekspedisi” (2x) which means “At Shipping Company”.

Here is a conversation about “Per Sepeda Motor” (2x) which means “Each motorcycle”. This conversation is between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, and a staff at a shipping company in Semarang. The staff told Chris the fee of shipping his motorcycle.

Chris (P)     :   Saya ingin mengirim sepeda motor saya ke Palangkaraya. Berapa biayanya?

Petugas (W) :   Biaya pengiriman dari Semarang ke Palangkaraya Rp. 1.300.000,00 ( dibaca : satu juta tiga ratus ribu rupiah ) per sepeda motor.

Here are some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic “Per Sepeda Motor” (2x) which means “Each motorcycle”.

biaya (2x)

which means Fee

pengiriman (2x)

which means Shipping

dari Semarang (2x)

which means From Semarang

ke Palangkaraya (2x)

which means To Palangkaraya

Rp. 1.300.000,00 ( dibaca: satu juta tiga ratus ribu rupiah (2x)

which means One Million Three Hundred Thousand Rupiahs

per   (2x)

which means Each

sepeda motor (2x)

which means Motorcycle

Biaya pengiriman dari Semarang ke Palangkaraya Rp. 1.300.000,00 per sepeda motor (2x)

which means “The shipping fee from Semarang to Palangkaraya is one million three hundred thousand rupiahs for each motorcycle.”

berapa biaya (2x)

which means How much is the fee

mengirim   (2x)

which means To Send


In the conversation, there is a sentence “Biaya pengiriman dari Semarang ke Palangkaraya Rp. 1.300.000,00 per sepeda motor ”(2x) which means “The shipping fee from Semarang to Palangkaraya is one million three hundred thousand rupiahs for each motorcycle”. In the sentence, there is the phrase per sepeda motor(2x) which means “for each motorcycle”. The word per (2x) which means “each”, which divides each one of the sepeda motor (2x) or “motorcycle”.

Here are other examples.

Let’s listen to some other examples using expressions “per”

Biaya anggota di pusat kebugaran ini per bulan Rp. 100.000,00 (dibaca: seratus ribu rupiah)(2x) which means “Membership in this gym is one hundred thousand rupiahs per month”

Harga tiket bioskop Rp. 50.000,00 ( dibaca: lima puluh ribu rupiah) per orang(2x) which means “The movie ticket is fifty thousand rupiahs per person”.

For your information. Indonesian term for a two-wheeled vehicle is sepeda motor (2x) which means “motorcycle.” However, most Indonesians call motorcycles as motor (2x) which means “motor”. In some other regions, they call it kereta (2x) which means “train”. Even, some call it with certain motorcycle brands.


Welcome back to “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or “Let’s SpeakBahasa Indonesia”,  a segment which introduces you to Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the Indonesian language. “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia” is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia, the Overseas Service of Radio Republik Indonesia, and the Language Centre and Development Agency at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. Today’s topic is “Di Karimunjawa” (2x) which means “In Karimunjawa”.

Here is a conversation entitled Telinga Saya Berdengung(2x) which means My Ears Are Ringing.  This conversation took place  between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, and Ayu, Chris's vlog community friend from Solo. Chris informed Ayu that there was a problem with his hearing.


Ayu (W) : Akhirnya sampai juga di Karimunjawa.

Chris (P) : Maaf, apa, Ayu? Saya tidak bisa mendengar dengan baik. Telinga

saya berdengung sejak dalam pesawat.


Here are some vocabulary related to today's material, "Telinga saya berdengung" (2x) which means My ears are ringing.

telinga saya (2x)                                                                  which means my ears

berdengung  (2x)                                                                 which means to ring

sejak  (2x)                                                                            which means since

di dalam   (2x)                                                                      which means inside

pesawat (2x)                                                                        which means aeroplane

Telinga saya berdengung sejak dalam pesawat   (2x)         which means My ears have been ringing since I was on the plane.

akhirnya  (2x)                                                                       which means finally

sampai juga  (2x)                                                                 which means finally arrive

di Karimunjawa (2x)                                                             which means in Karimunjawa

maaf (2x)                                                                              which means sorry

tidak bisa (2x)                                                                       which meanscannot

mendengar (2x)                                                                    which means to hear

dengan baik (2x)                                                                   which means well        


In the conversation, there is a sentenceTelinga saya berdengung sejak di dalam pesawat( 2x) which means My ears have been ringing since I was on the plane. In this sentence there is an expression "telinga saya berdengung" ( 2x) which means my ears are ringing. The word "berdengung" (2x) which means ringing explains the condition of the ear which feels like hearing a buzzing sound. In the context of the conversation, Chris informed Ayu about the condition of his ears, which could not hear well because they were ringing.

Central Java Province is home to the Karimunjawa National Park which is a nature reserve area consisting of islands and waters. In 2020 UNESCO designated Karimunjawa as a world biosphere reserve. Karimunjawa has a unique ecosystem in the form of a combination of islands, lowlands, mountains and waters. There are mangrove forests, white sandy beaches and underwater habitats that are worth visiting.


Welcome back to “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, which introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is “Pulau Karimunjawa” (2x) which means “Karimunjawa Island”. Stay tuned.

Here is a conversation about “Pulau Karimunjawa” (2x) which means “Karimunjawa Island”. This conversation is between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, and a local officer. Chris was making a vlog in Karimunjawa Island.


Chris     (P)   : Hai, Semua! Saat ini saya berada di pesisir Pulau Karimunjawa. Saya sedang bersama Pak Parto. Beliau petugas Taman Nasional Karimunjawa. Selamat siang, Pak.

Petugas (P) :   Selamat siang, Semua!


Here are some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic “Pulau Karimunjawa” (2x) which means “Karimunjawa Island”.

saat ini (2x)

which means right now

di pesisir   (2x)

which means on the coasts

Pulau Karimunjawa (2x)

which means Karimunjawa Island

Saat ini saya berada di pesisir pulau Karimunjawa (2X)  

which means Right now, I am on the coasts of Karimunjawa Island

bersama (2x)

which means together with

petugas (2x)

which means officer

Taman nasional (2x)

which means National Park


In the conversation, there is a sentenceSaat ini saya berada di pesisir Pulau Karimunjawa (2x) which means “Right now I am on the coasts of Karimunjawa Island”. In that sentence, there is the word pesisir(2x) which means “coasts”, a land next to or near the ocean. Pesisir(2x) which means “coasts” is a word we use related to a natural landscape. Pesisir(2x) which means “coasts” was used by Chris to state a part of a beach of Karimunjawa Island.

Here are other examples using expressions related to nature.


Terumbu karang(2x) which means coral reef.

Terumbu karang di Karimunjawa sangat indah (2x) Coral reef in Karimunjawa is very pretty.

Hutan bakau(2x) which mangrove forest.

Kita bisa menjelajah hutan bakau di Karimunjawa (2x) which means We can explore mangrove forest in Karimunjawa

For your information. Besides being a sanctuary, Karimunjawa National Park has many things to visit. It has pretty beaches and underwater habitat. In the past, Karimunjawa was called the Caribbean van Java or the Caribbean of Java.

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